To get Rainbow Six Siege players excited for Grim's arrival in the upcoming Operation Brutal Swarm, Ubisoft recently released an animated trailer showcasing the operator as part of the Nighthaven PMC. In it, Grim can be seen using his skills and Kawan Hive Launcher against Nokk, an operator of Rainbow. While no one can question Grim's combat expertise, Nokk steals the show by managing to outclass Grim and get away with the data key she was looking for. She doesn't get away scot-free, however, as Grim manages to slice a good part of her face veil.

The small glimpse viewers get of Nokk's face is one of the few instances where her identity is partially revealed. In the three years since her introduction into Rainbow Six Siege, there has been little to no information regarding Nokk's identity. What sparse data there is has been relegated to text files or animated shorts that portray Nokk as an enigma to all but her handlers and fellow operators. This mystery surrounding the character is part of what makes her so compelling, yet those who would like to know more about Nokk can find tidbits of information if they look hard enough.

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The Danish Deceiver

rainbow six siege nokk

Hailing from Denmark, Nokk was initially part of the country's Jaeger Corps before subsequently being recruited into Rainbow. It was in Rainbow where she got to fine-tune her abilities as a stealth operative. Thanks to her fellow operative Dokkaebi's invention of the HEL Presence Reduction Device, Nokk can infiltrate the most secure areas without emitting too much noise and completely erasing her image from cameras and drones. Along with her new toy, Nokk's inclusion in Rainbow allowed her to learn from some of the best in the business, particularly Taina "Caveira" Pereira.

The difficulty in pinning down Nokk's identity lies mostly in her outfit. Like most operators, Nokk wears battle fatigues supplemented with boots, long sleeves, and gloves (her HEL Presence Reduction Device can be found on the outside of her left hand). Nokk's face veil hides the rest of her exposed body, making it so that others cannot identify the person underneath. Apart from the part of Nokk's face that was exposed by her encounter with Grim, no one has seen the operator's true visage.

A Friendly Face To Friends And Family

It is unknown if all of the operators in Rainbow know of Nokk's true identity, but it has been confirmed that Nokk keeps her identity close to her chest from everyone but her fellow operators. It would be very difficult to keep a face veil on at all times, especially in an organization like Rainbow where trust and camaraderie are encouraged. To this end, it is plausible that Nokk lets her guard down whilst in the presence of coworkers she can rely on.

Aside from the other operators, it goes without saying that Nokk's identity would have been made known to her handlers, both past and present. This means that Dr. Harishva "Harry" Pandey, the current director of Rainbow, knows Nokk's history. In her psychological profile, Harry mentions that had he not known who Nokk's father was, he wouldn't have noticed the family resemblance. He also goes on to mention that learning Nokk's identity feels akin to seeing something in plain sight. Nokk herself isn't close to her father but respects him nonetheless. She is much closer to her mother, as the two have been noted by Harry to be "close to the point of being best friends". Despite all his comments, Harry never reveals Nokk's true identity to readers of the psychological profile.

So Who Is Nokk?

Even though the world of Rainbow Six Siege is tight-lipped about who Nokk is, Ubisoft let Nokk's real name slip twice. The first time was during her introduction in Operation Phantom Sight, as the Ubisoft Latin America YouTube channel revealed her name to be Karina Gaarddhoje. This was back in 2019, and no other Ubisoft YouTube channel ever mentioned her name. The second time Nokk's name was revealed was in a more official capacity, as Ubisoft announced the operator was going to be included in the Tom Clancy's Elite Squad mobile game. No matter how people find out her name, however, Nokk's identity remains a closely guarded secret in the world of Rainbow Six Siege.

It is unknown whether Ubisoft will ever reveal Nokk's identity in full capacity. As mentioned prior, the mystery surrounding the character comprises a big part of who Nokk is, and having the mystery solved is something Ubisoft cannot come back from. Sometimes the joy in the enigma is in itself, and Nokk being the shadowy stalker of Rainbow suits her just fine.

Rainbow Six Siege is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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