There is a lot to keep track of in Rainbow Six: Siege, both in the constant and at the moment. There are several tricks all Siege players should know, both advanced and for beginners. When it all gets put together in a match, it can be a pretty stressful situation.

Unfortunately, that stress can really get to some Siege players, and not everyone makes it to the end of a match. People leaving the game in the middle of a match, either due to a ragequit or trolling, is a serious problem. Since Siege is a team-centric game, one player leaving can make the match basically unwinnable for their team. Since leaving is punished, even against hopeless odds, it can make for long, drawn-out, hopeless games.

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With the Year 5 Splinter Cell crossover looming, players have had just about enough of this problem. Fortunately, a patch coming later this week has the solution: a leave vote. Something present in other team games like League of Legends early on, the leave vote allows for a team to vote to end the match early. This vote can be invoked if someone leaves the match for whatever reason, or something else goes seriously wrong.

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Siege is one of the best tactical FPS games out there right now, but that's no excuse for not having an ease of life feature like the leave vote. It's good that the problem is being fixed now, even if it is unfortunate that it's necessary in the first place.

Rainbow Six: Siege is available for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

MORE: Rainbow Six Siege Leak Reveals Tons of Upcoming Content

Source: GameSpot