Temperance is the seventh story island in Raft, and it's the last stop on the way to the game's final destination. The island also introduces the final biome type to the game: arctic.

Temperance is the largest island in the game. In fact, it's so big that Raft introduces snowmobiles as a new way of crossing the vast spaces that separate locations on the island. To reach them all, players will need to prepare with the right equipment and plenty of provisions, and they'll need to know what to expect from this extraordinary location.

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Raft Temperance Preparations
  • Temperance is covered in polar bears, which deal slightly more damage when lunging, but are otherwise the same as regular bears from the evergreen biome. Players should bring two or three machetes to deal with these animals and equip a full set of leather armor.
  • Other enemies include anglerfish in a brief underwater sequence, and scuttlers. Machetes are also effective against these enemies.
  • The cold weather isn't a hazard, but players should keep in mind that the ice is slippery.
  • The arctic biome is barren, so players won't need to bring tools like the net, the hook, the axe, or even the metal detector or the shovel.
  • Between the size and the barrenness, players should bring along plenty of food and water. Cooking pot and juicer foods are especially useful, and players can fit 5 of them in an inventory space.

Landing in Moontown

Raft Temperance Village

The first issue players will encounter once they reach Temperance is finding a good place to land their raft. The island is surrounded by ice floes and shelves that can be tough to navigate, but eventually players should find a spot where the ice is low enough to jump onto. Moving across ice is tricky, but players can avoid the issues by holding down the jump button. Past the ice, the snow is a normal land surface.

Players will likely approach the island from upstream on the ocean current, and so they can expect to quickly find a small but abandoned village full of igloo-shaped buildings. The name of the village is Moontown, and the first goal of Temperance is to power up the igloos so that players can enter the big building at the center. To do this, they'll need electrical cables. These cables are special items, and players can get two of them from each of the radio towers on the island. This includes the tower at the entrance to the village, and there's a second tower up the hill towards the coast that's guarded by a polar bear.

With these four cables, players can power the gym. Start with the box marked "Danger: Electricity" (which also has the first note leaning against it) and look at the large hole. Players should see "E: Start Dragging Cable," and once they do, it works just like setting a zipline. However, the electric cables can only stretch so far, so players must look for nearby connections.

In this case, players should climb the stairs behind them and attach the cable to the pole they find halfway up. They can then stretch a new cable to another pole to the right of the stairs. One last cable can stretch to a post next to the igloo, and this will open the gym. Inside is a lootable item and two crates. Players can then connect the gym directly to the closest house igloo, and this will use up the fourth cable. Inside is another crate and more loot.

Tower Hunting

Raft Temperance Towers

Next to the main electric box is a building that looks like a small hangar, and inside it is a snowmobile. Another identifier for snowmobile hangars is the red triangular flag that flies above it. While on a snowmobile, the forward and backward buttons move the vehicle while the strafe left and strafe right buttons turn it. Players should also keep in mind that the snowmobile will slide sideways during sharp turns, and it will slide farther on ice.

The first thing players should do on the snowmobile is drive back to the coast and go straight off the ice. This will give players the "That's Not a Boat..." achievement. If they then go back to the hangar, the snowmobile will have respawned. Players will also find the entrance to an underground bunker. However, this bunker is full of green radioactive fog, so avoid it for now.

Using the snowmobile, players should hunt around for more radio towers. The unlooted towers are easy to spot since they have red lights at the top, while the looted towers are dark. Along the way, players can drive the snowmobile up a jump to find a hidden cache with two crates and a toolbox.

Once players have at least 7 cables (for a grand total of 11), they can return to the village and finish setting up the power. Keep in mind that any cable post can connect to any other cable post, and in general players should move counterclockwise through the settlement.

The next residence contains a crate and two vending machine tokens. After that, cross the bridge and use the electric post on the right to open up the infirmary. Inside is some healing salve, two tokens, a toolbox, a crate, and the second note.

Players can connect the infirmary to the post on the rocks to the left and then the residence behind it. Inside are several loot items and two tokens, one of which is hidden under a pillow. Finally, stretch one last cable to power up the big building. Inside are two vending machines full of decorative items (the tokens from Tangaroa work here, too), a token under a potted plant by the door, and a large crate. Upstairs, players will find five more tokens, the blueprint for an advanced biofuel refiner, and a blowtorch special item. At this point, head back to the raft to drop off theloot and resupply.

Falling Down but Looking Up

Raft Temperance Observatory

While hunting down radio towers, players may discover an observatory set in a rocky corner and behind a broken fence. The best way to get here is by taking the "road" out of the village (a darker stretch of snow), turn left to go into a natural tunnel, and then turn left again to reach the observatory. Players will find note three pinned to the fence, but as soon as they go past the fence, the ice will crack and players will fall into a pit.

