In stark contrast to many popular first-person shooters, Rainbow Six Siege is a much slower, more methodical game. Both attackers and defenders have to carefully take into consideration multiple factors such as which operator they choose, which Rainbow Six Siege map they're playing on, and most importantly, where the enemy is located. The game rewards careful preparation, and its gameplay loop revolves around setting up advantageous combat situations rather than reactive gunfights.

Rainbow Six Siege's core game modes aren't for everyone, especially for those who prefer fast-paced games like Call of Duty or Apex Legends. But every once in a while, Ubisoft likes to put a spin on the traditional formula to get players into the almost seven-year-old game. This month, Rainbow Six Siege has a new Rengoku limited-time event with a new mode that speeds up the action and caters to fans of more reactive games.

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What Is The Rengoku Game Mode?

rainbow six siege rengoku characters

Rengoku is a unique take on the classic Control game mode. Two teams consisting of five players must take control and hold three random altars scattered around a modified version of the Skyscraper map. The objectives change randomly every two minutes, putting both teams back on even ground as they vie for control of the new altars. Holding an altar awards a team with favor. Whichever team reaches the required amount of favor or has the most amount of favor once the time limit expires is the winner.

Instead of attackers or defenders, players choose from a set of characters armed with shotguns, sidearms, and unique sets of throwing kunai that are exclusive to the event. Certain characters can choose between kunai that can burn or poison a set area for a limited time, while other characters have the option to choose from kunai that stun or knock opponents in the vicinity they are thrown in. While it is doubtful that warriors in ancient Japan used shotguns and handguns to settle their differences, everything else in the Rengoku event evokes a traditional Japanese theme.

Rengoku's Weapons Make The Game Extremely Fast-Paced and Reactive

rainbow six siege rengoku kunai

Due to the increased player health and limited weapon choices, Rengoku becomes almost like a free-for-all. Since all players use Rainbow Six Siege's shotguns as their primary weapons, this forces everyone to get in close to take out their opponents. Close-quarters combat tends to be more reactive, so players need to have good reflexes and make sure their shots hit their mark. The increased player health means that it takes more shots to kill an opponent, which increases the margin for error and provides those being attacked with more chances to retaliate.

Contrary to popular belief, the strongest weapons in the Rengoku game mode aren't the shotguns, but Rainbow Six Siege's kunai projectiles. While the main uses for the kunai focus on crowd control (fire, poison, stun, and knockback are effects taken from operators' gadgets), they can also be used as a one-hit weapon. It takes some time to ready each kunai but when properly thrown, they can be the deadliest weapons on the battlefield at any range.

Shifting Objectives Keep Players Moving

rainbow six siege rengoku cinematic

The randomly changing altars and the objective to control said altars are what keep players moving around the Skyscraper. In addition to running around the map, the Rengoku event gives all players Oryx's passive ability to climb vertical hatches. This makes it easier to get to second-floor areas, allowing players to set up a flank, avoid ambushes on chokepoints such as stairs, and make easier rotations. Since enemies can come from a variety of new angles, camping is less of an option and players have to be on their toes if they want to survive.

On the whole, the Rengoku event is a good change of pace from the traditional Rainbow Six Siege gameplay. the weapons, gadgets, and objectives all contribute to the fast-paced gameplay, while the addition of respawns and removal of friendly fire make players feel like they aren't being punished for going gung-ho. Add a Japanese theme into the mix and Rainbow Six Siege has another good game mode on its hands.

Rainbow Six Siege is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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