As players start researching the more complex items in Raft, they'll notice that several of them need batteries to operate. These batteries are another crafting item, but their charge doesn't last forever and each one uses up a valuable copper ingot. Batteries don't disappear when they die, but they don't recharge on their own, either. So what are players supposed to do with the dead batteries?

The answer comes once players reach Caravan Town, the fourth story island. One of the blueprints players get from this island is for a battery charger, which breathes new life into dead batteries. However, getting this blueprint is an optional challenge with its own set of requirements.

RELATED: Raft: Important Items To Craft Right Away

Getting the Blueprint

Raft Caravan Mayor

The goal of players in Caravan Town is to find the mayor's chest key and reach the mayor's residence. Opening this chest will give players the code they need to continue the plot of Raft. However, something else players can do here is assemble a battery charger, which unlocks the blueprint that lets players build a charger on their raft. But to do this, players must first find three battery charger parts scattered across the island. Each of them looks like a set of jumper cables, and their locations are:

  1. Sitting on the docks under a tarp next to a truck cab labeled "Port Office."
  2. Sitting in a camper stacked above the docks and above the water pump but before the bridge to the market square. A note is on the ground next to it.
  3. On the ledge above the market. Players must climb several ladders to reach it.

Players who missed these parts on their first visit can still get this blueprint. All they have to do is put the Caravan Town code into their receiver and float back to the island. Every enemy and generic collectible will be back, and the battery charger parts they didn't collect will still be there to find.

Using the Charger

Raft Batteries Charging

Players still need to build the battery charger once they get the blueprint, and to do this they need 15 plastic, 5 scrap, 1 circuit board, and 4 titanium ingots. The titanium is especially hard to find, but players can use the metal detector to find titanium ore or else get it from the tier 3 list at trading posts.

Once assembled, the battery charger needs biofuel to operate. Players should have a steady supply after visiting Balboa Island, and they can place biofuel directly into the charger's engine or connect it to a biofuel tank using pipes.

The charger can power two batteries at once, and players can keep track of its progress using the three LEDs that go from red to green. The charger doesn't run when it has two green batteries on it, so players can leave them there as fresh spares to swap in immediately when a battery runs out. This way players can keep equipment like the recycler running even as the battery charger does its job.

Raft is available now for PC.

MORE: Raft: How to Kill a Shark