A large part of Raft’s content exists underwater. Players will get to explore the beauty of the ocean as they attempt to scavenge materials underneath. Unfortunately, this activity isn’t always relaxing. If rafters choose a certain difficulty, the shark will always be on their tails, ready to strike and ruin players’ diving experience.

There are ways to outsmart the shark. Of course, players can go far enough from their raft to escape the shark’s aggro zone, or kill the animal before going in for a dive. If players choose the second option, they’ll only have a few minutes before the predator respawn. Therefore, people have to maximize the time frame to farm as many materials as possible. To help make diving smoother in Raft, players can utilize the Flippers and Oxygen Bottle.

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How To Get Flippers In Raft


Flippers in Raft is an equipable item that can assist players in moving faster underwater. This can be a major help if rafters are exploring deep into the ocean, especially in tough spots that require thorough exploration. Unfortunately, Flippers will not last forever. Players can only benefit from it for about ten minutes before the item breaks. Therefore, it’s a good idea to be selective about where players are using it. The item’s durability also only depletes while moving, so minimizing movement can help preserve the equipment.

To make Flippers in Raft, people need to spare these materials:

  • Plastic x6
  • Seaweed x6
  • Vine Goo x5
  • Rope x4

How To Make Oxygen Bottle In Raft


Not only moving speed but there’s also another important aspect to note when diving in Raft: Oxygen level. On top of the screen, rafters can see an indicator that indicates the character’s Oxygen level. Staying underwater with empty breaths will slowly reduce the players’ health, eventually leading to death. This is where the Oxygen Bottle comes in. This item allows players to stay underwater for a longer time, allowing a more effective exploration. Combining Flippers and an Oxygen Bottle is the most effective way to preserve both items. Since players will have to spend less time swimming to the surface, the Flippers’ functionality will shine brighter.

To make an Oxygen Bottle in Raft, players need to use:

  • Plastic x8
  • Rope x4
  • Empty Bottle x1
  • Vine Goo x5

Meanwhile, to make an Empty Bottle, the following materials will be needed:

  • Plastic x6
  • Vine Goo x4

Unlike an Empty Bottle, Oxygen Bottle will break after some time, so like Flippers, players should also be considerate when equipping the tool.

Materials Required For Flippers And Oxygen Bottle In Raft

how to get seaweed in raft

To have the Flippers and Oxygen Bottle available in the crafting menu, rafters need to insert the following items on the Research Table:

  • Plastic: Plastic in Raft is one of the most common resources. It can be found floating all over the sea surface.
  • Seaweed: Harvesting Seaweed in Raft demands players to dive and find some tall-kelp underwater.
  • Vine Goo: Smelted from Seaweed using the Smelter.
  • Rope: Processed from Palm Leaf. A common material.
  • Empty Bottle

Raft is available on PC.

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