It’s now possible to play the cult classic horror title PT on the PS5, thanks to a modder’s discovery. What’s more, they were able to get the game running on an unmodified console, though the process of making that happen does require the use of a jailbroken PS5.For a long time now, the “playable teaser” for Hideo Kojima’s canceled Silent Hills project has been trapped in a limbo of sorts. The free demo was only available on PS4 for a brief time following its 2014 release, before the messy breakup between Kojima Productions and Konami led to it being completely removed from the PlayStation Network. Outside of those who’ve kept the game downloaded on their PS4s, no one has been able to play it officially since then, forcing interested gamers to either recreate PT in other games like Dreams and Halo Infinite, or resort to hacking to access it, as streamer Lance McDonald did to get it running on the PS5.RELATED: PT Gets Remade in Halo Infinite’s Forge ModeEarlier this month, when McDonald first showed off the PS5 being jailbroken, it wasn’t possible to actually get PT running on the system, but he has since figured out a workaround. The process is somewhat convoluted, but the gist is that one needs to have PT already on their PlayStation account, log into said account on a broken PS5, and then download the game onto that console. From there, they can copy it onto a USB drive and insert that into an unmodified PS5, making it possible to play PT and other unsupported games on a legitimate, fully-updated current-gen console.

Naturally, doing so still requires players to use a jailbroken PS5, which is very much against Sony’s terms of service and could result in one getting banned, cutting off access to PT and the rest of their PSN games. That said, McDonald doubts Sony will take serious action against him or other jailbreakers. After all, the PS5 is still a relatively hard console to find two years after launch. Odds are the number of people who own two PS5s, have one in a breakable state, and know how to jailbreak is too low for the company to really crack down on the exploit.

Eight years on, PT has earned something of a mythical status among gamers, not just for its mind-bending horror gameplay, its surprise reveal as a teaser for Silent Hills, and its brief official lifespan but for the intriguing possibilities and bold new direction it hinted at for the future of the Silent Hill franchise. It’s no surprise Silent Hills and its playable teaser have gone down as one of the most notorious cases of what could’ve been in gaming.

With Kojima Productions operating as an independent studio and working on its own projects these days, a Hideo Kojima-led Silent Hill game likely won’t happen. But there is good news for fans of the series, as Konami will be sharing new Silent Hill updates tomorrow, October 19, meaning a new game announcement may be imminent.

MORE: Death Stranding 2, Project Overdose Spell Bad News for PT Fans

Source: Twitter