Pulse in Rainbow Six Siege is an expert in what makes the heart tick, and specifically on how to make that ticking stop. In the lore, Pulse or Jack Estrada from Goldsboro, North Carolina, is an FBI Swat operative with a specialization in Forensic Science and Biochemistry. In Team Rainbow, Pulse carries a Heartbeat Sensor that can detect threats from quite afar.

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Being a Defender in Rainbow Six Siege, Pulse specializes in securing points and defending them from incoming attackers. Unlike frontline Defenders with heavy shields and massive defenses, Pulse excels in spotting an enemy assault and making sure everyone is well aware of the enemy’s movements. Here's how to best play Pulse in Rainbow Six Siege.

9 Detection Makes For A Multipurpose Defender

Pulse is a part of the FBI

Thanks to Pulse and his Heartbeat Sensor, he essentially has some of the best detection abilities in the game. However, this kind of knowledge does mean Pulse isn’t just a hardline Defender. Rather, depending on the player’s own judgment, Pulse can take on the role of either reconnaissance or area denial. Here's the basic gist of the two roles:

  • Reconnaissance: Thanks to the Heartbeat Sensor, Pulse has one of the easiest access to enemy positions. With the right positioning, Pulse can secure attacking positions right away and ensure the team isn’t caught off-guard.
  • Area Denial: Thanks again to the Heartbeat Sensor, Pulse will be able to detect just which areas are being accessed by the most number of enemies. Alongside a proactive team, this means Pulse can help the team effectively deny planting bombs in specific locations and lure opponents into a chokepoint.

8 Heartbeat Sensor: Portable Detection Utility

The Heartbeat Sensor in Rainbow Six Siege

Similar to other Defenders with reconnaissance methods, Pulse has to deploy his own Heartbeat Sensor in order to get it to work. However, unlike detachable cameras and drones, Pulse has to physically carry the Sensor with him. This transforms him into an extremely mobile detector - perfect for active play. At its core, the Heartbeat Sensor has the following characteristics:

  • Identifies the location of enemies within 9 meters. If a Finka is in the team, this range extends up to 14 meters. However, Pulse can’t use gadgets and weapons while the Sensor is active. This delay in timing can be crucial in firefights.
  • Sight at the risk of sound. While the Heartbeat Sensor is active, Pulse can detect opponents through surfaces. However, while using the device, Pulse can’t see his surroundings and hear sounds properly due to the animations of the gadget.

7 Nitro Cell Is The Best Friend

A Nitro Cell in Rainbow Six Siege

While Pulse can use either the Barbed Wire or the Nitro Cell, it’s the latter that really helps Pulse shine in any situation. When used, the Nitro Cell acts as a throwable explosive device that Pulse can detonate remotely. Nitro Cells can become like C4s and be preloaded or used immediately like grenades.

However, where the Nitro Cell shines is its remote detonation. Considering Pulse’s specialization in area denial and map control, a well-placed Nitro Cell can destroy any attacking team’s plans of progress. This almost always gives Pulse a guaranteed way of area denial in any situation.

6 Not Much Use Sensing If Dead

Pulse looking down on an enemy

Fans of Siege who got used to using Defenders would be familiar with a lot of reconnaissance specialists, such as Echo. At its core, these types of recon users often just leave their drones and cameras in crucial positions, so anyone can use them for detection even if said defender dies in combat. Unfortunately, this isn’t the same with Pulse.

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Despite the sheer usefulness of his utility, Pulse’s Heartbeat Sensor is an active utility. At its core, this means Pulse’s team only benefits from detecting opponents while Pulse is using the device and flagging opponents on the map. To avoid dying while using the Heartbeat Sensor, it’s important to remember that the size of the scanned heartbeats indicates the relative distance between them and Pulse. The bigger the heartbeat, the closer the potential opponent is.

5 Sharing Is A Must To Maximize Detection

Pulse activating his heartbeat sensor in the trailer

Considering that allies have no way to check what Pulse is seeing in his Heartbeat Sensor, it is imperative for players to actively call out where they’re sensing opponents. In turn, Pulse is an Operator that really only serves his purpose well with proper communication.

To do this properly, players should always use verbal communications to declare the relative positions of enemy combatants - especially relative to Operators assigned to defend them. Likewise, pinging locations on the map while trying to detect opponents is something teammates will thank Pulse for. After all, foresight on a potential enemy position gives the team more room to protect Pulse as he secures the position of all enemy combatants.

4 Secure Makeshift Defenses Before Recon

Pulse detecting an enemy close by

Given the vulnerability of an Operator like Pulse, it’s ideal that someone accompanies him during reconnaissance missions or whenever they need to secure a point. However, not all teams have the luxury of allocating one person solely to defend Pulse. Thankfully, Pulse players do have the means to defend themselves, and it’s all up to how they capitalize on their makeshift defenses.

At its core, Pulse should always use his Heartbeat Sensor near destructible surfaces. It’s recommended he does this against the wall, or with a destructible surface. This essentially gives Pulse an environmental advantage against attackers, as he can immediately either shoot the enemy through the wall or even blast through them with a C4.

3 SMG Or Shotgun Depends On The Situation

M1014 and UMP45 as part of the loadout

As with other Operatives, Pulse has the option of various loadouts within the game. However, his Primary Weapons will more or less dictate the kind of playstyle that’s recommended for Pulse players. Here are some key differences:

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  • M1014 Shotgun excels at close range: Considering Pulse’s penchant for area denial and map control, it helps to have him equipped with a weapon capable of busting heads at such short range. The M1014 Shotgun is a decent companion in these situations, as it can eliminate enemies up-close - perfect for recon.
  • UMP45 SMG excels in midrange incursions: The UMP45 is perfect for beginners, especially since it boasts decent recoil for decent damage. It doesn’t pack as much of a punch unlike the M1014 and other Primaries, but the uMP45 is a decent mid-ranged defender, especially for a Pulse ready to reposition at any given moment.

2 Verticality Controls The Map


Instead of just going Rambo to a corner in the map and scanning for enemies, Pulse can actually use the map layout to his advantage in order to spot enemies more efficiently. Ideally, Pulse should control the map and conduct area denial - or even plant denial - tactics by making effective use of the game’s verticality. Of course, this is only extremely effective in certain maps. Here are some ways to do this:

  • Map Control: One of the best ways for Pulse to control the map is to make use of destructible floors. If it’s at all possible to get to the lowest level of a map, do so. That way, Pulse can detect opponents with theoretically no way for them to catch Pulse. And with the right timing, Pulse can set a C4 right below enemies for the mean surprise.
  • Plant Denial: One of the best uses of Pulse, plant denial is actually very possible with the right usage of the Heartbeat Sensor. Similar to Map Control, the core principle is to get to the area below the bomb site and set a C4 there. That way, Pulse can eliminate opponents before they can even have the chance to plant the bomb.

1 Mind The Counters

Thatcher and IQ can counter Pulse

Given the vast usability of Pulse’s Heartbeat Sensor, he essentially serves as a counter to any Operative that specializes in scouting and going around the map. However, just like other Defenders, Pulse is extremely vulnerable against anyone who can disable his electronics. As such, deadly counters against Pulse that players need to take note of are the following:

  • Thatcher: His EMP can temporarily disable the Heartbeat Sensor. While Pulse can still equip the Sensor, it won’t detect heartbeats until the EMP has worn off.
  • IQ: Her electronics detector can sense that Pulse is using a Heartbeat Sensor from 20 meters, which is extremely detrimental to Pulse’s plans.

Rainbow Six Siege was released in 2015 and is playable on the PC, PS4 and PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S, Google Stadia.

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