Most materials in Raft hold their own significance. Even if it seems like they're only useful for one thing, that thing turns out to be useful for many other things. For example, Sand is only used to make Wet Brick and Glass, but the two items are crucial for many other devices.

Because of this, when players are out scavenging, it's a good idea to take everything they can get. This way, it'll be hard to not own necessary items. Among materials that may have been overlooked, Sand and Clay in Raft are two of them.

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How To Get Clay In Raft

how to get clay in raft

Both Clay and Sand are almost identical. Like Seaweed in Raft, both are available on the ground underwater. Players must dive near islands to pick them up using a Plastic or Scrap Hook.

The two look highly similar at night, but during the day, Clay has a distinctive dark color.

How To Get Sand In Raft

how to get clay i raft

Meanwhile, Sand has a far lighter color than Clay. Just like Clay, Sand also looks like a wide blob on the ground. The two items are often found together, so it may take a while until Raft players understand which is which, especially at nighttime.

What Are Clay and Sand Used For In Raft

what to do with clay and sand in raft

Players can combine two Sands and two Clays to make a Wet Brick. Unfortunately, Wet Brick isn't used in any crafting, so rafters have to do an extra step to process it. To do this, people need to equip the Wet Brick, then place them on the raft. Next, wait for about five minutes for the Wet Bricks to dry. After it became Dry Brick, the material is ready to move on to the next step.

Dry Brick is only used for one device, the Smelter. However, a Smelter is extremely crucial for almost every advanced item in Raft. For instance, it's impossible to make Metal Ingots and Copper Ingots without a Smelter. But of course, after players make sufficient Smelters, Dry Brick will no longer be a necessity.

Other than Dry Bricks, Clay and Sand have other uses as well. Clay is used for:

  • Clay Bowl: Necessary to pick up food from the Cooking Pot. This item is a single-use.
  • Healing Salve: Used to heal lost HP. Very handy in dangerous areas.
  • Beehive: The den needed to raise bees on the raft.

Meanwhile, Sand only has one other use: to smelt it into Glass. Luckily, Glass has plenty of uses, such as:

  • Drinking Glass: A glass to take smoothie from the Juicer.
  • Advanced Purifier: An advanced version to turn Salt Water into Fresh Water. It requires no fuel.
  • Binoculars: A tool that won't break. It's useful to see far.
  • Honey: A type of food in Raft processed from Honeycombs. Honey is crucial to make Biofuel, so it'll be really useful in mid-game.

Raft is available on PC.

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