Gamers love a good survival game, and Raft allows them to explore the vast ocean and nature like no other. Players get to see what it's like to survive using all of their resources. This game is not for the faint of heart. Players must use their skills to build a raft they can live on. They must use survival instincts to collect food and water.

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There are many dangers on a raft in the ocean as well as on land. Many animals are lurking about in Raft that are serious threats to players. However, some animals are beneficial for food and are not as threatening. Below are all the animals in Raft that are or are not major threats.

Updated on September 21, 2022 by Nikole Brinkman: Raft has been in Early Access since 2018, but thankfully has officially released in 2022 with a finished storyline as well as all new content for players to explore. Not only are there more locations for players to drift off into, but there are more items that can be crafted on the boat to help make raft management a little easier.

And of course if there are new islands and land masses to explore, there are bound to be new animals. That being said, it's important to look back at this list to make sure players are aware of just what exactly they're getting into, and what to look out for when they find these creatures. And not only this, but there will be added information on what each of these animals are if players are interested in taming some, and how much health they have if players are up for a fight.

17 Clucker

  • Type: Livestock
  • Health: 50
  • Capture Method: Net Launcher- provides eggs

The least threatening animals in Raft by far are cluckers. Players use these small turkey-like birds to collect eggs for food. Players catch cluckers with a net that launches onto them and relocate them to their raft.

Cluckers require food or else they die, but this is the only thing threatening about them. Cluckers are friendly and helpless. They can even name and hold them once they are domestic.

16 Goat

  • Type: Livestock
  • Health: 100
  • Capture Method: Net Launcher- provides milk

Useful animals that players can easily tame are goats. They provide buckets full of milk, so characters don't go hungry. Players capture these animals with a net that launches towards them. Then, they bring them to their raft. Players have to be careful because goats often walk on the raft's edges and can fall off.

In addition, goats can die from lack of food or beehives. Other than that, they are perfectly safe to have around.

15 Llama

  • Type: Livestock
  • Health: 75
  • Capture Method: Net Launcher- provides wool

Clothing is always useful in the middle of the ocean on a raft. Luckily, llamas provide wool for characters by sheering them. These harmless animals are beneficial, but they can be skittish if they aren't domestic. Players who get too close can scare the llamas causing them to bolt away.

However, keeping a distance allows them to settle. Players catch llamas with a launching net and can relocate them to the raft. They tend to walk close to the raft's edges and must be fed often. They are rather friendly though, so no need to worry.

14 Seagull

  • Type: Livestock
  • Health: 10
  • Capture Method: Birds Nest- provides feathers

The pests in the gameRaft are the seagulls. They fly above the raft and eat crops that players spend time growing on it. Players can shoo them away with hooks or tossing stones at them. Seagulls don't attack characters, but they can attack any nearby scarecrows.

Related: Stranded Deep: How To Build A Raft

Plus, characters who get close enough can easily scare the seagulls away. Don't worry about seagulls attack characters, just make sure to keep the crops safe.

13 Bee Swarm

  • Type: Livestock
  • Capture Method: Sweep Net- provides Honey in Bee Hives
  • Location: Found on Evergreen Islands and Baboa Island

Players find it helpful to collect bees for beehives. However, bee swarms are a threat to the characters. They normally fly about islands near wild beehives. Players can sweep a net at them to catch them.

Bees are difficult to catch sometimes because they constantly fly around. Therefore, players must get as close as possible to them without them stinging. Bee swarms don't cause a significant amount of damage, but it's always best to avoid bee stings. Furthermore, bees do not rejuvenate after they die.

12 Lurker

  • Type: Hostile
  • Health: 30/50
  • Location: Vasagatan Ship and Tangaroa

There is a ship in the game Raft with the name of Vasagatan. Lurkers scuttle all about this ship and attack characters without hesitation. Granted, these creepy rat-like animals only attack characters when they see them. However, lurkers are not very powerful, so players can easily kill them.

Lurkers attack by pouncing, so all players have to do is move out of the way. Players can also stab lurkers right after they attempt to pounce at them. Using a bow to shoot them is also a good strategy. Characters don't normally die from lurker attacks, but it's best to avoid the damage.

11 Screecher

  • Type: Hostile
  • Health: 100
  • Location: Larger Islands

Screechers are often more annoying than scary, but players must avoid them. These aggressive birds drop boulders on characters upon sight. These boulders either cause serious damage to characters.

Fortunately, players can gauge where screechers are by listening to them picking up boulders. They also hear loud screeches before they drop them. Also, the more players move around, the longer it takes for screechers to drop the boulders. The best way to kill screechers is by shooting bows at them.

10 Warthog

  • Type: Hostile
  • Health: 90
  • Location: larger islands

Players must be tactful when exploring islands because warthogs can charge at them anytime. Warthogs are threatening because as soon as they see players, they charge without question. However, these animals are pretty easy to kill.

