
  • Former Disney designer David Hand criticizes the upcoming Snow White remake, calling it a disgrace and disrespectful to the original animators.
  • Hand believes that changes to the story and characters in the remake insult the original film and show a lack of respect for Disney's legacy.
  • While some may be against the changes, others may welcome them as a way to bring something new to the beloved classic.

It appears some Disney alumni are not fans of Rachel Zegler's upcoming Snow White remake, as former Disney designer David Hand spoke out against the film, going as far as calling it a disgrace and saying this remake shows a lack of respect for the original Disney animators.

Hand, who had family ties to the original Disney film, criticized the company for what they've done to the characters, believing that the changes to the story and the characters in the Snow White remake insult the original film. He even added that those who run Disney now don't have respect for what their predecessors did.

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Hand explained why he doesn't like the upcoming reboot of Disney's 1937 Snow White while talking with The Telegraph. “It’s a whole different concept, and I just totally disagree with it, and I know my dad and Walt would also very much disagree with it,” Hand said. He also called the film a “disgrace” because Disney is “trying to do something new with something that was such a great success earlier…Their thoughts are just so radical now. They change the stories. They change the thought process of the characters." Hand explained why he doesn't like the changes. "They’re making up new woke things, and I’m just not into any of that. I find it quite frankly a bit insulting [what] they may have done with some of these classic films… There’s no respect for what Disney did and what my dad did… I think Walt and he would be turning in their graves.”

Rachel Zegler West Side Story Snow White

Hand was a designer for Disney during the 1990s, and his father was one of the directors of the original Snow White film in 1937. He crowd that holds the revolutionary animated classic so dear, knowing the film's impact on the industry and how Disney turned into the animation powerhouse and monopoly it is today. He's not a fan of a modern remake potentially tarnishing that legacy.

Hand is entitled to his opinion, and he isn't the only one who feels this way, but whether this upcoming Snow White remake is good or not, it shouldn't affect how any Disney fans see the animated versions of them. A lot - not all - of these Disney live-action remakes have been lazily made because they are essentially shot-for-shot the same movies, only this time, they are live-action. Not to mention, they are shameless cash grabs. However, if those who watch them come out thinking they're bad, it just serves as a reminder of how good the originals were, to begin with.

With some of the changes the Snow White remake has made, the bottom line is that modern Disney remakes like Snow White won't be for everyone. While some may feel that trying to change something that worked in the past is a bad idea because they damage what was already a big success, others may welcome these new changes because they want to see something new brought to the table.

Snow White will be released in theaters on March 22, 2024.

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Source: The Telegraph