Legendary director Quentin Tarantino is working on a television show, one of the rare times he's left the silver screen for a creative endeavor. Tarantino will be working on filming an eight-episode tv series next year.

Tarantino has worked on television before, but they're fairly sparse offerings. In addition to a few acting credits, he directed an ER episode in 1995 and CSI: Crime Scene Investigation in 2005. He also has the story credit on From Dusk 'till Dawn: The Series. Of course, it was also previously reported that Tarantino might direct episodes on the Justified revival. It's unclear if Tarantino will follow through with that, or if it was simply an idea being kicked around.

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As reported by Variety, Tarantino spoke about his plans at a New York event hosted by Elvis Mitchell, which was being held to promote his new book Cinema Speculation. At the event, Tarantino remarked that he was looking to shoot a series in 2023, but was not forthcoming about any production details or plots he might explore. He also explained that he had worked on writing a play before he completed Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. Tarantino also stated that if he were to direct any comic adaptation, it would be an adaptation of Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandos, which centers on a team led by Nick Fury.

Quentin Tarantino

This is an intriguing possibility, given his close working relationship with Samuel L. Jackson and the fact that Tarantino stated he would never join the MCU. Ironically, he called those who worked on Marvel films "hired hands." It's possible he would be happy to adapt the comic but would not want studio interference on the project.

Tarantino's desire to return to television is a bit surprising. The filmmaker is known for his devotion to and love of film (though, ironically, Tarantino's son has only seen Despicable Me 2). It's also unknown where Tarantino will be shopping his series or if he already has a studio and network willing to take on the project.

Tarantino has been fairly set in his dedication to retiring after he makes 10 movies. Given that Once Upon a Time in Hollywood was his ninth film, Tarantino's next film may be his final movie. He has, however, allowed that if the right story comes along, he may renege on this promise. Perhaps with a turn towards television signals, Tarantino will not be retiring entirely and will simply retire from the big screen.

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Source: Variety