For many fans, Hideo Kojima's Playable Teaser or P.T. as it is known, is the ultimate example of what could have been. A precursor to what was intended to be Silent Hills, the project was ultimately canceled and the demo went through a tumultuous time where Konami was blamed for removing the short horror experience. The demo has managed to find its way back into the mainstream media thanks to one player who continues to discover new and terrifying secrets.

The latest P.T. demo revelation comes once again from Lance McDonald, who has recently done a lot of sleuthing. In the short experience, players are seemingly trapped in what is at first, an unassuming and normal looking house. As players continuously make laps around the same hallway, things start to subtly change. Over time, new areas open up, such as the bathroom, where McDonald has noted that players can find it in two states. The first is where the bathtub is partially filled with water and the second has the bathtub completely empty.

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However, digging into the files reveals a third state, which is available in the game's memory but never displayed. The third version of the bathroom is much more disturbing than the others as the tub is completely full and has Lisa's decapitated corpse sitting in it. McDonald theorized that this state may have originally factored into the experience, but was cut before the demo went live. Regardless, it does prove that Kojima and his team intended the Silent Hills playable teaser demo to be even more scary than fans found it to be.

Even though Kojima has long since moved on from Konami and is currently readying Death Stranding, it hasn't stopped fans like Lance McDonald from continuing to uncover secrets. In fact, McDonald just recently discovered a horrifying secret by hacking the camera. All of the noises and shadows that players chillingly discovered while walking the halls is actually a result of the specter Lisa following behind the player. The camera hid her presence from players, making it actually look at though there was nothing there. As it turns out, the game attaches her to the player once they get the flashlight.

MORE: 5 Horror Games Inspired by PT

Source: Lance McDonald