Varuna Point is the first story island of Raft's third and final chapter, and it's the sixth destination overall. Like several other story islands, Varuna Point is an attempt to do something to protect people from the rising sea level, but also like those islands, it ultimately wasn't enough.

Unlike those previous islands, much of Varuna Point is underwater, and Raft players must prepare for these conditions if they want to uncover every secret and gather every note the island has to offer. Other story islands have hidden secrets below the water line, but none of them are as extensive as Varuna Point.

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Raft Varuna Prep
  • Because so much of Varuna Point's exploration is underwater, players should equip a set of flippers and an oxygen bottle, and they should save a spare set for the boss battle at the end.
  • The Varuna Point ruins are full of lurkers, and the underwater areas are full of dangerous anglerfish. A machete or two will work wonders on these enemies.
  • Since Varuna Point is an artificial ruin and most of it is underwater, players don't need to worry about treasure hunting, digging, capturing animals, or cutting down trees. In fact, most tools are safe to leave at home.
  • Players may get hit several times by the boss enemy of this area, so healing salve will come in handy.
  • Like with other story islands, a good supply of food and water will let players explore for longer. Keep in mind that eating and drinking can take place underwater without any issues.

The Surface Ruins

Raft Varuna Point from Above

Players can climb onto one of the skyscraper ruins using one of two sets of scaffolds. The construction office on the main level doesn't open, but players can climb up the brick piles behind it to reach the second level and the first note. After that, players can continue to climb using the small crane, pillars, boxes, and scaffolding. But before climbing up into the big crane, players should check the dumpster on the top level to find a lootable crate.

After climbing two ladders, players will find themselves on a long platform that contains a package, a crate, the second note, and a blueprint for an electric grill. Players can then climb one more ladder to collect a toolbox. To move the crane, players will need a crane key, but one thing they can do right away is ride a zipline to the other tower. This should earn players the "Zip Zap!" achievement if they don't have it yet. Sadly, there's nothing to do on this platform, so players should now head into the water between the two buildings.

The Spotlights

Raft Varuna Point Lights

There are a few important things players should know about exploring the Varuna Point underwater area. First, there are several vents that release air bubbles. By swimming into these bubbles, players can replenish their oxygen. Second, while the jellyfish in this area don't act hostile, players who touch them will hurt themselves.

There are several locations players can explore immediately. In the secondary tower is a small opening that leads to a pit filled with dangerous spikes, but the door inside is locked from the other side. Around the side of this opening is a gap with a toolbox crate inside. The main skyscraper has a large but mostly empty gap players can check for seaweed, and if they enter a crack in the floor on the far side, they'll get a toolbox and the unique construction helmet.

Two stories above this gap is a smaller hole that several jellyfish are covering. However, a spotlight turns on and off regularly, and while it's on, the jellyfish scatter. Players should wait for them to do so and swim through the gap.

In the hallway just past the jellyfish is the third note on a large metal weight. There are several underwater apartments here players can loot, along with the first anglerfish. The best way to fight these fish is to swim sideways and attack constantly. Players can also surface in several areas to find several lootable objects, and while many paths are blocked by debris, the metal bars are spaced wide enough for players to walk between them. In particular, players can find a spotlight part (a giant light bulb) in each apartment's bedroom.

Back in the hallway, players can swim up an elevator shaft to reach the floor above. Two of the apartments on this story can be entered and looted, and the furthest apartment contains a third spotlight part and the fourth note. The hallway also has a scaffold players can climb to reach a third, dry story. Both searchable apartments have spotlight parts in their bedrooms, bringing the total up to 5.

The reason players need all these parts is because of a second spotlight located just below the first one. By spending 4 parts, players can turn the spotlight on and clear another group of jellyfish away from a gap in a tunnel that connects the two skyscrapers together. After repairing this spotlight, players can head straight into the tunnel.

Of course, this is also a good time to head back to the raft and resupply. Players should keep the shark in mind and use the scaffold on the far side of the tower to climb up and around to reach their raft safely.

While the door to the first tower is locked, players can take the tunnel into the second tower. By moving counterclockwise, players will find a place to surface and the fifth note. The path beyond the note is covered in dangerous spikes, but players can maneuver around them to reach a metal beam they can climb to get to the next floor up. On this story, players have to move carefully around spiked objects and also keep an eye out for tripwire traps that reset themselves after a few seconds.

Eventually, players who survive the traps will reach two workbenches where they'll find note six, the motherlode key, and a blueprint for an advanced head light. Players can then climb up the boxes behind the benches to find valuable crates of every variety and a safe way to exit the area. Along the way is a wall painting that shows the location of the motherlode.

Players may want to take this moment to head back to their raft and resupply again.

The Rhino Shark

Raft Rhino Shark

As the drawing indicates, the motherlode is in the second tower directly beneath the tunnel. Players will know they're in the right spot once they've found a closed steel shutter they can open using the motherlode key.

Players should follow the G symbols written on the walls to navigate the tunnels, and at the far end, they'll find a spot covered in lootable objects. And then a giant Rhino Shark will smash the shutter on the far wall, leading into the game's first unskippable boss battle. Note that this also opens a hole in the tunnel behind players, making it a good opportunity to head back and prepare for the fight.

Defeating the Rhino Shark isn't easy. Weapons won't work, so players must instead use the environment. First, players must bait the shark into striking one of the pillars in the room. After that, players must place an explosive barrel in the now-exposed steel rebar in the pillar and bait the shark into striking it again. This will open up a hole in the ceiling, and the Rhino Shark will move into the room above.

Players must then repeat this process two more times, except that the pillars in the second room need to be struck twice before players can place an explosive barrel and the pillar in the third room needs three hits. After the third explosion, the Rhino Shark will die, and players can loot the body for 25 shark meat and the Rhino Shark trophy.

Players can now head up through one more hole and climb some stairs into a dry area. On a desk table, they'll find the blueprint for a wind turbine and the crane key, plus behind them is a ladder that players can jump up to reach a sequence of tubes. On the far side of these tubes is the one-way door in the upper tunnel between towers, and players can open it to reach the surface.

Now it's time to head back up to the crane. Simply insert the key and pull the lever to open a new path on the top of the second tower, which now has a reason for players to zipline over. Players should be careful when descending, but there's nothing to find until the bottom floor. Down here is a crate, a briefcase, the blueprint for an advanced battery, and the final note of the island. Players may want to keep searching underwater for more crates, but they now have every secret to be found on Varuna Point.

Raft is available now on PC.

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