Raft gives its players complete freedom into tackling its cruel survival open-world. That freedom makes every journey has its own story and outcome, giving the game a unique sense of replayability.

One of the satisfying aspects of Raft is collecting materials, so players can build their own structures based on their preferences. Some people might start fishing for food first, while some might immediately start planting and harvesting vegetables. In all cases, collecting materials is essential for survivability, especially wood and plastic. No matter what the gameplay is, players will have to count on both these materials to build their structure.

RELATED: Raft: Everything You Need To Know About Finding Food

How To Get Plastic In Raft

picking up plastic in raft

Raft offers multiple ways to get plastic. As soon as players begin, they will find plastic everywhere, which they can collect using their hands or with a Plastic Hook. It can either be a floating plastic bottle, or a rectangular wreck.

Eventually, though, once players understand how to get plastic, it will get so abundant that people will start throwing them back into the ocean to get rid of them.

Barrels And Loot Boxes

picking up a barrel in raft

Collecting plastic is fairly easy to do in Raft. They’re one of the materials available in the barrels and crates.

Meanwhile, loot boxes are available on floating abandoned rafts. Players should be careful though, as any step will cause the raft to sink almost instantly.

Simple Collection Net

line of nets in raft

Raft's Collection Nets are the best inventions to get plastic. When any floating material passes through them, they are automatically caught. Crafting them is not difficult, so players can put them all over their structure.

However, it’s not that simple. Sailors have to keep tracking wind direction to keep the structure heading forward. This is important because it will keep the boat passing through all the floating materials, collecting materials as many as the Nets built on it.

Players can use plastic to craft various items in Raft, for example:

  • Items that help with food: Cooking Pots
  • Items that help with planting and water: Empty Cups, Empty Bottles, and Simple Purifiers
  • Weapons: Stone Arrows and Net Launchers
  • Tools: Plastic Hooks
  • Resources: Batteries and Flippers
  • Navigation: Paddles and Receivers
  • And other items like Small Storages and Simple Beds

Plastic can be stocked in one slot until 20 pieces. Given the fact that it's scattered all over the Raft ocean, plastic will quickly consume all the free space in players’ inventory. It is better to craft storage spaces and keep plastic stocked there until the time of need.

Raft is available on PC

MORE: Raft: Important Items To Craft Right Away (& Items That Can Wait)