
  • Rainbow Six Siege offers a strategic team-based shooter experience with unique Operator kits for tactical gameplay.
  • Understanding each Operator's role is crucial for effective offense or defense strategies in tight FPS matches.
  • Strategic combinations of Operators can enhance team synergy and help secure sites against aggressive opponents.

Players itching for a strategic team-based shooter can enjoy more tactical FPS matches with Rainbow Six Siege. Here, two teams of five players pursue objectives in tight spaces where even the tiniest sound and movement can determine the outcome of a match. Similar to other FPS titles, Rainbow Six Siege tasks players on Operators that have unique toolkits designed specifically to bring some sort of utility to the map.

Best Assault Rifles In Rainbow Six Siege, Ranked

Players who enjoy wielding assault rifles in Rainbow Six Siege should prioritize these weapons.

However, unlike other shooters, the Rainbow Six entry demands more tactical finesse in the usage of these Operators. Grouped as either more aggressive Attackers or more protective Defenders, players need to learn how each Operator’s kit matches an offensive or defensive playstyle. Not only that, but there’s the added layer of knowing which Operator kits mesh well with each other.

Updated on June 8, 2024, by Rhenn Taguiam: With upcoming Year 9 Season 2 of Rainbow Six Siege introducing balancing changes, fans of the tactical shooter will be seeing more tactical viability to the Striker and Sentry Recruits as well as Fenrir and Solis - all courtesy of tweaking their loadouts. The Barbed Wire also receives buffs to make it a better defensive tool and threat to Attackers, making Operator combos more crucial than ever in the meta. Considering these slate of changes, players may want to consider going for different duo combos instead of full teams, with some examples including pairs that excel in hit-and-run tactics, a healer with a heavy-hitter, dual support setups, and even an enemy detector with backup.

20 Thunderbird, Clash

Traditional Offense With Support

Thunderbird Clash in Rainbow Six Siege


Gadgets, Playstyle


Kona Station (shoots healing pellets at injured allies)


CCE Shield (front-facing shield with tasers)

Despite Thunderbird sharing similarities with Doc in their healing capabilities, Defenders in Rainbow Six Siege often choose Doc for a more mobile kit than the former’s site-reliant setup. However, should a Thunderbird player find a careful teammate, chokepoints and sites can arguably be defended efficiently with consistent survivability.

The key here is to set up the Thunderbird Kona Station deep within a defensible location while a more aggressive Defender like Clash is on standby. Should Attackers trigger traps set up by allies, Clash and her CCE Shield can tase enemies to submission while getting ample protection in the ensuing firefight. Should Clash fall, Thunderbird can finish the fight and provide enough covering fire for Clash to self-revive and repeat the process. This setup works best if the Kona Station is close enough to Clash in engagements but far enough from entryways so enemies can’t use the Station for their own recovery.

19 Doc, Rook

Cement Team Defense With Heals & Damage Reduction

Doc and Rook in Rainbow Six Siege


Gadgets, Playstyle


MPD-0 Stim Pistol (can revive and heal allies hit with the weapon)


R1N Armor Plates (deploy 5 Armor Plates that give 15% Damage Reduction each)

The best team setups in Rainbow Six Siege ultimately become the team that stays alive as often as possible. Players confident about their counteroffensive, even on the defense, should opt for Doc and Rook as support units, providing the team extra survivability in fierce rounds.

At its core, Doc and his MPD-0 Stim Pistol can provide much-needed healing to survivors of firefights and even revive fallen allies, potentially turning the tide of combat in emergencies. His hyper-efficiency is complemented by the Rhino Armor Plates of Rook, as their 15% Damage Reduction buff can mean Defenders are tougher to take out when protecting locations. The extra time they provide in lasting rounds can give other members of the team time to cement their defenses, flank attackers, and even defuse the package post-plant.

