Every month, Xbox Game Pass sees a handful of exciting new titles head to the service. But to make way for those experiences, some sacrifices have to be made, and some games have to be removed from Game Pass. This month, a good few games are leaving Xbox Game Pass, and there's one title in particular that action-adventure fans should check out before it's gone: Raji: An Ancient Epic.

Originally released as a console exclusive for the Nintendo Switch, Raji: An Ancient Epic has since launched on all modern consoles, and has earned quite a name for itself over the years. While its combat mechanics are a little outdated, Raji: An Ancient Epic's setting and unique form of storytelling is what draws new players in. Developed by an Indian studio, Raji: An Ancient Epic brings Hindu mythology to life, which is rarely seen in a video game.

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Raji: An Ancient Epic Has A Very Unique Setting and Art Style

Raji: An Ancient Epic Game Art

Video games are no stranger to using mythology as the backbone of their storytelling, settings, and characters. The God of War series had dabbled both in Greek mythology, and Norse mythology, with the Assassin's Creed series doing much of the same, on top of some Egyptian mythology. It's often the case that games revolve around these ancient civilizations, and their pantheon of gods. Hindu mythology, however, is rarely the focal point of the narrative.

Raji: An Ancient Epic sees the titular orphan character attempt to rescue her brother, Golu, who has been kidnaped by a gang of demons. As she embarks on her journey, the Goddess Durga and Lord Vishnu observe her, eventually lending their aid to Raji by granting her a magical trident, a trishula. As the story unravels, players will soon learn more about the other Hindu gods, Mystics, and other figures steeped in a rich mythology that dates back thousands of years. For those who are a little tired of the usual mythology settings, Raji: An Ancient Epic is the perfect alternative, offering an accessible and entertaining way to discover more about the civilization and its ancient history.

Though the unique setting is the main draw of Raji: An Ancient Epic, its bold, original art style compliments the setting perfectly. Heavily inspired by Pahiri paintings, Raji: An Ancient Epic's art style makes great use of vibrant colors, and distinctive linework. As players travel through Raji's Rajasthan-inspired medieval architecture, they're guided by warm, naturalistic light, which serves to make Raji's setting feel grounded while also tapping into some otherworldly magic. In terms of both setting and art design, Raji: An Ancient Epic might just be one of the most unique experiences in recent years, so is certainly worth overcoming some slightly clunky combat mechanics and the game's rushed ending.

Raji: An Ancient Epic is set to leave Xbox Game Pass on July 31 2022, right alongside titles like Dodgeball Academia, Katamari Damacy Reroll, and Lumines Remastered. For those looking for a new type of action-adventure game, Raji: An Ancient Epic is an absolute must-play before it's taken off Game Pass. To top it off, next week, on July 28, Raji: An Ancient Epic is receiving an Enhanced Edition, which adds a ton of gameplay and technical tweaks, along with brand new game modes, enemies, music, and even Hindi voiceovers, making the game an even more worthwhile experience. Although, it isn't currently known if the Xbox Game Pass version will receive the Enhanced Edition update on July 28.

Raji: An Ancient Epic is available now on Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, and Xbox One. It leaves Xbox Game Pass on July 31 2022.

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