Miramar is the map of choice for PUBG players who want a more challenging experience away from the typical urban city experience. Introduced in 2017 as the game’s second map after the forested cityscape of Erengal, Miramar provided a much-needed alternative with a brighter landscape and more open areas that forced players to shift their playstyles.

With the 2023 iteration of PUBG running with 9 maps, both vets and newcomers to the battle royale have a plethora of environments to choose from whenever they’re in the mood to wreak havoc. In a Game ZXC interview, In-Game Production Director Taehyun Kim of the PUBG team explains how the Miramar rework in Update 25.1 may improve the desert cityscape’s hardcore appeal, especially now that the map boasts a renewed preference for tighter spaces and more unique mechanics.

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Realism Leads To Immersion

The Resort in the PUBG Miramar Revamp

Given the scope of battle royale games such as PUBG, dev teams aren’t able to predict the exact ways players can approach a map like Miramar. Player interaction is oftentimes more invaluable than simple data. So, much of the work towards the Miramar revamp focused on giving players a gameplay environment that provides them with realistic visuals paired with mechanics that facilitate more dynamic gameplay. This method lets them find their own strategies and take advantage of the map.

Given the characteristics of PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS, there are different variables and chances created from the relationships among different locations on a huge map. We should encourage players to choose their own strategies on a map that has realistic locations.

Many visual changes to the Miramar revamp focused on providing better graphics, particularly to help immerse players in the map’s iconic desert landscape. Much of the remote locations on the edges of the map received a more realistic makeover, with more PUBG vehicles now present in paddy fields for travel. New residential areas also populated the southern hemisphere of the map, complete with more house sets present on roadways. Key additions to the Miramar revamp included the abandoned yet stunning Resort that overlooked the southern seascape, as well as the festive Partona contrasted Miramar’s desolate cityscape with its emphasis on bright colors. Both areas come with high possibility for loot, making them ripe for engagements.

Where Immersion Blends With Gameplay

FPS View of the Sandstorm in the Miramar Update

Upgraded looks aren’t all what Update 25.1 offers to PUBG gameplay, with the Miramar revamp upping the ante on immersion with new gameplay mechanics. On top of creating the impression of a more livable cityscape through condensed areas, Kim and the PUBG team uses Miramar’s desert landscape to feature its own set of environmental hazards.

When we reinforced the snow map concept of Vikendi last year, we designed and added a Blizzard Zone accompanied by strong winds and snowstorms. This led us to thinking about a new feature that suits Miramar’s natural environment, and we came up with the idea of the Sandstorm.

Taking cues from Vikendi’s Blizzard Zone, the Sandstorm in the Miramar update also comes with a constant damage on top of vision obstruction and slowed movement. However, the Sandstorm also extingusihes sources of fire and disables electronic equipment, much like its real-life counterpart. Should players encounter a Sandstorm, they’re encouraged to avoid it through the revamped map’s many locations. Players who do this pose the risk of encountering snipers on the opposite end of classic Miramar’s ridges, but the updated map’s new Zipline feature turns the tide with faster air-time between areas.

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With the introduction of Ziplines, players can strategically navigate through the islands and various ridges of Miramar at a brisk pace. Difficult-to-access spots, like enemy-guarded areas, can be breached swiftly and stealthily via Ziplines. The feature not only adds an exciting layer to combat dynamics but also aims to mitigate the challenging terrain of Miramar.

Despite the Zipline making travel between areas much easier, the feature only lets players access SMGs and Handguns while cutting their ability to reload. Players could use Ziplines to get out of Sandstorms quickly or ambush opponents en route to their destination, with the suspense of high-octane gameplay blending with the newfound realism of Miramar’s desert landscape.

Familiar Should Be Fun, Not Boring

The Partona Map in PUBG Miramar Revamp

The Miramar revamp elevating new mechanics under the backdrop of improved graphics seems intentional, especially when Kim and the team wanted to retain the map’s classic appeal. Being the second map to appear in PUBG gameplay, there’s reasonable sentiment to be had in this location’s iconic areas. However, the dev team understands that familiarity doesn’t always mean a gameplay feature is always fun.

The charm of old maps lies in their familiarity. But once this familiarity turns into boredom, the advantage becomes a shortcoming. We have added new updates while maintaining the core elements of each map, aiming to provide an experience that is familiar but fun in a new way.

This philosophy of “old in the new” explains design choices in Miramar revamp that positioned more residential areas to the classic map’s desolate southern hemisphere as well as updates to housing sets. More importantly, the “reshuffling” of remote locations aimed to motivate players to switch things up in their approach of dropping in Miramar zones.

When data showed many players opting out of remote locations in favor of areas closer to the center, this means a lot of Miramar’s regions remain out of action. Moving them much closer to each other and increasing their loot, on top of Ziplines connecting these areas together, can reinvigorate their potential as destinations for players to visit.

The Miramar map revamp went live on August 2, 2023 alongside Update 25.1 of PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds.

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