Psychonauts 2 is a 3D platformer all about delving into people's minds. Exploration is a key part of the game throughout, including when Raz isn't busy trying to get to the bottom of what is going on in someone's head. These large worlds give players plenty of areas to look at.

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Because there is so much in Psychonauts 2, however, it is easy for some players to miss out on even the smallest of details on their adventures. The secrets that lie beneath both the mental worlds and the real world are worth checking out, even if they are just for a quick chuckle.

7 Under-The-Rail Graffiti

Graffiti under the Funicular in Psychonauts 2

The Questionable Area is true to its name with the many strange things that occur in it. One strange attraction that players can find here is the Funicular, a trolly train ride that goes up and down an incline once Raz can fix it up. However, the secret that some players have yet to find lies underneath this ride.

In the last arch at the base of the incline, players will find some graffiti on the wall. Some of the notable features include Sasha proclaiming he is a genius, and both Milla and Ford saying how much they love Sasha. There is also a warning about the dangers of Psitarium.

6 Hall Of Brains

The Hall of Brains in Psychonauts 2

At one point in the story, Raz will need to use the giant machine full of brains in Otto's laboratory to retrieve a brain for a character's body. On top of that, this large container features a hilarious and heartwarming easter egg from Double Fine, thanking its best Kickstarter backers for funding the creation of Psychonauts 2.

In the Hall of Brains section, players will find a sea of brains that each has a name of a single donor on it, along with with a hilarious way in which the individual "perished" in the universe. It's also worth looking around for names of Double Fine staff members in the mix.

5 A Nook Inside Sassclops' Cave

The secret area inside the Sassclops Cave in Psychonauts 2

Another strange attraction in the Questionable Area is the Sassclops. This adorable purple cyclops has her very own cave that players can explore. It is not a very large cave, just a single pathway that has a brief swinging section. There is also the occasional reading material.

Nonetheless, it's worth going to the back end of the hallway right before Raz turns a corner. If players burn the painting they find on the cave wall there, they will gain access to a little area of the cave that contains some storage supplies, as well as a PSI Challenge Marker.

4 Looking Beneath The Fabric

Small gated areas in Lucretia's Lament in Psychonauts 2

By the time players reach the level of Lucretia's Lament, there have already been so many secrets revealed that it's hard to keep track of them. Luckily, there are still some details that are hard to find at this level, and may only be spotted by those who are making an effort to keep their eyes peeled.

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Near the end of the fabric section of Lucretia's Lament, players should keep an eye out for giant buttons on the ground. Underneath these buttons are large holes that the player can enter. On the other side, there are a few collectibles that players may have missed if they walked past too quickly.

3 Revisiting The Cabins

The cabins on set in Psychonauts 2

Those who played the original Psychonauts game will remember the fun that was had back at Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp. There are a few moments in the second game in which players will get the chance to revisit a section of the camp; however, one of these opportunities is easy to miss.

In Fatherland Follies, players may stumble upon two small cabins. Luckily, by walking the path to them, Raz will shrink and be able to walk right inside them. The cabins look like they used to, but they also serve as entrances to a puzzle/platforming section for collectibles.

2 Forgotten Memory Vaults

A memory vault featuring Ford Cruller and Lucretia in Psychonauts 2

Through both main Psychonauts games, Memory Vaults have served as a different way to learn about what has happened in an individual's life. While some of the events in the vaults do get talked about in the narrative, other moments do not. Thus, it's understandable why someone would want to collect them all.

Keep in mind that there are a few moments in the game where players will need to walk past Memory Vaults and come back to them later, either when they have the correct ability, or the events of the level calm down. Two caged PSI King's Sensorium vaults come to mind, as does the memory vault in Tomb of the Sharkophogus.

1 A Strange Cartoon

A cartoon hidden in Psychonauts 2

It is very possible that many players missed out on a cartoon hidden in the game that was made by Adventure Time creator Pendleton Ward. If players go to Hollis' Hot Streak level and go to the Maternity Ward section, players can grab a giant pen using telekinesis and throw it into the flashing "Ward" sign.

Doing so will trigger a cartoon that is (supposedly) voiced entirely by Mr. Ward himself and involves a pregnant Raz being rushed into the delivery room by Sasha, Milla, and Ford Cruller. It is a bizarre watch that ends with real-life Raz exclaiming "Ugh, not that dream again!"

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