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Players can use bows, spears, and even trick them into going into nearby water to kill them. The best time to kill warthogs is after they finish charging. They feel overwhelmed by confusion for a few seconds so players have time to defeat them. Just make sure to get out of the way when they charge.

9 Poison Puffer

  • Type: Hostile
  • Health: 40
  • Location: underwater near large islands

Fish are good sources of food, but not all fish are easy to catch. Poison puffer fish are quite threatening. They swim at players if they are close enough. Then, they release a huge cloud of poisonous gas which severely damages characters. A couple of ways to escape these evil little fish is by shooting bows and spears at them.

On the bright side, players can assume there are poison puffer fish wherever they hear bubbles. They make a very distinct noise that acts as a forewarning. Players who are lucky enough to catch these fish can make soup out of their heads.

8 Mudhog

raft mudhog animals threat
  • Type: Hostile
  • Health: 45
  • Location: Caravan Island or Desert Biome Islands

These hogs attack through charging at players, hitting at a whopping 15 damage each. Working with a bow to defeat this enemy is ideal, making sure to dodge the charges and jump around to prevent being hit.

They can be easily maneuvered around and there are not a lot that spawn in areas were players might have troubles. There are a couple of spots where they could be a nuisance on Caravan, but players can easily take them out quickly or avoid them.

7 Anglerfish

raft anglerfish animals threat
  • Type: Hostile
  • Health: 50
  • Location: Veruna Point and Temperance

While players will surely bump into a few of these creatures when swimming underwater and around the area, they're not that bad of a threat. There are two locations where they spawn, but Veruna Point is where players will most likely see the most of them.

There is a long underwater section where players must swim through structures and solve puzzles to open up new areas, and there can be a lot of Angerfish where they go. Thankfully, once killed, they drop a wearable hat that is also a flashlight, giving players a better look into the darker parts of the world.

6 Scuttler

raft scuttler animals threat
  • Type: Hostile
  • Health: 30
  • Location: Research Facility at Temperance

At only 30 health, these beetle like creatures can bug players for sure. While they are easy to kill if players have a more refined weapon such as a Machete or Metal Spears and arrows. The biggest problem is how many players have to go through when completing the Research Facility in Temperance.

Related: Hidden Secrets In Raft

Players will surely end up with a few scratches and bruises when fending off these foes. They are more of an annoyance than a complete problem, but a threat nonetheless.

5 Hyena

raft hyena animals threat
  • Type: Hostile
  • Health: 50
  • Location: Caravan Island and Utopia

Hyena's started on Caravan Island but now found in Utopia. To prevent any spoilers, there won't be a lot of detail on these creatures, but they become a huge problem later in the game.

They have less health than the more aggressive animals, but they put up a lot of damage with their bites and attacks. They do provide players with meat and leather upon looting.

4 Polar Bear

raft polar bear animals threat
  • Type: Hostile
  • Health: 100
  • Location: On Temperance or Ice Islands near Temperance

The Polar Bear on these icy islands are viscious, so players should watch out as they complete the tasks on those islands. Their attacks are strong and since they are mainly melee attacks, the bear will do all it can to get as close as possible.

Players should opt for a long range attack such as a bow and keep their distance. Like the Bears in the game, these creatures are pretty hostile and are set up near a few key locations that players have to be in, making them a dangerous threat towards the middle to end of the game.

3 Shark

  • Type: Hostile
  • Health: 150
  • Location: constantly follows the raft

Dun dun dun dun! Sharks are some of the most threatening animals in Raft. Let alone in real life. Sharks close to the raft attack them about every 5 to 10 minutes. They can damage the raft and damage any characters who are in the water.

Related: Raft: How To Get Flippers And The Oxygen Bottle

Players can suspect sharks are close when they hear a specific swimming noise. An upside is that players can distract sharks with large planks that repair the raft. Sharks are fairly difficult to kill, and they can rejuvenate from death within a few minutes.

2 Bear

  • Type: Hostile
  • Health: 100
  • Location: Evergreen Islands or Baboa Island

Players who come across bears during their island searches are in trouble. They attack whenever they see players. Bears attack by pounding, swiping and lunging. They even leap at players!

Bears are very powerful and take a good amount of time to kill. Players have to work fast when facing a bear, or they experience serious consequences. Also, bears quickly rejuvenate from death. So be sure to run away as fast as possible beforehand.

1 Mama Bear

  • Type: Hostile
  • Health: 750
  • Location: Evergreen Islands or Baboa Island

The most dangerous animal in all of Raft is mama bear. This huge animal is the only animal in the game that can actually kill players. In order to retrieve the machete item, players must go into mama bear's cave. They cannot progress in the game without doing this. Mama bear attacks players if they are too close.

The best bet that players have is to gather nearby berries and toss them next to the cave. Mama bear moves out of the way to eat the berries and players can grab the machete. There are a few strategies for killing mama bear, but players must put up a fight.

Raft is available now on PC

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