Aragami 2 is a simple yet thrilling stealth game that allows players to take up the role of an Aragami, a deadly undead assassin with supernatural powers. While the general premise of its predecessor remains the same, nearly every other aspect of Aragami 2 has been developed. Thus, even the most experienced players of the previous game must adapt to new features.

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Even though Aragami 2 is relatively straightforward, there is still a significant learning curve for beginners. Only through practice will newcomers be able to learn and progress, however, even then some difficulty remains. This can be disheartening to new fans that simply wish to enjoy this exhilarating stealth game. Fortunately, many useful tips can alleviate the growing pains of Aragami 2.

8 Keep To The Shadows

Aragami Perching On A Roof

As with any stealth game, it is of the utmost importance to remain unseen. However, Aragami 2 is especially punishing to those that are reckless or blatant in their assaults. Alerting even a single enemy can cause widespread chaos, spelling doom for an Aragami and potentially compromising a mission.

Therefore, keeping to the shadows is by far the most effective way to execute a mission. Maintaining a low profile and assassinating lone foes is by far the best way to remain hidden. In addition, there are numerous abilities, such as Chameleon, that enhance an Aragami's stealth capabilities.

7 Never Fight Head-On

Aragami Fighting Enemies

Nearly every stealth game advises players to avoid direct conflict at all costs. Even so, most possess a sophisticated combat system should the need arise, however, Aragami 2 does not. While it is an improvement from its predecessor, Aragami 2's combat system is ultimately clumsy and ineffective.

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Regardless of the effort one puts into mastering melee combat, they will rarely - if ever - succeed in overcoming enemies. Aragami are remarkably fragile and when they engage in a fight, they will likely face numerous foes. This pits one against overwhelming odds that are hardly worth the effort.

6 Always Hide Bodies

Aragami Over Enemy Body

Regardless of what approach players take, whether it be lethal or nonlethal, their assaults will always leave a body behind. These bodies - dead or alive - will attract unwanted attention and potentially alert others of an Aragami's presence. Thus, removing any trace of one's existence is vital when maintaining a low profile.

There are various methods a player can utilize when disposing of a body. Bodies can be moved to a secluded area, hidden in a bush, thrown in deep water, tossed off a cliff, etc. Simply moving a body off to the side of a path is enough to maintain one's cover.

5 Do Not Underestimate Enemies

Aragami Fighting An Enemy

It is easy to become overconfident in Aragami 2 due to the many improvements the Aragami received. With a multitude of new features and abilities, they are far more capable than ever before. However, enemies have been granted numerous enhancements as well. Thus, underestimating an adversary's skill is a fatal mistake.

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Aragami 2 not only introduced new foes for players to face but it improved their AI as well. Rather than fighting against relatively dumb and passive enemies, players will be pitted against relentless killing machines. Enemies can no longer be outsmarted or outmaneuvered and once alerted they will unceasingly track down Aragami.

4 Devise A Plan

Aragami Perched On A Pillar

Being able to plan is a necessary skill in any stealth game, Aragami 2 especially. The enemies have the manpower and individual capabilities to easily overwhelm careless players. What they lack, however, is the player's ability to devise a strategy ahead of time.

By scouting out the area ahead and noting nearby foes, players can formulate the best possible course of action. Doing so grants one a tactical advantage that allows them to effectively prevent precarious situations. While no plan is perfect, even the simplest strategies offer players an edge against adversaries.

3 Be Aware Of Your Surroundings

Aragami Looking Over Map

Aragami 2 features numerous unique maps each with its distinct design, enemy composition, and challenge. These differences determine how one will maneuver across maps and their approach to missions. To effectively adapt to these variations, players should be adamantly aware of their surroundings.

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Maintaining a watchful eye of one's immediate area grants innumerable benefits. Chiefly, players will be able to better understand a map's layout and plot out paths to take. Additionally, one could make note of nearby foes to effectively devise a strategy to deal with them or avoid them entirely.

2 Familiarize Yourself With Enemies

Aragami Enemies

There are three enemy factions in Aragami 2 each with its unique units. This variety between groups ensures that each possesses its distinct strengths and weaknesses for players to avoid or exploit. Thus, understanding the enemies one will face is a vital step in overcoming them.

Therefore, taking time to observe and study foes is a worthwhile strategy. Doing so will allow players to determine the best method of dealing with them. Some enemies may be negligible obstacles while others are threats that must be handled with utmost caution.

1 Eliminate Pressing Threats First

Aragami Looming Over Scorcher

Nearly every mission presents players with a seemingly insurmountable number of enemies. While it is seemingly easier to deal with foes as they appear, players should exercise caution. Simply hacking and slashing adversaries when they reveal themselves can result in unmendable complications.

Instead, players should carefully observe what enemies are in their immediate vicinity. Doing so allows one to determine what foe is the most pressing threat. Typically, the most threatening adversaries include ranged attackers like the Scorcher or stealth compromising foes such as the Necromancer.

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