
  • A Quiet Place: Day One answers some questions but leaves mysteries unsolved, like Henri's fate and the origin of the aliens.
  • New characters Eric and Frodo's disappearance remains unclear, and the world outside the movie's focus is hinted at but not explored.
  • The marionette show's purpose and the unexplained aspects of the aliens' origin add to the horror and intrigue of the franchise.

A prequel for a horror film is supposed to answer questions. That is the general idea like how there was a recent movie, The First Omen, which is a prequel to the 1976 original film. A Quiet Place: Day One does answer some questions fans had over the other two movies but there are still lots of things left on the table.

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That makes sense since A Quiet Place: Day One follows a new group of survivors in New York City instead of the Abbott Family. What does this prequel leave out? Let’s go through the big mysteries with spoilers on.

This list contains spoilers!

6 What Did Henri Do After This Movie?

There Are Over 400 Unaccounted Days

Henri in A Quiet Place Day One

For those who don’t remember the events or characters from A Quiet Place Part 2, here is a recap. Evelyn, Emily Blunt’s character, and her family escape to an island free of monsters toward the end of the film. That movie begins on Day 474 and presumably, a few more days are added to that list by the end of the credits. On this island is Henri and his family. He’s alive and well, but in one of the final scenes of the movie, he dies via a monster.

It is presumed he dies, at least because he is taken outside and screams. In A Quiet Place: Day One, it is revealed Henri was at ground zero for the aliens crash-landing on Earth in New York City. After getting on the boat at the end, what happened to Henri after? Djimon Hounsou is a big deal for an actor, so another spinoff starring his character would be interesting for a horror prequel.

5 What Happened To Eric And Frodo?

They Weren’t In The Second Movie, Unlike Henri

Eric running with frodo in A Quiet Place Day One

A Quiet Place Part 2 introduced new characters to the franchise, like the aforementioned Henri. Eric and Frodo weren’t there, though, and A Quiet Place: Day One ends with those two leaving with Henri on the boat. Did they die in the process leading into A Quiet Place Part 2, or did they split from Henri on good terms?

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In A Quiet Place: Day One, Eric reveals to Sam that he was in New York City studying abroad. He’s originally from the UK and is deeply worried about his family following the monster attacks. That could answer where Eric and Frodo disappeared to but how they got to the UK is another story.

4 Why Did Sam Give Up?

She May Not Be Dead

Sam walking with Frodo in A Quiet Place Day One

Sam goes through one hell of a ride in the movie. She has been in hospice, ready to die, for a long time. She keeps getting extensions on life, which is both good and bad - good that she gets to live but bad that she is in pain and not knowing must feel terrible.

By the end of the movie, she has had enough. She ate pizza and found someone to take care of Frodo in her passing. That may be why she commits suicide in the end, but in a way, it is a noble sacrifice, too. It’s unclear if Sam does die after she signals the monsters with her music, but it is a safe bet.

3 What’s Happening In The Rest Of The World?

Let’s See Day One From Other Cultures

A crowd scene in A Quiet Place Day One

In the three movies that have been released, there have only been allusions to what is happening in the rest of the world. There is a scene in the puppet theater after the alien attack wherein Sam sees a girl writing down notes. Next to her is a globe with confirmed attacked countries.

This was within the first 24 hours, so presumably, the rest of the globe has been attacked by Day 474 which again is when A Quiet Place Part 2 takes place. It would be interesting to visit the UK with Eric or another country like Japan to see how they would deal with an alien attack in another prequel or sequel. In an anime world, mechs would be involved.

2 Where Did These Aliens Come From?

Their Purpose Is A Mystery

Henri, Sam, and Reuben in A Quiet Place Day One

A horror movie monster can be more terrifying if they don’t have an explanation. Why is this creature killing people? In the case of A Quiet Place: Day One, why are there aliens attacking Earth? Where did they come from, and are there more intelligent versions?

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Horror movies are known for their tropes, but very few use them so effectively that they terrify the most prepared audience and spawn imitations.

A Quiet Place: Day One shows that they at least crash-landed from space like meteors but there are unexplained bits about this origin that don’t make sense. Why didn’t they burn up in the atmosphere or why didn’t the sound barrier hurt their delicate eardrums? It’s a lot to take in.

1 Did The Marionette Show Have a Point?

That Show Had To Mean Something

Reuben and Sam talking in A Quiet Place Day One

One of the weirdest acts in the movie takes place before the alien attack. Reuben invites Sam to the city to see a show, and then he promises to get pizza with her after. Reuben wasn’t lying about the pizza but he wasn’t clear on the type of “show” he was bringing her to.

It wasn’t a fun summer movie so much as it was a marionette show. It was oddly depicted, too, as the puppeteer didn’t introduce himself and just started his show. Were there life lessons the viewers were supposed to take from the marionette popping his balloon, or is this unimportant to the alien threat?

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