Raid Shadow Legends started life as a pretty simple free-to-play mobile game in 2018. It has now matured into one of the best examples of the genre and is now entirely cross-platform enabled. Although it is free to play, there is a cash shop that can be quite tempting at times, as there are some pay-to-win items on sale.

Raid Shadow Legends: 10 Best Champions In The Skinwalkers Faction

Players who favor the Skinwalker faction in Raid: Shadow Legends can't go wrong with these champions.

When it comes to legendary champions, not all are equal. Some stand out head and shoulders above the rest. As new champions are added regularly, the list of the best champions will change over time. Having the right team composition is critical for completing end-game content in this cross-platform game.

7 Lydia

The Deathsiren

Lydia Legendary Champion In Raid Shadow Legends


  • Faction: Dark Elves
  • Affinity: Void
  • Role: Support


  • Oppression - single target attack with a chance of fear debuff, and other effects.
  • Siren's Wail - Attacks all enemies with a 75% chance of placing a 60% decrease in defense debuff, and other effects.
  • Nullification - Attacks 1 enemy 2 times, and the first hit has a 75% chance of placing a 25% poison sensitivity debuff for 2 turns.
  • Death Hold - Passive skill that blocks enemy revives and automatically revives allies.

Lydia the Deathsiren is a special reward legendary champion in the mobile and desktop game Raid Shadow Legends, that players are given for completing the entire Faction Wars map. This is no simple task and may take months or even years to achieve. But it is well worth the effort, to get hold of Lydia, one of the best champions in the game.

Raid Shadow Legends: 10 Best Champions In The Demonspawn Faction

The Demonspawn faction is home to some of the best champions in Raid: Shadow Legends. Here are some great ones for players to pick.

Lydia is useful pretty much anywhere in the game and will fit on most teams easily. She is worth investing legendary skill books in and will benefit from having all of her skills upgraded to maximum. Accuracy, speed, and defense % are her most important stats.

6 Siphi

The Lost Bride

Siphi Legendary Champion In Raid Shadow Legends


  • Faction: Undead Hordes
  • Affinity: Void
  • Role: Support


  • Curse of Longing - Attacks a single enemy, and has an 80% chance of placing a sleep debuff for 1 turn if the target’s turn meter is over 50%. Heals all allies by 5% of their max health if the turn meter is under 50%.
  • Whirlwind Romance - Places a block debuffs buff on all allies for 2 turns, then fills the turn meter of all allies by 10% and places a 60% increased defense buff and a 30% increased speed buff on all allies for 2 turns.
  • Love Beyond Death - Revives a single ally with 55% HP and a full turn meter. Places a 50% increase attack buff and a 30% increase critical rate buff on that ally for 2 turns.
  • Eternal Bond - Passive skill that heals each ally by 10% of their max health at the start of their turn. Has a 40% chance of removing freeze and fear debuffs from each ally at the start of their turn.

Siphi is a very strong all-round champion in Raid Shadow Legends. She can be used in most teams in all areas of the game. She is well worth booking, as her skills improve to godly levels once maxed out. She is especially good in arena teams where her team revives and buffs are very strong.

Gearing Siphi is easy, as her primary stats are just speed, defense percentage, and hit-point percentage. She can be fully equipped using either immortal or speed set gear, which should be simple to farm in this RPG game.

5 Duchess Lilitu

Demonspawn Royalty

Duchess Lilitu Legendary Champion In Raid Shadow Legends


  • Faction: Demonspawn
  • Affinity: Spirit
  • Role: Support


  • Abyssal Invocation - Attacks 1 enemy 2 times, then places a shield buff equal to 10% of her max health for 2 turns on herself and the ally with the least health.
  • Shroud of Souls - Places a block debuffs buff and a 50% increase attack buff on all allies for 2 turns. Places a perfect veil buff on all allies except herself for 2 turns.
  • Spectral Rebirth - Revives all dead allies with 70% health. Places a veil buff on all allies except herself for 1 turn. Places a 15% continuous heal buff on all allies for 2 turns.
  • Ethereal Ways - Passive skill decreases the damage taken by all allies from AoE attacks by 25%.

Duchess Lilitu is one of the best all-round support champions in Raid Shadow Legends. She will fit in almost every team and is well worth booking fully. Players who are lucky enough to get hold of this champion will find she can carry them through most content.

She is fantastic for Sand Devil because of the lowered AOE damage passive skill she brings to the table. She is also very easy to gear up, as her main stats are speed, defense %, and health %. This means no complicated gear loadout, as she works well in general regeneration of immortal sets in this fantasy game.

