With an arsenal that drifts into the triple digits, the guns in Rainbow Six: Siege have a lot of competition. From pistols to rifles, some manage to stand out among the crowd while others fall into obscurity. With mechanics that aim to mimic real life as much as possible, players will be dragged through a tactical obstacle course that requires all different classes of equipment.

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Any number of things can throw off the delicate balance of a weapon, causing it to be useless in combat and discarded to the bottom of the pile. Even when all else is right in the mechanics, one wrong turn will turn players away. This is largely important for new players that haven't had the luxury of trial and error and have to keep up with the more experienced crowd, knowing what weapon to wield can mean the difference between a great or terrible gameplay experience.

10 B SMG12

Rainbow Six Siege Gameplay

A weapon that has been dropped by many players due to the changes in its performance, the gun now sits in the shadows and waits for a player that's willing to put in the effort. The gun's high recoil makes for an untamed experience, forcing players to keep the shots tightly grouped and some heavy trigger control.

Keeping the battle up close and personal is the most effective way to get the most out of the gun, an incredibly high fire rate at such close range can put an enemy down quick. Even at long range, the gun does well with tap fire, it just becomes a more limited area of effect. The masses may have forgotten it once the mechanics required a degree of skill, but those that can keep it on target will have one of the fastest rates of fire in the game.

9 W SuperNova

Shotgun Rainbow Six

A gun that once cleared most enemies it came across, it received a big nerf that drastically reduced its damage output. Not only is it lacking in power, something that most shotgun users covet above all else, SuperNova also has the slowest pump action in the entire game. Leaving players that get stuck in any kind of sticky situation unable to stand their ground.

While it doesn't do too much in battle, it does make a useful utility gun that can help the player navigate the environment. Its high ammo makes it tempting to try and make it useful in battle but it only becomes a frustration, especially for those who played when it was in its former broken glory.

8 B Bearing-9

Heavy RPM shotter Rainbow SIx

The Bearing 9 is another gun that puts off many would-be users with its heavy dose of recoil, forcing players to choose between ease of use and raw power. However, most try and use it the same way as they always did, forgetting to adapt to its current mechanics. If players switch it to single fire mode then the Bearing 9 essentially becomes a high functioning pistol.

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A heap of ammo and sights that far exceed those of a pistol, it can also send a lot more lead down the field. Increasing accuracy with the sight and firing off more rounds is a sure-fire way to take the enemy out fast. Even if the player gets a little crazy, it's high fire rate can tank through most enemies that get caught in the crosshairs.

7 W 417 Rifle

Rainbow Six gameplay

Although its stats wouldn't give it away, this rifle has some of the most destructive power in its class. The small magazine size betrays it, with only 21 shots in total the gun will run out of bullets before the player can get decent use out of it. The 2 characters that can use it have better balance and more effective guns in their arsenal, making the 417 obsolete.

Even fans that usually gravitate towards marksman rifles have frequently passed up on the opportunity, opting for different weapon classes instead. Putting in all the effort to try and conserve ammo simply takes up too much time that would be better suited on actual gameplay.

6 W RG15

Rainbow Six Gameplay

Though it doesn't boast the power of some of the other top tier guns, this secondary's strength is in the aim and amount of bullets. Giving those who favor close range combat a false sense of security, requiring precise accuracy from the player to even start becoming effective.

Unless players can heavily rely on their ability to hit headshots throughout the battle, the RG15 simply doesn't have enough power to deal significant damage to even lightly armored enemies. The all too common recoil factor is also present in this pistol, taking away from the player's ability to land the accurate shot they so desperately need.


Rainbow Six Gameplay

While it's not the most consistent weapon, the BOSG makes up for it in very high reward kills if the player can pull it off. The one-shot fire instead of a pellet spread is what sets this shotgun apart from the pack, delivering much more damage and a longer range than the rest. Taking down any armor enemy at close range in just one shot, it's impossible to escape once this gun has its sights locked on.

Carrying with it an inherent risk of missing the one-shot, some will decide on a more balanced gun to raise the probability of success. Though when a player is practiced at securing the first shot, it's near impossible to beat the destructive power of the BOSG.

4 B Hibana's Type 89

Hibana using a Type-89 in Rainbow Six Siege

While it won't blow anyone out of the water on paper, the Type-89 has consistently been one of the top guns in the game. Being highly customizable and tailored to each individual playstyle, this assault rifle can be taken in many different directions.  Its fast fire rate and good damage give an excellent base to build off, only hindered by it's smaller than usual magazine size.

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The recoil can be mitigated easily with vertical grip and Acog, taking away the heavy bounce that comes with heavy fire. This is especially true once the high rate of fire kicks in at close range, favoring ambush tactics that catch the enemy off guard for an easy win.

3 W 5.7

Rainbow Six Siege gameplay

While it has the biggest magazine of any pistol, it's other attributes let it down. It's low power and limited reserve magazines counter any benefit that players would get from a big magazine, making it near essential to pick shots. This is a big disadvantage when the gun is especially bad at close range, forcing players to the mid and long range with a pistol.

The sights on the gun are very handy, providing a precise point where the bullet will land. Unfortunately, that bullet will deal little damage that enemies can breeze through, aiming their much higher-powered weapons right back at the target. Even with hip fire accuracy, the 5.7 USG frequently disappoints every time it's needed.

2 B Twitch's F2

Rainbow Six Weapon Profile

The F2 is widely considered the best gun in the game, with every aspect being far above par. Making for the most effective gun at every range bar long distance, the only place it begins to struggle is when multiple enemies are involved. High rate of fire, big damage, with a sizeable magazine, even fans have called for the gun to be toned down.

Even the recoil isn't too bad, the classic chink in most highly effective gun's armor. Close range operators will take out enemies with ease, it's a simple point and fire as opponents fall.  Coming with magnified sights only makes it more effective at the mid-long range on top of everything else, being successful with small grouped shots even in its weakest environment.

1 W AR33

Weapon Profile Rainbow Six Siege

In the same way that the F2 excels in almost every region, the AR33 is dead average across the board. Magazine size is the only part where it stands out in any way and it's not in a good way, sporting one of the smaller clips in the game. The hard to control recoil added on top makes it one of the most impractical guns in the game.

This becomes very apparent when it gets into the longer ranges, canceling out the bigger maps in the game. Branded as a generalist gun usually means a jack of all trades, yet the Ar33's bar is so low that it does all things sub-par. Not managing to find a way to pass mediocre, the challenge is finding a way to make gameplay exciting.

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