The only way forward from here is down into the water, and there are anglerfish in the tunnels. One tunnel is blocked by ice, so take the only path forward to find a ladder. Before climbing up, be sure to grab the vending machine token next to some stalagmites. Players will find themselves inside the observatory. On the bottom floor are several small loot items, two tokens, and two notes. Players can also open the door and walk around the hole if they want to leave. It's also possible to avoid falling into the hole in the first place by climbing onto the fence and walking around the side.

One floor up, players will find two tokens, note six, and a toolbox. The top floor has note seven and a combination safe, with notes eight and nine on the walkway above. Getting the code to this safe is a puzzle, and it involves four of the notes players have picked up: the clucker is 1, the poison-puffer is 2, the hook is 3, and the raft is 4.

Players will notice several constellations on wall posters, and two of them have numbers written on them. These note the number of stars in each constellation, with the anchor having 8 and the spear having 2. To get the right numbers for the safe, players need to use the telescope to check each constellation and count up the stars.

If players are having trouble finding them all, keep in mind that the clucker, poison-puffer, and hook are all blue while the raft is red. If players are still having trouble, the safe code is 5964. Inside is the Selene key, three tokens, and the blueprint for an advanced stationary anchor.

Northern Lights

Raft Temperance Selene

While exploring the island, players may see a facility that's beaming green light into the sky. This is the Selene Research Facility, and it's time to head over. With the blowtorch from Moontown, clear away the ice on the door lock, and with the Selene key from the observatory, open it. Inside, players will discover that there's a reactor malfunction and three control rods are needed to fix it. They'll also see note ten next to the main switch, which has a reference to the first story island. There's a token on this table, and another one is on a table on the far wall.

To get the control rods, players will need to explore the facility, but only the door to Laboratory 2 is working. The area on the far side is radioactive, but thankfully players can get a hazmat suit from a locker to the right of the door. This will make players immune to radiation, but it only lasts for a few minutes.

The lab has several posters on the walls that list the letters and numbers of atomic elements. It also has three displays that say "Rb," "Pm," and "Cl." Each display has a keypad underneath which players can use to input two numbers, and so the solution is to type in 37, 61, and 17 respectively, all within 25 seconds of each other. Doing this will open a door leading to a radiation-free staircase. Be sure to grab the token on the "Rb" display before leaving.

The stairs lead to a room with a good view of the reactor and the first control rod. When leaving by the other door, keep right to find a dead end full of loot, then go back and open the door with the green light. The ladder behind it leads to another radioactive zone, but thankfully there's a hazmat locker by the door.

leads to a large wheel, and players will need to click and hold to spin the wheel and open the door. However, several giant beetles called scuttlers will appear and attack. Touch the wheel once, kill the scuttlers (they can't take much damage, thankfully), and then open the door. This will lead to another room next to the reactor, and it holds the second control rod.

The room past this one has two tokens, one on a short box and one on a tall computer. It also has a laser puzzle which players can turn on using the switch on the wall. To solve the puzzle, players must rotate one of the mirrors so that the laser hits the control box keeping the door to Laboratory 1 closed. When it melts, the way forward will open.

Lab 1

Raft Temperance Lasers

Lab 1 is another radioactive zone, and it holds a much more intricate laser puzzle. First, turn it on using the switch to the right of the door. Next, move one mirror to reflect the beam to a second moveable mirror and turn that one to hit a large panel mirror on the same wall as the laser. This will bounce the laser to another panel mirror on the far side of the room, and then it will hit a moveable mirror. Aim this mirror at the fourth moveable mirror, and then aim this mirror at the nearby wall mirror to hit the control box and proceed forward.

Beyond Lab 1 is a room with a crate, the last control rod, and note eleven. The far door leads to stairs and the main chamber, so insert the control rods and flip the main switch to get the reactor key.

Players must now finish inserting the control rods in the main reactor chamber. Open the door and descend the stairs. (Von't forget the token on the way down, nor the one on the hazmat locker at the bottom.) Equip the hazmat suit and a weapon, because more scuttlers are waiting inside. Players will need to turn three wheels for several seconds each, and the scuttlers constantly respawn. Thankfully, the wheels don't reset when players get interrupted, and the scuttlers don't do much damage to fully armored players. On the other hand, the radiation is deadly, so keep an eye on the hazmat suit's durability.

Once all three rods are in, the radiation will disappear and all the scuttlers will die. A new door opens up, and in the corridor is a token. In the chamber beyond is the twelfth note with the next island code, three tokens, the blueprint for an electric smelter, and a suitcase. Players can also find the last playable character, Shogo, by clicking on the monitor next to the one active cryo chamber.

Cleaning Up

Raft Temperance Bunker

The way to the last story island is now open, but there's more to do on Temperance now that the radiation is gone. First, head back to Moontown and enter the bunker. There's nothing unique in here, but the place is full of crates and titanium ore. Then there's a second bunker with more titanium and piles of plastic. It sits on the road between the observatory and the natural tunnel. With these two bunkers cleared, players have found everything Temperance has to offer.

Raft is available now on PC.

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