A new game mode may be headed to Rainbow Six Siege. The developer behind the team-oriented tactical shooter hosted an ask me anything on Reddit recently, and among the interesting tidbits was info on a Warmup game mode. The new mode would be very different than the high pressure of the 5v5 bomb match, and according to Ubisoft developers, it is being worked on right now for Rainbow Six Siege.

Currently, players of Rainbow Six Siege do not have many options other than the high-stakes multiplayer matches. Some drop into Terror Hunt against AI opponents to loosen up before a match, but other than that, there are not many choices. The developer takes the game seriously - as is obvious with the Ubisoft lawsuit that just took place - so it has been listening to fans who have been asking for some sort of warmup option. With the AMA, the developers talked about what has been in the works.

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The team has been hard at work on a team deathmatch (TDM) mode called Warmup that will allow players to casually drop in and out for relaxing fun. This mode is designed for players to try out different weapons and practice their aim. Additionally, players will be able to go up against bots in this mode. TDM usually means facing human opponents, but there is a bit of discrepancy with the AMA on whether or not this Warmup mode will have a PVP and bot option, or simply bots alone. According to Leroy (the game's Creative Director), the team has wanted to get rid of Terror Hunt for a while, and this may be the opportunity to do so.

On top of the Warmup TDM game mode, the team also apparently is working on a true shooting range. The details seem to be muddled, but evidently, this is outside of the Warmup mode. The shooting range will allow playing to toy around with the damage and recoil of various weapon setups from multiple distances. Not only will this help players get a good feel on weaponry, which should help with picking favorite setups, but it will also assist with getting a good understanding of balancing changes after updates. Games like Apex Legends utilize shooting ranges, and it is something fans appreciate.

When it comes to Rainbow Six Siege, the game is complex thanks to wall penetration, destructible materials, various Operators and their abilities, etc. The plan would be for the shooting range to accommodate these types of things, including new Operators to Rainbow Six Siege. While the Warmup mode and the shooting range sound interesting, Ubisoft does not have a timeline for when the modes will be ready yet.

The interesting part about this shooting range is that earlier this year, Rainbow Six Siege struck a deal with Aim Lab to be its official training partner. If Rainbow Six Siege were to get its own shooting range, though, the Aim Lab partnership would seem far less needed.

Rainbow Six Siege is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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