Designers today know how to make a superhero character feel right. Many video game companies have upped their game when dealing with these memorable characters and getting them right in games. Sure, every company has its strengths and weaknesses, and fans do give them a hard time when they fail, but we've come a long way since early licensed games. Luckily, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 has some truly great characters that hold-up to what fans expectations. The game is ripe with amazing character models and tremendously fun skills. Here we've ranked 10 of our favorite characters in Nintendo and Team Ninja's Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order.

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10 Hawkeye

Hawkeye is often referred to as one of the weakest superheroes around. However, in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 he's incredibly agile. By taking advantage of his piece, players can turn him into an absolute powerhouse. Since he relies on technology and tactical skills to be able to make his mark on the front lines, he offers an array of attacks that can divert enemies take them down easily with a little planning. Hawkeye is able to switch arrow types, which makes him versatile in a wide range of different combat scenarios. Needless to say, Hawkeye dishes out way more damage than most fans realize.

9 Thanos

The Black Order revolves around Thanos, so natural, he's pretty tough. Players will unlock him towards that end of the game, so he's pretty powered up off-the-bat, making him a villain tank who rivals the Hulk. Moreover, Thanos' extra bit of narrative meat, makes him an especially fun character to play through the game with. Some of his attacks may be a bit bland, but does offer an undeniably powerful role in the series.

8 Venom

Venom is a staple of the franchise, one of the few villains that players get to use that offers a widely different attack style than many others. The symbiote's attacks and hulking appearance during combat make him a blast to use throughout the game. He has a large area of effect and is essentially a tank with a more diverse range of skills. The developers offered a twist on this hero's traits. He can do large jumping attacks that target multiple enemies at once thus creating a dangerous villain who can attack multiple heroes at once or he can be used to fight with the good guys and a team full of Spider-Man characters.

7 Ms. Marvel

Ms Marvel

Miss Marvel may not be greatly recognized in the Marvel Universe, but in Ultimate Alliance 3 she makes a big impression. Players who use her are treated to a character with loads of agility and a deep specialization. She's extremely fun to play as, using similar techniques to Mister Fantastic, and makes us desperately want to see her in more titles.  Her range is large, offering some great and quick combos that players can enjoy while maximizing the amount of damage that they do.

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She does a great amount of damage in crowd control and her transforming skills are the icing on the cake — definitely don't miss out on her.

6 Iron Man

Including an array of armored abilities and combat skills we oh-so-rarely get to see, Iron Man makes a huge impression. The developers at Team Ninja and Nintendo found a way to incorporate one of the greatest heroes into their game and make him feel just right. Although some of his attacks may seem a bit basic, they're deeper than they seem; offering tactical prowess that becomes more and more clear over time. Some players may argue that the character is too OP, but he strikes a good balance between being a beginner character and someone with replayability and depth. He's a force to be reckoned with for new players at end game.

5 Ghost Rider

Ghost Rider is one of those heroes that is particularly difficult to implement in games. While he does provide a different story than many of the other generic heroes, a lot of developers have not found a way to properly implement him and his unique fighting style. In Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3, his strength alone makes him one of the most useful characters to have around. His skills with his motorcycle are some of the most visually thrilling out in The Black Order, and because his basic attacks alone deal heavy damage, he is an easy pick late-game. And it helps that he's potent up close and at range.

4 Captain America

Captain America has a history of being a blast to use in games, and he's been a reliable pick in all three of the Ultimate Alliance titles. And the version of him in The Black Order might be the best yet. Needless to say, his shield does a ton of damage up-close and at range. He can deal out tons of dps with heavy attacks and, best of all, his shield matches many ranged weapons dealing the same amount of heavy attack damage. While his blocking abilities are not the best out there (which is weird), it is still useful when dealing with hordes of enemies. Cap can get away quickly without taking much damage if need be — he's truly one of the best characters in the game.

3 Wolverine

You can't go wrong with a character like Wolverine. The clawed hero has been a fan favorite for many years now. Being able to attack quickly while dealing with loads of damage that can impair an enemy almost instantly makes him one of the strongest heroes available off the bat. In combat, he is one of the most effective heroes available, ad his finishing blows aren't to be trifled with. All his abilities, combined with other heroes, provide for some of the best combos in the game — and some of the most entertaining fights too. Apart from that, we get to see him in his yellow costume, which brings back memories of the classic Wolverine.

2 Black Panther

Many would agree that Black Panther in Ultimate Alliance 3 is similar to Wolverine,  — since the two characters have similar fighting styles, rival each other in agility and speed. However, Black Panther is much faster overall. He is useful for clearing out paths for the team when there are hordes of enemies that need to be dealt with. Although he does not have much defense, he is very powerful on the offensive and capable of bringing down some of the toughest enemies.

1 Spider-Man

Gamers have become especially fond of Spider-Man after Insomniac finally nailed the hero in the 2018 PS4 game: Spider-Man. He's a fan favorite with a heavy offensive and defensive array of attacks. Fans will already be familiar with a lot of his skillset, and he's a well-rounded character overall. He attacks bosses with a surprising amount of damage and is capable of delivering a multitude of attacks at once when using his webs — and all this is amplified when he's combined with other heroes. He's a joy to use, and an obvious pick for going through Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order.

NEXT: 10 Locations We Could Visit in Ultimate Alliance 4