18 Aruni, Fenrir, Jager, Melusi, Mute

Secure Locations With Traps & Detectors

Aruni, Fenrir, Jager, Melusi, Mute in Rainbow Six Siege


Gadgets, Playstyle


Surya Laser Gate (detects anyone moving through it)


F-NATT Dread Mine (releases obstructive gas that slows down and obscures the vision of people in it)


ADS-MKIV Magpie (intercept live grenades and thrown gadgets)


Banshee Sonic Defense (slows down intruders and alerts allies of enemy intrusion)


Signal Disruptor (can jam electronic devices in a location)

A powerful Defender composition in Rainbow Six Siege may rely on a team’s capability of securing and locking down areas - which can be favorable for Operators who specialize in booby-trapping locations. Areas and chokepoints can be locked down separately by both F-NATT Dread Mines (Fenrir) and Banshee Sonic Defences (Melusi), both capable of alerting Defenders and slowing down Attackers who try to get through an area. While both Operators can swoop in and secure frags, the rest of the team can ensure enemy backup won’t be able to set up counters.

Such setups can come as early flank detectors through the Surya Laser Gate (Aruni). Likewise, Attackers with a knack for throwing grenades inside locations can be made useless with the Magpie (Jager) intercepting them. Lastly, a nifty Signal Disruptor (Mute) can remove any chances of infiltrating a location by conveniently jamming electronics that can be used against Defenders.

17 Capitao, Glaz

Smoke Takedowns Become More Frequent

Capitao and Glaz in Rainbow Six Siege


Gadgets, Playstyle


Tactical Crossbow (fire Asphyxiating Bolts and Micro Smoke grenades)


HDS Flip Sight (has Thermal Feedback System that can highlight enemy players through smoke)

Sometimes, players who want hyper-efficient Attacker setups in their Rainbow Six Siege may simply have to go guns blazing and catch Defenders unawares. This strategy makes the shock and awe tactics of Capitao and Glaz potentially terrifying, especially at the hands of players with good aim.

The principle here is simple: Capitao uses his Micro Smoke grenades to conceal an area before entering. Glaz and his HDS Flip Sight provide a backup by shooting enemies through obstructive smoke. Should Capitao manage to plant, he can simply wait at a corner or outside the closest window to launch Asphyxiating Bolts near the package, igniting the immediate area and scoring potential frags as soon as enemies come close.

16 Dokkaebi, Blitz

Methodically Detect And Take Out Enemies

Dokkaebi and Blitz in Rainbow Six Siege


Gadgets, Playstyle


Logic Bomb (force Defender phones to buzz for 12s until they are reset manually or hack into a dead Defender’s phone to see feeds)


G52-Tactical Shield (Ballistic Shield with manually detonated flash charges)

Aside from traps, Defenders in Rainbow Six Siege become efficient Operators if they can turn the enemy’s resources against them. This is a specialty of Dokkaebi, whose Logic Bomb reveals the location of Defenders through their phones. In live combat, Defenders having their phones ring can force them to go into an offensive, as their relative locations can provide hints as to where they set up their traps and defenses.

Rainbow Six Siege: The 10 Nicest MP5K Skins And How Much They Cost

The MP5K is one of the best defender weapons in all of Siege. These are the nicest skins you can equip to it, and how much they'll cost you.

When paired with Blitz and his G52-Tactical Shield, Dokkaebi’s detection can spell death for opponents. Blitz can wait for the Logic Bomb to ring in a particular location before barging in with his Shield to blind opponents during the chaos. He and another Attacker can then take out enemies before they can even react, potentially securing the site.

15 Slow Cook Punishment: Melusi, Thorn, Jager, Aruni

Lure Opponents Into Traps

Slow Cook Punishment in Rainbow Six Siege


Gadgets, Playstyle


Banshee Sonic Defense (emits a low buzz when Attackers enter its line of sight)


Razorbloom Shell (attachable proximity grenade explodes moments after an Attacker enters its radius)


Magpie Defense System (intercept grenades before they detonate)


Surya Laser Gate (laser grid that covers the entranceway and destroys projectiles that enter)

Some of the best Rainbow Six Siege map setups for Defenders aren’t always active defense but luring enemies into a false sense of security. In this setup, Jager and his Magpie Defense System and Aruni with her Surya Laser Gate can lockdown usual entryways to ensure pesky grenades and projectiles don’t enter while also leading enemies to a particular “less-defended” spot.

