One gamer has shared just how excited they get while playing Rainbow Six Siege by showing their shockingly high heart rate during a match. For years the Rainbow Six franchise has offered heart-stopping combat for players, but this brings a whole new meaning to that sentiment.

Despite Rainbow Six Siege being released back in 2015, the game still has a passionate following to this day. With the large variety of online shooter titles on the market, it's hard to stick out from the crowd, but Rainbow Six Siege has managed to still be one of the top team-based shooters nearly 10 years after its initial release. Not only is the game fun, but Rainbow Six Siege is one of the most difficult online multiplayer games out there, and the level of difficulty it throws at players can sometimes cause some tense situations that make one's heart start racing. For one particular player, the game's intensity proved to be almost too much for them.

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A Reddit user known as MR_FUMMBLES shared proof of just how intense Rainbow Six Siege can sometimes be. While playing the game, MR_FUMMBLES' heart rate spiked up to a jaw-dropping 170 beats per minute. It appears that the gamer's resting heart rate is usually in the 50s, meaning that their heart rate experienced an incredible 120 beats per minute jump.

Fellow players commenting on the Reddit post MR_FUMMBLES shared were concerned about the gamer's wellbeing, baffled by the incredibly high heart rate. For a person's heart rate to reach these types of levels, it would require some intense cardio exercise. There are some who consider Rainbow Six Siege the greatest tactical shooter of all time, and the game's intensity is made clear by this evidence from MR_FUMMBLES. Although it's alarming that this gamer's heart rate rose to such heights, it also speaks for what a wild gameplay experience Rainbow Six Siege can be for some players.

It's truly impressive that even after all this time, Rainbow Six Siege is still going strong. For many online shooter titles, the charm and excitement can wear off for many fans, leading them to find a new game in the genre to jump into. However, Rainbow Six Siege has kept many of its players captivated, and sometimes the gameplay can be so overwhelming and exciting that it apparently causes some truly unexpected side effects.

Rainbow Six Siege is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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