Raft, despite its simplistic nature, has become extremely popular, with players using their survival skills to build on the basic raft they wake up on. With the game offering everything from farming to cooking on whatever raft the players can devise, it takes a creative mind to get far. Initially equipped with only a hook, they'll need to learn to survive on the vast ocean.

Despite the challenges, players can stretch their creativity far in Raft to devise epic rafts that far exceed the norm. There are many options they can choose from to make their structure the grandest, but certain features are necessary no matter what design they opt for. Depending on what stage of the game they are at and what their goals are, the "best" raft design is relative to the individual player. These are some the best ideas based on different stages of the game.

The Best Early Game Raft

an early game raft in Raft

For the early game, players need a raft that is functional and will keep them safe. This raft will get the player started in a matter of just a few minutes of collecting items from the ocean and will take mere minutes to set up. It's perfect for getting started and can be expanded later.

They'll want to start by building on their 2 x 2 raft to make it a 3 x 3 raft. Then, add a partial ring around this on three sides with rounded corners. The fourth side will be left open for the collection nets. Next, they'll need to build an octagon in the center of the newly upgraded raft.

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In the back opposite the unfinished fourth side, they should place a window. To the front, they'll leave an opening. Next, they'll need to add a roof onto the octagon structure. Once the flat roof is built, they can add a standard peaked type roof for more appeal.

Inside, for the best presentation, players will want to place their bed next to the window. They can add their purifier in the space next to the door. A great space-saving hack is to hang the grill over the purifier. Opposite the purifier will be a space to place the research table and crop plots. Along the other wall, place storage containers hanging from the walls with crop plots beneath them. They should hang a lantern in the center of the room to provide light. Back outside, they'll need to place their collection nets in the space left open for them in the perimeter of the raft.

Best Advanced Raft

an advanced raft in Raft

Once players get to more advanced stages of Raft, they'll need a more suitable craft to carry them around while they explore. To start with, they'll want a 13 x 7 foundation with rounded corners. Players will need to choose which end of the foundation will be the front and add two more rows in a triangle formation. Within the foundation at the front end of the raft is the optimal place to locate ten collection nets.

The next step is to build walls around the exterior of the foundation, leaving an opening on each side for the two required engines and one in the back for a door. For the front section with the triangle formation, they'll need to add roofing parts to bring it up to half-wall height. Then, they'll build a roof to enclose the first floor. In the center of the newly created room, players will need to build a staircase, cutting out the roof where the stairs meeting it to allow access to the second floor.

On the top of the raft, they'll need to construct a cabin. The optimal design for this is to have at least half of it with half wall-window combinations that allow for visibility of the surrounding areas. The top of the cabin should be covered with slanted roofing to provide the best visual effect. Next to the cabin, they'll use railings and rope to set up the animal area.

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The engines need to be placed in the two spots left for them and connected to a fuel tank with piping. This will provide the raft with the power necessary to make it move effectively. In between the collection nets, players can place their purifier to ensure there is a water source. Players can also connect this purifier to water pipes that run throughout the raft to make the water accessible throughout, including adding sprinklers for their crop plots that they will place inside the originally built room.

Once this raft's functional parts are addressed, players can get even more creative and make it visually appealing. They can add decorative elements, such as carpeting and artwork, so it's not just a bare-bones raft. Additionally, painting it different colors can make it pop. They can even get more advanced and set up features like a zipline.

Raft is available now on PC.

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