This is where the other two Operatives shine with their gadgets. An unimposing shield or wall could encourage enemies to hop onto them to get into the site, which then leads them to Banshee Sonic Defense (Melusi) that declares enemy presence while leaving Attackers with little time to dodge the closely-placed Razorbloom Shell (Thorn).

14 Smoke Offensive: Maverick, Glaz, Blackbeard, Gridlock, Capitao

Wreak Maximum Havoc With Smokes

Smoke Offensive in Rainbow Six Siege


Gadgets, Playstyle


Breaching Torch (create holes in breachable surfaces)


Flip Sight (thermal sights for his marksman rifle)


Rifle-Shield (head-focused rifle shields)


Trax Stingers (slows down opponents and makes noise to deny areas)


Tactical Crossbow (can fire asphyxiating bolts, micro smoke grenades)

Instead of facing opponents head on, players can maximize their Rainbow Six Siege gameplay by wreaking havoc and eliminating enemies throughout the chaos. Players can start this by giving access to the site via Maverick and his Breaching Torch, followed by a smokescreen by Capitao and his Tactical Crossbow’s Micro Smoke Grenades.

These events should be loud enough to get enemies' attention, which makes it an appropriate time to slow them down with Gridlock and her Trax Stingers. It’s at this point that Glaz and his Flip Sight can take out slowed enemies in the site, while Blackbeard can go inside to secure the location or check flanks with the safety of his Rifle-Shield.

13 Wall Masters: Thermite, Twitch, Lion, Zero, Buck

Excels in Breach-Heavy Attacks

Thermite, Twitch, Lion, Zero, Buck in Rainbow Six Siege


Gadgets, Playstyle


Exothermic Charge (can breach any Reinforced Wall)


Shock Drone (shock enemies and shoot lasers to disable gadgets)


EE-ONE-D (indestructible drone to scan for movements)


ARGUS Launcher (cameras that can view both sides of surfaces, including hatches and reinforced walls)


Skeleton Key (stronger Shotgun)

Due to most Rainbow Six Siege matches taking place indoors, it’s unsurprising for teams to encounter each other in extremely close calls. Maximizing such a situation can be made possible with wall-centric Operatives, whose kits likely allow them to dish out a lot of damage up close. In order to boost survivability, Zero and his ARGUS Launcher can see past walls to ensure no opponents are on site, while Lion can constantly monitor locations via EE-ONE-D to alert the team of nearby enemies.

While Thermite and his Exothermic Charge pave the way for traditional breaching, Twitch can secure assists with his Shock Drone, which can stun enemies and disable gadgets. Lastly, Buck and his Skeleton Key can enter sites to dispatch opponents up close with the tactical shotgun.

12 Denial Everywhere: Kapkan, Goyo, Lesion, Melusi, Thorn

Focus On Denying Entries In Any Area

Kapkan, Goyo, Lesion, Melusi, Thorn in Rainbow Six Siege


Gadgets, Playstyle


Entry Denial Device (mines on doorways and window frames that detonate when triggered)


Volcan Canister (explodes when fired upon, leaving fire-based area denial afterrwards)


Gu Mines (damages and slows down affected enemies)


Banshee Sonic Defense (emits a low buzz when Attackers enter its line of sight)


Razorbloom Shell (attachable proximity grenade explodes moments after an Attacker enters its radius)

Some of the best defensive strategies in Rainbow Six Siege involve area denial, especially against extremely aggressive plays. Such a composition requires a combination of traps that both detect enemies and punish them for trying to take locations. When trying to defend one or two locations, Melusi and her buzzing Banshee Sonic Defense can be paired with Thorn and his Razorbloom Shell to punish opponents trying to enter specific locations. Another way of protecting a site would be Kapkan and his Entry Denial Device, which can transform entryways into death traps with explosions.

