Anyone who had a presence on the internet at the tail-end of the 2010s will be familiar with mobile hero-collector RPG Raid: Shadow Legends, if not for the actual experience of the game itself, then most definitely by its aggressive and widespread advertising campaign. Despite becoming somewhat of a meme, this hard push in advertising and sponsorships has arguably worked, with the game maintaining an active player base.

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Raid: Shadow Legends gives its players much content to conquer, with them sorting collected champions into teams of four or five. Out of the 15 different factions that the game's champions are sorted into, the Banner Lords faction has been a mainstay. Knights of old and protectors of the regality, the Banner Lords possess many mighty warriors for players to decimate their opponents.

10 Quintus The Triumphant

Banner Lords Champion Quintus The Triumphant stands with weapons in hand in Raid: Shadow Legends.

With the introduction of Live Arena in 2023, Raid: Shadow Legends included Void Legendary champion Quintus the Triumphant as a reward, who fittingly has a kit that is PvP-focused but can also be used in boss fights and wave-based content.

  • Encore Performance - Single-target attack that places an extra hit if the target has no buffs, with a further repeat if the attack is critical.
  • Strip Away - Single-target attack that removes all buffs from the opponent and places a Decrease Defense debuff.
  • Crowd Favorite - An AOE attack that places a 50% Attack and 30% Critical Damage buff on Quintus prior to attacking. It also resets the cooldown of the Strip Away ability if the attack kills an enemy.
  • Percussion - A passive skill that allows Quintus to cause additional damage with his attacks depending on his target's max HP stat.

His Aura skill also raises Attack in Arena Battles by a whopping 35%, cementing Quintus as a terror to face in the PvP Arena.

9 Sigmund The Highshield

Sigmund the High Shield in Raid: Shadow Legends

Sigmund The Highshield joined the Banner Lords as the fusible event Legendary, leaving players in awe of his intricate shield and well-groomed mustache. A debuffer at heart, Sigmund is adept at protecting allies and tanking hits from enemies.

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  • Fairer Fight - Single-target attack that removes any Shield buff on the target, as well as having a 50% chance to remove a buff.
  • Battlefield Beacon - An AOE double-hitter that places Provoke and Decrease Attack.
  • Shield Of The Realm - Places a 30% Shield and Strengthen buffs on all allies for 2 turns.
  • Equitable - Passive that has a chance to decrease the duration of buffs on champions that attack Sigmund.

With an Aura skill that raises Defense by 40%, Sigmund is a powerhouse that enemies will struggle to put down,

8 Sethallia

Banner Lords Champion Sethallia stands in a courtyard holding her weapon in Raid: Shadow Legends.

Sethallia's A2 and A3 skills are beastly when protecting your own champions and punishing your opponents, with her default A1 being able to semi-reliably dish out the powerful HP Burn debuff.

  • Put To Flame - Single-target attack that places HP Burn with a 50% chance.
  • Lordly Embrace - Removes all debuffs and places Block Debuffs on a single ally while also healing all other team members and raising their Turn Meter if the original target is fully healed.
  • Aggress - High chance to remove all buffs from enemies as well as decrease their Turn Meter while raising ally Turn Meter.

In a rare occurrence for a Support champion, Sethallia also packs a punch offensively against certain bosses, namely Sorath the Frost Spider, due to the HP Burn chance on her default skill.

7 Archmage Helmut

Banner Lords Champion Archmage Helmut stands in a courtyard holding his staff in Raid: Shadow Legends.

Considering he is an Epic champion, and players received him as the first fragment champion in Normal Doom Tower, Archmage Helmut clearly has not let his rarity affect his usefulness in teams well into the end-game.

  • Arcane Dynamo - Single-target attack that fills Helmut's Turn Meter by 10%.
  • Timeslip - Single-target attack that can activate a subsequent AOE attack if critical. It can also place a Stun debuff and decrease enemy Turn Meter.
  • Psychic Guidance - Increases the Speed, Critical Rate, and Critical Damage of all allies.
  • Chrono Isolation - Passive that makes Helmut immune to Turn Meter decreasing effects.

6 Septimus

Banner Lords Champion Septimus stands with sword in hand in Raid Shadow Legends.

It is a consensus among Raid: Shadow Legends players that Septimus well and truly smacks. Built solely to deal massive damage, Septimus is a single-target/boss killer.

