Making Peace is an achievement in Psychonauts 2 that instructs players to “return to where it all started.” For many fans, this will be one of the very last trophies that they claim, though some players may be confused about exactly how that is done. Fortunately, it is quite simple to earn the Making Peace achievement, and this guide is here to point Psychonauts 2 fans in the right direction.

How to Earn the Making Peace Trophy in Psychonauts 2

The first step toward obtaining the Making Peace trophy is to beat Psychonauts 2. This means reaching the game’s ending credits, and fans should expect to spend around 15 to 20 hours getting to that point. Of course, finishing the title is likely to take a bit longer for those players that attempt to find every single collectible, though doing so should only increase the length of a playthrough by a handful of hours.

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Once a player has finished the game, they should speak with Raz’s dad by Far-Fetched Falls. This location is near the center of the Questionable Area, and fans that have completed the Find the Rare Fungus for Lili mission in Psychonauts 2 will be quite familiar with it. For those players that have not worked on that quest, they should pass through the Funicular, do a bit of platforming, and look down when they reach the large platform that is home to the Far-Fetched Falls sign.

After talking to Augustus in Psychonauts 2, players should head to Nona’s River House in Green Needle Gulch, a location that is marked on the map with a “B.” The easiest way to reach the relevant structure is to fast travel to the Heptadome and cross the nearby water by jumping across the broken bridge. Upon arriving at the house, players should speak with Nona, and they will receive indication that they have returned to where it all started and earned the Making Peace achievement when that has been done.

To note, some Psychonauts fans suggest that the Making Peace trophy is not popping for them even after exhausting all of the possible dialogue options with Nona. It is recommended that players that are experiencing this issue restart the game and try to speak with the character once again. Indeed, this simple action seems to be working for at least some fans, as there are reports of the achievement being earned after a quick restart was performed.

Psychonauts 2 is available now on PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Psychonauts 2 Ending Explained