The rest of the team can position their traps to spot Attackers or use them on the retake. This is especially the case with Goyo and his Volcan Canister, which can render a site or its immediate exit unusable, whereas Lesion and his Gu Mines can slow down enemies in an area for easy pickings.

11 Breaching Trio: Thatcher, Thermite, Hibana

Thatcher, Thermite, Hibana in Rainbow Six Siege


Gadgets, Playstyle


EMP Grenade (disable electronics in AOE)


Exothermic Charge (can breach any Reinforced Wall)


X-KAIROS Launcher (fires remote-detonated explosive pellets that can pierce Reinforced Walls)

Players enjoying their Rainbow Six Siege gameplay can maximize their team’s entry capabilities with the right combination of breachers. Before heavy-hitters secure and clear areas, Thatcher can use his EMP Grenade to disable nearby electronics in a location. This can give cues to Thermite to perform a standard heavy breach with his Exothermic Charge, while Hibana can use her X-KAIROS Launcher to secure other locations.

Rainbow Six: Siege: 5 Operators Who Could Carry A Single-Player Campaign

Rainbow Six Siege has several operators that could be a good candidate for a single player campaign.

This trio can leave room for versatility with other Attackers to secure alternate strategies. For instance, Glaz and Capitao remain decent choices for area clears with a smoke and thermal sights combo, while Dokkaebi can spot enemies early on by triggering their phones.

10 The Turtle Plant: Gridlock, Capitao, Montagne

Fast-Paced Plants With Montagne

Gridlock, Capitão, Montagne in Rainbow Six Siege


Gadgets, Playstyle


Trax Stingers (slows down opponents and makes noise to deny areas)


Tactical Crossbow (can fire asphyxiating bolts and micro smoke grenades)


Extendable Shield (full-coverage shield)

The turtle plant is one of the more technical planting styles for Attackers in a player’s Rainbow Six Siege experience, with Gridlock, Capitao, and Montagne being the most ideal Operators for such a setup. To do this, Capitao’s Tactical Crossbow can make an area difficult to navigate, courtesy of his damaging smoke (Asphyxiating Bolts) and smokescreens (Micro Smoke Grenades). Likewise, Gridlock’s Trax Stingers extend to cover an area like barbed wire, further securing a location.

It’s Montagne that pulls off the turtle plant after the duo secures angles. In order to pull this off, Montagne has to deploy his rather large Extendable Shield and crouch-walk with his back to the smoke until they get the prompt to plant. This takes a while to perfect, but being able to do this with Monty and his shield can secure a relatively safe site take.

9 Smoked Sights: Glaz, Capitao, Sens

Facilitate Fast-Paced Kills With Smokes

Glaz, Capitão, Sens in Rainbow Six Siege


Gadgets, Playstyle


Flip Sight (thermal sights for his marksman rifle)


Tactical Crossbow (can fire asphyxiating bolts and micro smoke grenades)


ROU Projector System (light wall obscures everything behind it to provide cover)

An attacking team's success in Rainbow Six Siege is almost always dictated by how fast they eliminate the enemy team, especially with how Attackers shine in securing the site upon acquisition. Players who want to skip the objective and just go for the offense can enjoy Glaz, Capitao, and Sens for the sheer mayhem they can cause on the battlefield.

The key to this gameplay synergy is how Glaz has thermal sights courtesy of HDS Flip Sight, allowing him to see and target foes even through smoke. This plays well into the kits of the two other Operators, with Sens generating light-based distractions with the ROU Projector System and Capitao’s Tactical Crossbow capable of releasing both a damaging smoke cloud (Asphyxiating Bolts) and an ordinary smokescreen (Micro Smoke Grenades). On top of Glaz with a suppressor being able to frag enemies from afar, he can even ping quick opponents for Sens and Capitao to finish off.

