For most long-running fans of PUBG Mobile, there is probably a gun of choice that comes to mind at the start of each match. This is the gun they seek out and hope to use throughout the game. Most do not take the class of guns into account when they do this. That's the main difference between victory and defeat; understanding the gun classes and knowing what is right for each gamer.

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An important thing to always remember is that every player is different. Every individual often has a role or two that they perform and this is very important in a game like PUBG Mobile which uses a squad system in some modes. There is a chance to go solo as well, but in both classes, mastery of the guns and gun classes are very essential.

7 Pistols

pistol class in pubg mobile

Most players of PUBG mobile can relate to landing right on a pistol and discarding it in favor of a different gun. They do not see the sort of role this gun can fill, but most of them can also relate to a pistol kill sometimes. This is because pistols like the R45 and the Scorpion actually have quite decent damage.

Pistols are essential because there is never a need to discard them. They can hold a few extra bullets and an extra scope when needed. In those times when there needs to be a reload, the pistols can come out and deal the damage needed to eliminate an opponent. This class should not be taken so lightly.

6 Shotguns

shotgun class in pubg mobile

Holding an S12k, M1014, or a DBS while an opponent is pushing is a great way to send that enemy back to the lobby in an instant. Shotguns often need one shot or two to send their piercing rounds through enemy vests, knocking them. The shotguns in PUBG Mobile have insane firepower up front.

The limitation of this class is that they do not do well in mid to long-range fights. The bullets hardly do much to an opponent far away. That is why these unique shotguns should be paired with a mid to long-range weapon to get the maximum effect possible.

5 DMRs

dmr class in pubg mobile

Designated Marksman Rifles are insanely good for long-range fights. While not with as much damage as some snipers, they fire more rapidly and have more bullets to work with. For long-range and mid-range, picking an SKS, SLR, or Mini14 will be advantageous.

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DMRs work great with any scope, from the smallest scopes like the red dot to large ones like the 8x scope. They can also act in close-quarter fights, and while not as powerful in this regard as the shotguns, quick taps can still drop enemies easily.

4 SMGs

smg class in pubg mobile

Submachine guns are fast. Pushing enemies with a good SMG like UMP45, UZI or Vector is one of the best ways to take fights. They completely destroy vests and helmets at close range.

While SMGs are not the best at long range, they do okay in mid-range, ensuring that they are best with a sniper or assault rifle to make sure that their shortcomings are compensated. SMGs are rampant across the map and are usually really easy to pick up anywhere.

3 Sniper Rifles

sniper rifle class in pubg mobile

Sniper rifles are and will continue to be a favorite in shooter games. It is very thrilling to land a clean headshot from hundreds of miles away, behind the safety of cover. These weapons for stealthy attacks take quite a bit of practice to master and that is why most squads often have a dedicated sniper.

The sniper rifles in PUBG Mobile deal insane damage. Some of the most powerful guns in the game, like the AWM and the Lynx AMR, are snipers. One neat headshot can down an opponent and that is why most players pick these up. Still, gamers should be wary of another team's sniper when they peak through corners.


lmg class in pubg mobile

Most guns are for a specific purpose, and they carry out that purpose very well. The main purpose of the Light Machine Guns. In PUBG Mobile is total and utter destruction. These beastly guns combine a high rate of fire with huge mags.

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LMGs like the M249 and MG3 can level enemy squads without the need to even reload. The DP28 is even more stable than some assault rifles in long-range engagements. It is safe to say that the right combination of LMGs can win a game. These guns are really heavy though and can make a character slightly slower.

1 Assault Rifles

assault rifle class in pubg mobile

Assault rifles give players the entire experience. They are not limited to just mid-range and can be used for both long-range and close-quarter combat. Here players have guns like the M416, AUG A3, Groza, and AKM are just a few of these assault rifles that are the best in different games.

In PUBG Mobile, many assault rifles can be altered. For example, some guns can go from fully automatic, to burst fire and even single tap to ensure better accuracy at long ranges. The 5.56mm assault rifles see their strength in accuracy, while their 7.62mm assault rifles deal insane amounts of damage.

PUBG Mobile is available on Android and iOS.

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