4 Teodor

The Savant

Teodor Legendary Champion In Raid Shadow Legends


  • Faction: Knights Revenant
  • Affinity: Spirit
  • Role: Support


  • Vile Physick - Attacks all enemies and has a 30% chance of placing a 30% decrease speed debuff for 2 turns.
  • Savant's Savvy - Has a 75% chance of placing two 5% poison debuffs and a 25% poison sensitivity debuff on all enemies for 2 turns. Places a 30% increase speed buff on all allies for 2 turns.
  • Chymistry - Increases the duration of all poison debuffs and HP burn debuffs on all enemies by 1 turn. Then, instantly activates any poison debuffs and HP burn debuffs on each enemy.
  • Fumigator - Passive skill, his resistance is increased by 5 for each poison debuff on the enemy team.

Teodor is all about poison damage. A rock-solid support champion and one of the best generalists for any team in Raid Shadow Legends. He is also perfect as a solo champion to complete the toughest content with one champion and earn the rewards.

Raid Shadow Legends: 10 Best Champions In The Banner Lords Faction

The Banner Lords faction in Raid: Shadow Legends is home to some truly great Champions. Here are the best ones.

Accuracy, speed, and health point % are the primary stats for Teodor. This makes him a breeze to gear up as well. Speed and perception sets with the right sub-stats are what he will work best in.

3 Acrizia

The Dangerous Dwarf

Acrizia Legendary Champion In Raid Shadow Legends


  • Faction: Dwarves
  • Affinity: Void
  • Role: Attack


  • Unflagging Assault - Attacks 1 enemy and has a 45% chance of placing a 60% decrease defense debuff for 2 turns. The damage of this skill increases by 10% every time this skill is used. Stacks up to 100%.
  • Battlefield Domination - Attacks all enemies 2 times. Places a shield buff on herself for 2 turns. The value of the shield buff is equal to 5% of his max health for each critical hit.
  • Shut Down - Attacks 1 enemy 2 times and has an 80% chance of stealing 100% of the target’s Turn Meter before attacking. This effect cannot be resisted if the target has higher max health than the caster.
  • Grandeur - Passive skill that decreases the damage taken from AoE attacks by 50%. If a target’s max health is more than double this champion's max health, this champion’s attacks will deal damage based on the target's max health, instead of this Champion's attack stat.

Acrizia is one dangerous dwarf. One of the best attack champions in Raid Shadow Legends. She works well for taking down single targets that have a large amount of health points, as her skills turn her into a single target specialist. She has a spot on most boss-killing teams.

Critical rate, critical damage, accuracy, and speed are her primary stats. This makes it a little complicated to gear up. Either the critical damage or relentless sets will work well, but they will need to have the right sub-stats.

2 Krisk

The Ageless

Krisk Legendary Champion In Raid Shadow Legends


  • Faction: Lizardmen
  • Affinity: Void
  • Role: Defense


  • Enter the Morass - Attacks all enemies and has a 30% chance of placing a 30% decrease speed debuff for 2 turns.
  • Centuried Vigor - Attacks all enemies and places a 50% ally protection buff on all allies for 2 turns. Places two 15% continuous heal buffs on himself for 1 turn. Increases the duration of all ally buffs by 1 turn.
  • Invincible Shell - Places a [provoke debuff on all enemies for 1 turn. Places a 60% increase defense buff on himself for 2 turns. Places a 30% increase speed buff on all allies for 2 turns.
  • Might of Ages - Passive skill that at the start of each Round, places a shield buff on all allies for 2 turns equal to 50% of his max health. Has a 75% chance of placing a 60% decrease defense debuff and a 50% decrease attack debuff on the attacker for 1 turn when hit.

Krisk is a fantastic end-game champion in Raid Shadow Legends and deserves a place on most teams tackling high-end content. He is a crazy buff machine, that adds so much support to the rest of the team. He takes on the role of tank perfectly.

Gearing him is a problem though. He depends on accuracy, speed, defense %, critical rate, and health % for stats. He is going to need to be wearing a lifesteal set with perfect stats to be at his best in this multiplayer game.

1 Warlord

The Best Orc

Warlord Legendary Champion In Raid Shadow Legends


  • Faction: Orcs
  • Affinity: Void
  • Role: Support


  • Bludgeon - Attacks 1 enemy. Has a 25% chance of increasing the duration of all debuffs on the target by 1 turn.
  • Protection of Gods - Places a block debuffs buff on all allies for 1 turn, then places a shield buff on all allies equal to 30% of his max health for 2 turns. Heals all allies by 25% of their max health.
  • Orcish Rituals - Attacks all enemies and has a 70% chance to put each target's skills on cooldown. Has a 30% chance to fully deplete each target's turn meter.

Warlord is the only champion in Raid Shadow Legends that can entirely lock down enemies' skills for maximum cooldown. This is a godly ability and earns Warlord a place on any end-game team. In PvP arena battles he will completely negate nukers and other attack champions. He is also great for boss battles.

He needs to be fully booked and is the most complicated champion on this lust to gear up. He needs good accuracy, speed, health point %, critical rate, critical damage, and defense %. Lifesteal gear is the way to go, so it is going to take some time to farm the right parts with perfect stats.

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