Players who want a change of pace to their usual FPS and zombie game might find Rainbow Six: Quarantine interesting. Moreover, this new Rainbow Six title combines the tactical prowess of Ubisoft's tactical shooter with the craziness of a zombie apocalypse. Imagine a squad of elite soldiers mowing down zombies inside a building in a strategic manner. Additionally, others might opt for a more straightforward "just shoot and get out" approach. As such, blending zombies with tactical gameplay does seem promising.

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Moreover, fans of Ubisoft's Rainbow Six: Siege might wonder just how different Quarantine's Operators would be from the multiplayer shooters. After all, it'd be interesting to see some of Siege's agents end up having to assist in culling a zombie invasion. Thing is, of all these Operators, just who would be most efficient in a zombie apocalypse? Whose abilities stand out against zombie hordes?

10 Iana

Iana, or Nienke Meijer, hails from Katwijk in the Netherlands. Thanks to her mother, a skilled engineer, Iana was actively encouraged to pursue scientific endeavors. As such, Iana has a Bachelor's Degree in Aerospace Engineering. Soon, she built a mapping software that enables her to "project" a holographic copy of herself in real-time.

In Siege, Iana serves as an Attacker with quite the interesting utility skill. Her Gemini Replicator gadget allows her to create a holographic decoy that can serve as a scout or a distraction to opponents. In-game, Iana users can use the Hologram to scout areas in advance and fool enemies into revealing their positions. In Quarantine, Iana's presence can help teams evade zombies by having the Hologram distract them into another place.

9 Montagne

Montagne, or Gilles Touré, prides himself on his offensive strategy. Namely, walk slow but bash everyone with his shield. Ideally, Montagne players serve as the vanguard attackers, protecting everyone with his massive shield as the team strikes for the kill.

When it comes to zombies, it's best to maintain distance. Unfortunately, some zombies tend to be very persistent in approaching survivors. Montagne's utility, Le Roc, enables Montagne to defend the party in melee. Interestingly, unlike other shield-based characters, Le Roc gives Montagne an extendable shield. This factor means Montagne can almost get himself a 180-degree protective shield. Additionally, despite his speed, Montagne easily compensates for his defenses.

8 Blitz

Blitz, or Elias Kötz, remains one of the most popular Attackers in Siege. After all, he's one of the few Attackers to rely on a shield as his primary utility skill. Thanks to his training, Blitz specializes in room-to-room deployment and combat in tight spaces. As such, Blitz can be a great Operator when fighting zombies in corridors and small rooms.

Unlike the more offensive Montagne, Blitz relies on distraction with his G52-Tactical Shield. Despite being a shield-user, Blitz specializes in using his flash technology. Moreover, this tech allows him to blind enemies within range, stopping them from attacking. In Quarantine, Blitz can use this ability to distract zombies and lure them in another direction. Be warned though. Using this on zombies will put them on their sights, so they need to escape fast as well.

7 Sledge

Sledge or Seamus Cowden hails from John o' Groats in Scotland. Given his physique, Sledge once served as the captain of the Under-20 Rugby Union Team back in 1998. And it's thanks to this physique that enables him to specialize in breaching tech. Thanks to Breaching Hammer, Sledge can help his team burst through barricades, floors, and walls aggressively and silently.

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Obviously, hammers are scary. However, someone who knows how to use a sledgehammer against zombies can be an invaluable asset. In Quarantine, Sledge may be able to help teams navigate areas with a ton of zombies using alternative means. For instance, instead of fighting zombies in a room, Sledge users may be able to slam their way to a lower level.

6 Thermite

Thermite, or Jordan Trace, hails from Plano, Texas. His experience in the Marine Corps has given him extensive knowledge, insight, and specialization on explosives. Moreover, his specialization allows him to make explosive ordinance gadgets himself. As a hard breacher, Thermite specializes in creating openings for attack.

In-game, Thermite can use his Exothermic Charges to create huge openings on walls, enabling his allies to enter new spaces. In Quarantine, Thermite can lead allies to an easy escape with his charges. Likewise, he may be able to distract zombies by generating noise elsewhere while he and his teammates make for an escape.

5 Goyo

Goyo, or César Ruiz Hernández, hails from Sinaloa, Mexico. Goyo's experience with the Amphibious Commando Battalion and Naval Infantry, as well as INTERPOL and UNESCO, developed his forward-thinking and tactical senses. As such, in Siege, Goyo specializes in distractions and denying attackers.

Unlike other shield users, Goyo likes to work from afar. Moreover, his shields aren't exactly "shields." Interestingly, he uses a pair of Volcán Shields. Goyo deploys these shields with an explosive canister on the back. When enemies fire on the shield, the canisters explode and envelope its immediate vicinity in flames. Not only would these explosives work brutally well against zombies, but it may also just as well be Goyo's team's best distraction.

4 Alibi

Alibi, or Aria de Luca, hails from Tripoli, Libya. Her exposure to firearms has come from her father, who was in charge of a small ordinance manufacturer. As such, Alibi entered shooting championships where she earned various medals. She eventually received military training and got into the GIS. She carried her skills into her various operations, where she eventually got her Prismas, her utility gadget in Siege.

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Players who want a more compact version of Iana can rely on Alibi for using a similar distraction strategy. Unlike Iana's moving holographic image, Alibi can create three stationary clones that can distract enemies and reveal themselves. Alibi's clones get destroyed when hit, but they do reveal the enemy's location. As such, in Quarantine, Alibi can use her clones as "warning" devices to let the team know if zombies are nearby.

3 Maestro

Maestro, or Adriano Martello, hails from Rome, Italy. Aside from being a member of the GIS, he's an Explorer Paratrooper and got to teach advanced tactics and strategies to both government and private military groups. His tactical prowess easily enables him to command a team efficiently, something Quarantine might need.

Interestingly, Maestro can fight from afar. In Siege, his Evil Eyes (Compact Laser Emplacement) can serve both an offensive and a support role in the battlefield. By default, Evil Eyes are bulletproof and can see through smoke. They're capable of spotting opponents, making them perfect to check whether zombies are nearby. However, perhaps more amazing is its offensive function. When Maestro activates Evil Eyes, it can fire rapid laser shots against opponents in front of it. Imagine - lasers against zombies!

2 Mira

Mira, or Elena María Álvarez, hails from Madrid, Spain. However, aside from serving in Spain's National Police Corps, she also served in the GEO. Thanks to her specialization in metallurgy and mechanical engineering, Mira now serves as the Rainbow team's Director of Research and Development.

In Siege, Mira relies on her Black Mirrors to secure her allies' defense. Thanks to these Black Mirrors, Mira can install these one-sided mirrors that enable them to see movement from the other side without revealing themselves. Interestingly, these Black Mirrors can serve Mira greatly in Quarantine. After all, these utility tools allow Mira and her teammates to detect zombies from another room and give them enough time to escape.

1 Tachanka

Tachanka, or Alexsandr Senaviev, hails from Saint Petersburg, Russia. His service in the Russian Armed Forces and Spetsnaz gave Tachanka the necessary combat skills to face a multitude of threats. Interestingly, a near-death experience had Operator Mira modify Tachanka's machine gun to include a ballistic shield. As such, this weapon becomes Tachanka's go-to utility in Siege.

Tachanka's RP-46 Degtyaryov machine gun is a beast on the battlefield. However, Tachanka's special frontal shield enables him to protect upper-body attacks from incoming attackers. In Quarantine, Tachanka can deploy this special machine gun to face a relentless horde of zombies while his teammates secure an exit.

NEXT: Rainbow Six Siege: 5 Best Operators For Newbies (& 5 To Avoid)