8 Burn It All: Goyo, Castle, Aruni, Kapkan

Burn-Focused Defense Guarantees Hurt For Attackers

Goyo, Castle, Aruni, Kapkan in Rainbow Six Siege


Gadgets, Playstyle


Volcan Canister (explodes when fired upon, leaving fire-based area denial afterward)


Armor Panel (bulletproof barricade extenders)


Surya Laser Gate (laser grid that covers the entranceway and destroys projectiles that enter)


Entry Denial Device (mines on doorways and window frames that detonate when triggered)

Some people just want to watch the world burn, and some Operators in Rainbow Six Siege want to see it while still protecting their designated sites. This focus on burn denial comes courtesy of Goyo, Castle, Aruni, and Kapkan, whose defensive capabilities combine to waste as much of the enemy’s time as possible with their hard-to-destroy kits. The main component of this team comp is Goyo’s Volcan Canisters and their ability to engulf an area in damaging flames for 20 seconds.

This comes as a last resort, however, as the rest of the team’s kit can be transformed to deny full site entry. Castle’s Armor Panels are completely bulletproof except for nine melee attacks and explosive damage. Meanwhile, Aruni’s Surya Laser Gate destroys projectiles that try to pass through it and can only be destroyed when properly targeted. Likewise, Kapkan’s EDD MKII Tripwires trigger explosions when enemies step on them. Players can easily zone off a site with these abilities while they fully defend another site, maximizing opponent irritation.

7 Full Lockdown: Mute, Bandit, Kaid, Jäger, Castle

Intercept, Disable Gadgets To Destabilize Enemy Forces

Mute, Bandit, Kaid, Jager, Castle in Rainbow Six Siege


Gadgets, Playstyle


Signal Disruptor (disables remotely detonated and remotely controlled gadgets)


Shock Wire (damages opponents who come into contact with attached gadgets)


Electroclaw (disables all electronics within its radius after attachment)


Magpie Defense System (intercept grenades before they detonate)


Armor Panel (bulletproof barricade extenders)

Players enjoying their Rainbow Six Siege gameplay who want a more merciless approach to defense can go full site lockdown, courtesy of Mute, Bandit, Kaid, Jager, and Castle. This approach essentially secures the protection of a site from potential intrusions while giving gamers room to protect another site.

Rainbow Six Siege: 7 Best Trap Operators, Ranked

These Rainbow Six Siege trap operators can help slow down the opposition with their lethal gadgets and equipment.

This combo works on the synergy of specific Operators. For instance, Mute’s GC90 Signal Disruptors and Bandit’s Shock Wires can deny both breaches and pesky gadgets as they disable remotely-detonated devices while damaging metallic devices, respectively. Kaid’s Electroclaws can add to the mayhem by electrifying metallic gadgets, making them unideal to use. Meanwhile, Jager’s ADS-MKIV Magpie can intercept grenades prior to detonation, essentially rendering long-ranged throwables useless. Lastly, Castle’s Armor Panels can bulletproof certain walls, blocking off an enemy’s path of entry.

6 Impossible Site: Kapkan, Ela, Frost

Transform Sites Into Death Traps

Kapkan, Ela, Frost in Rainbow Six Siege


Gadgets, Playstyle


Entry Denial Device (mines on doorways and window frames that detonate when triggered)


Grzmot Mine (concusses enemies in activation radius)


Welcome Mat (floor-based traps that stun enemies and damage them over time)

In a tactical game like Rainbow Six Siege, the best Defenders don’t always excel on the retake - they make taking a site close to impossible. This is the specialization of Kapkan, Ela, and Frost, as their selection of deployable traps makes it easier for the team to detect when foes try to force their way into a site and give them little time to reposition.

