As a typical survival game, Raft players need to collect materials to stay alive. For basic survival requirements, rafters simply need to have enough food and drink. But as the game goes on, players will discover more things to create, and some of them require the existence of livestock. Some animals in Raft can be domesticated. They can yield unique items that can help players’ journey, so their existence should not be ignored. Unfortunately, caring for livestock is no simple task. People have to make some preparations before they catch an animal, like making a cage and preparing food sources.

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Livestock in Raft need grass to stay alive and to grow this plantation, rafters will need to collect some Dirt. While Dirt theoretically should be available on the majority of an island, getting Dirt in Raft in practice isn’t as simple. This material is only available in specific places, making it a hard item to collect in the game.

How To Get Dirt In Raft


Initially, players will find Dirt in caves on Large Islands. But as they progress through the storyline, there will be more sources for Dirt. For example, Desert Biomes would have Dirt laying all over the place. If players wish to explore the most out of the game, they should first visit the Radio Tower in Raft.

To harvest Dirt in Raft, rafters need to own a Shovel. To make this tool, people need to have:

  • Metal Ingot x1
  • Bolt x1
  • Plank x6

Other than for Dirt, a Shovel will also be needed for treasure hunting.

While players dig out the Dirt, there’s a rather large chance of getting an extra item. This includes Scrap, Nail, Bolt, and Hinge.

How To Use Dirt In Raft


Getting Dirt in Raft is quite a pain, so it’s fortunate that it only has a handful of uses. Dirt can first be used on the Research Table to unlock Grass Plot. Afterward, Dirt is required to make a Grass Plot.

If players own some unneeded Dirt, they can throw the materials to the Recycler to make Trash Cubes in Raft. One Dirt grants 60 points, which is equal to two Scraps or six Plastics. Five Dirt is required to yield one Trash Cube.

How To Make Grass Plot In Raft


Grass Plots are crucial for feeding livestock in Raft. After placing the block, players need to water it with Fresh Water (or wait for rainfall). A patch of grass will fully grow after five minutes, and an animal will automatically feast on it. Then, the Grass Plot has to be re-watered.

To avoid re-watering the Grass Plot endlessly, players should consider crafting a Sprinkler. With a little help from Battery in Raft, rafters no longer have to worry about keeping their animals alive.

To make one Grass Plot, the following materials are required:

  • Dirt x2
  • Plank x6
  • Plastic x4

Raft is available on PC.

MORE: Raft: How To Get Metal & Copper