Psychonauts 2, the sequel to Double Fine's 2005 cult classic Psychonauts, will be coming in 2019, but otherwise Double Fine hasn't revealed much about the upcoming game. However, not only will a demo for Psychonauts 2 be displayed at next month's E3 2019, but famed comedic actor Jack Black will be on the game's panel.

As mentioned previously, Psychonauts 2 will be getting a spotlight at E3 2019. While some details have come out regarding the game, including the  some gameplay footage of Psychonauts 2, Double Fine has largely been hush-hush about the much-anticipated platformer.

Now, alongside with its own demonstration, Psychonauts 2 will feature a panel of figures like Jack Black, as well as folks from Double Fine, including the studio's founder, Tim Schafer. Immediately, it may not seem clear as to why Jack Black would be at the panel. However, Jack Black worked with the studio as a voice actor for the protagonist in Brutal Legend. In turn, while Jack Black could easily be appearing simply to help promote Psychonauts 2, it's also possible that he will be starring as a character in the game.

Psychonauts 2 characters

Recently, Jack Black also announced the launch of his own YouTube gaming channel called Jablinski Games, which has already seen much success in the number of subscribers and views. As such, he may use his time on the panel to help advertise the channel. Maybe he will announce that he'll be playing Psychonauts 2 on his gaming channel. Regardless, Jack Black's presence at E3 combined with his gaming channel indicates that he's taking a greater interest in gaming at the moment.

Jack Black is a celebrated comedic actor by many, so it will be interesting to see his contributions to panel, whether that involves moments of levity or key elements about Psychonauts 2. Whatever the case may be, Psychonauts 2's stock at E3 2019 has gone up thanks to Jack Black's announced appearance.

Psychonauts 2 will be releasing in 2019 on PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4.

Source: DualShockers