Each of these Operators does this in different ways, and activating their traps inside or close to the site can put Attackers in a messy situation. Kapkan’s EDD MKII Tripwires alone can deal damage to enemies when triggered, which can become deadlier when activated alongside Ela’s Grzmot Mines, which also concuss opponents caught in the crossfire. Lastly, Frost’s Sterling MK2 LHTs or “Welcome Mats” incapacitate opponents in their effective range. When triggered, the rest of the Defenders can easily peek and take easy frags.

5 Block Surprise: Azami, Melusi, Tachanka, Echo

Deny Site Entry With Multiple Obstacles

Azami, Melusi, Tachanka, Echo in Rainbow Six Siege


Gadgets, Playstyle


Kiba Barrier (releases foam on a surface, making it bulletproof)


Banshee Sonic Defense (emits a low buzz when Attackers enter its line of sight)


Grenade Launcher (bouncing incendiary grenades)


Yokai (drone that can either move and do nothing or stay put and fire stunning ultrasonic bursts)

Players who prefer to get more aggressive on the defense can enjoy their Rainbow Six Siege playthroughs with Azami, Tachanka, Melusi, and Echo. This composition relies on shutting down an area completely while blocking exits, trapping Attackers, and killing them before they even make an entrance. Echo’s role here is situational, with the Yokai Drone on the prowl for any flanks or stationary nearby for the tag.

Opposite Azami’s position is Melusi’s Banshee Sonic Defense, which temporarily fazes opponents when triggered. As soon as the trap is activated, Tachanka can whip out his Shumikha Launcher and bounce off an incendiary grenade in the general direction of the opponent. Central to this mechanic is Azami, whose Kiba Barrier expands into a bulletproof foam that can block pathways - both natural and forced. Azami can block the opponent’s escape route as she swings in for the kill while they’re incapacitated.

4 Heavy Offense: Flores, Lion, Sens, Zofia, Gridlock

Shut Down Defense With Relentless Assaults

Flores, Lion, Sens, Zofia, Gridlock in Rainbow Six Siege


Gadgets, Playstyle


RCE-Ratero Charge (drone that can become bulletproof before detonation)


EE-ONE-D (indestructible drone to scan for movements)


ROU Projector System (light wall obscures everything behind it to provide cover)


KS79 Lifeline (damages then concusses enemies)


Trax Stingers (slows down opponents and makes noise to deny areas)

Gamers who enjoy flashy theatrics in their Rainbow Six Siege gameplay may enjoy a combination of Flores, Lion, Sens, Zofia, and Gridlock. This team is hardwired for aggressive plays, beginning with Flores and his destructible RCE-RATERO Drone that has a 3-meter explosive radius, which can effectively shut down electronics. Following up immediately is Lion, whose EE-ONE-D drone scans the map for enemy movement and pings them - something that usually happens when opponents scramble to regroup after the RATERO explosion.

Rainbow Six Siege: 7 Best Elite Skins

There's a plethora of Elite skins in Rainbow Six Siege that players can acquire, but from a visual standpoint, these are among some of the very best.

Even if enemies are careful, Sens has his ROU Projector that creates a light wall to secure enemy distractions. This is where Zofia comes in, as her KS79 Lifeline can dismantle the opponent’s chance to counter-attack with her Impact and Concussion Grenades. Lastly, Gridlock secures the perimeter, with her Trax Stingers securing the flank to avoid any pesky enemy roamers.

3 Lights And Sounds: Glaz, Sens, Dokkaebi, Lion, Thatcher

Use Smoke And Noise To Distract Enemies While Killing Them

Glaz, Sens, Dokkaebi, Lion, Thatcher in Rainbow Six Siege


Gadgets, Playstyle


Flip Sight (thermal sights for his marksman rifle)


ROU Projector System (light wall obscures everything behind it to provide cover)


Logic Bomb (disables Defender Cameras but forces Attacker phones to emit buzzing sounds)


EE-ONE-D (indestructible drone to scan for movements)


EMP Grenade (disable electronics in AOE)

Attackers on the prowl for quick kills in their Rainbow Six Siege matches can rely less on breaching sites and instead eliminate Defenders before they even pose a threat. They can do this with Glaz, Sense, Dokkaebi, Lion, and Thatcher, primarily with the way their skills synergize into generating pure chaos. Central to the kit is Glaz, whose exclusive thermal vision via his HDS Flip Sight is essential in eliminating opponents amid the chaos the rest of his teammates will provide.