  • Behead - Single-target attack that grants an extra turn and resets the cooldown of the Holy Sword skill if it kills an enemy.
  • Holy Sword - Single-target attack that ignores all Shield and Block Damage buffs.
  • Giant Killer - A passive skill that increases the length of debuffs on enemies as well as allowing Septimus to cause additional damage depending on the HP level of the target.

Since Septimus' landmark ability, Holy Sword, deals damage based on the enemy's max HP, he can dish out an eye-watering amount of damage if used in the right way.

5 Ursala The Mourner

Banner Lords Champion Ursala The Mourner stands with her lance ready in Raid Shadow Legends.

Whatever Void Epic champion Ursala is mourning over, she seems set on taking it out on her enemies. Primarily a Support champion, Ursala excels at dragging her allies back from death and bolstering them.

  • Lance Of Penitence - Single-target attack that has a 40% chance to decrease the Turn Meter.
  • Waves Of Grief - An AOE attack that simultaneously decreases enemy Attack and raises ally Attack.
  • Requiem - Revives all allies with 75% HP and 50% Turn Meter, as well as giving them Increase Defense and Strengthen buffs.

Ursala's Aura skill also allows her to act as a Speed lead in Doom Tower, which is an area of the game that Ursula excels in.

4 Raglin

Banner Lords Champion Raglin in a courtyard in Raid Shadow Legends.

The queen of the single-target revive, Raglin has the lowest cooldown on a revive skill in the game. When built fast and tanky, Raglin can assist teams with heals, Turn Meter fills, and debuff removal virtually anywhere in the game.

  • Repent - Single-target triple hitter that fills ally Turn Meter by 15%.
  • Mercy - Removes debuffs from all allies then heals them.
  • Miracle - Revives a single ally with 75% HP and full Turn Meter on a 2-turn cooldown.

3 Stag Knight

Stag Knight in Raid: Shadow Legends

Simple and effective, the Epic Spirit affinity champion Stag Knight has become a firm favorite of players, not just in his own faction but out of all champions in Raid: Shadow Legends. Stag Knight is a versatile fighter who pumps out various powerful debuffs onto his enemies.

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  • Spot Quarry - Single-target double-hitter with each hit having a chance to place Decrease Speed.
  • Huntmaster - An AOE attack that has a very high chance to place both Decrease Defense and Decrease Attack on enemies.
  • Lead The Pack - Passive ability that places Increase Accuracy on one ally every time an enemy resists a debuff.

2 Taras The Fierce

Taras the Fierce in Raid: Shadow Legends

Part of a unique pair of champions released into the Banner Lords faction in 2023, Taras lives up to his fierce namesake. Possessing a complex but powerful kit, Taras excels in constantly weakening enemy champions and hitting back relatively hard.

  • Shatter Upon Us - Single-target double hitter that has a chance to place Decrease Attack and raise ally Turn Meter.
  • Hero's Intercession - Single-target attack that places a two-turn Stun debuff. Also deals double damage if the enemy has a high Attack.
  • Constant Pressure - An AOE attack that increases in damage based on the amount of ally buffs. Also increases the duration of said buffs and heals Taras.
  • Fierce Battler - Passive ability that decreases enemy Attack by 10% every time they attack Taras. Also can place a Fear debuff on champions from certain Factions.
  • Poise - A second Passive ability that decreases all incoming damage by 50% at the cost of Taras' max HP.

1 Marichka The Unbreakable

Banner Lords Champion Marichka stands with sword over her shoulder in Raid: Shadow Legends.

Much like her partner champion, Taras, Marichka is unbreakable in both name and nature. One only needs to delve into her abilities to truly see the extent of her power.

  • United We Triumph - Single-target attack that also allows for an ally to join using their default skill.
  • Font Of Tenacity - Fully restores max HP and heals all allies before placing a Shield and Strengthen buff on them.
  • Nurtured Friendship - Removes all debuffs from allies before raising their Turn Meter and Resistance. Can also grant Marichka an extra turn.
  • Giving All - A passive skill that allows for the revival of all allies whenever Marichka herself is killed.

Raid Shadow Legends is available for PC, Android, and iOS.

MORE: Raid Shadow Legends: The Best Legendary Champions, Ranked