Distractions begin with Sens, whose ROU Projector creates walls of light that Glaz’s sights can see through. This pairs well with the combination of Thatcher’s EG MKO-EMP Grenades that disables electronics in the area. For maximum devastation, Dokkaebi’s Logic Bomb can cause phones to ring while Lion’s EE-ONE-D scans for enemy movement - and move they must if enemies want to shut down Logic Bomb’s effects. Even if Glaz doesn’t score the kills, the rest of the team can simply follow suit as the enemy team scrambles to resecure the advantage.

2 Standard Defense: Alibi, Azami, Solis, Kaid, Wamai

Straightforward Multi-Layered Defense

Alibi, Azami, Solis, Kaid, Wamai in Rainbow Six Siege


Gadgets, Playstyle


Prisma (holograms that reveal position when interacted with)


Kiba Barrier (releases foam on a surface, making it bulletproof)


SPEC-IO Electro Sensor (tags and pings electronic gadgets)


Electroclaw (disables all electronics within its radius after attachment)


Mag-NET (sticks to surfaces, attracts projectiles to its position)

Players who want a more all-rounder roster to secure the defense in any Rainbow Six Siege map can cover their bases with Alibi, Azami, Solis, Kaid, and Wamai. Alibi is the team’s main scout here, with her Prismas capable of releasing projections of herself that tag opponents who mess with her position. Theoretically, Alibi can use these projections to take enemies out or at least signal their position.

After Alibi’s roam, the rest of the Defenders come in with their synergies. Solis piggybacks on Alibi’s tagging with her SPEC-IO Electro Sensor, capable of tagging and detecting all active electronic gadgets. Enemies detected heading towards any active site can be intercepted by the team. Azami’s Kiba Barrier can reinforce any vulnerable openings in the area, while Kaid’s Electroclaws can electrify metal objects and turn enemy utilities against them. In case of emergencies, Wamai’s Mag-NET can intercept projectiles that can destroy Kaid’s claws.

1 Standard Attack: Ace, Twitch, Jackal, Fuze, Sledge

Straightforward Multi-Angled Offense

Ace, Twitch, Jackal, Fuze, Sledge in Rainbow Six Siege


Gadgets, Playstyle


SELMA Aqua Breacher (can breach any surface a certain number of times)


Shock Drone (shock enemies and shoot lasers to disable gadgets)


Eyenox Model III (track enemy footprints)


Cluster Charge (can be deployed on any destructible surface and may separate into clusters)


Tactical Breaching Hammer (breach silently through all non-reinforced areas)

Gamers who don’t like complicated maneuvers in their Rainbow Six Siege gameplay can maintain a level of aggression by covering their bases. Ace, Twitch, Jackal, Fuze, and Sledge make for a decent roster of Attackers as they cover multiple opportunities to attack. Jackal covers the ground first, with his Eyenox Model III being able to spot enemy footprints and locate nearby enemies. This pairs well with Twitch, whose Shock Drones are capable of shocking enemies and disabling their gadgets.

Depending on enemies detected and devices disabled, the rest of the team can attack with the usual arsenal of Siege weapons. Ace is the standard breacher, with his SELMA Breaching Device capable of creating a wide opening that gives the team line of sight. On the other hand, Sledge has a Tactical Breaching Hammer that can do a similar breaching role with fewer chances of being remotely disabled, as he’s doing the smashing himself. Lastly, Fuze has his Matyroshka Cluster Charges, which can destroy floors, windows, and walls that can secure other points of entry.

rainbow six siege
Rainbow Six: Siege

December 1, 2015
Ubisoft Montreal