For one reason or another, Sony has decided to release information about its next-generation console, the PlayStation 5, without much fanfare. Recently, Sony confirmed the PS5's name, and also revealed that the PS5 controller will have some unique features, like haptic feedback, without hosting any kind of press conference or special event to do so. Because of this, some may have missed that Sony also confirmed that the PS5 will launch at some point in the holiday season of 2020, though stopped short of providing a specific release date.

We still don't know when the PS5 release date is exactly, but the holiday 2020 release window certainly narrows things down. There were some analysts who believed that Sony might release the PS5 a bit earlier than that, but instead it looks like Sony's next-gen console will be going head-to-head with Xbox's Project Scarlett next year.

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While a specific PS5 release date is unlikely to be announced for some time, we can take a look at Sony's history of launching consoles to make an educated guess as to when the PS5 will release.

Most Likely PS5 Release Dates

ps5 improvement over ps4 downloading

Before we get into the possible PS5 release dates, it's important that we take a look back at release dates for past Sony consoles (please note that we will be referring to North American release dates). The PS1 launched in North America on September 9, 1995. The PS2 launched on October 26, 2000. The PS3 launched on November 17, 2006. And finally, the PS4 launched on November 15, 2013. Sony's most recent console, the PS4 Pro, released on November 10, 2016.

Now let's take a look at what day of the week it was when each Sony console launched. The PS1 launched on a Saturday, the PS2 launched on a Thursday, and both the PS3 and PS4 launched on a Friday. The PS4 Pro, meanwhile, launched on a Thursday. Typically speaking, new video game releases tend to come out on Tuesdays or Fridays, so the safe bet is that the PlayStation 5 will launch on a Friday in 2020.

Since the PS3, Sony has favored releasing its new hardware in November. This makes sense, as it allows it to launch its products just in time for Black Friday and the Christmas shopping rush. It's quite likely that Sony will release the PS5 before Black Friday, so we can narrow down the possible PS5 release date quite a bit.

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Based on Sony's history of console launches, the most likely PS5 release dates are November 6, 13, or 20, 2020. We can see November 20 being a sought-after release date as it would vibe well with the "2020" year, which could make for some easy marketing. Typically Sony has released its consoles in the middle of the month, so we can narrow the possible PS5 release dates down even further to November 13, 2020 or November 20, 2020.

Something to keep in mind is that Sony and Microsoft are unlikely to release their new consoles on the same day. Some may recall that the Xbox One released later than the PS4, and while that may have no bearing on the PS5 release date, it could be an indication that November 13, 2020 is the best bet for a PS5 release date, with Scarlett coming out on November 20, 2020. Of course, Sony could throw fans a curveball by releasing the PS5 in October or even December, but that seems unlikely.

When Will A Release Date Announcement Come?

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We can make all kinds of guesses about the PS5 release date, but nothing is set in stone until Sony itself makes the announcement. As to when a PS5 release date may come, we expect Sony to announce the PS5 release date at E3 2020. However, there's a chance that it could reveal the PS5 release date ahead of time, at the rumored PlayStation event that's expected to take place this February.

According to a leak, Sony is planning to stage some kind of PS5 reveal event in February that will show the console's final design, as well as reveal the PS5 price and release date. Nothing official has been announced on that front, but Sony and Microsoft held similar events for the PS4 and Xbox One back in the day, so it's certainly a possibility. Considering how early Sony has started talking about the PS5 and its controller, it seems like an even more likely possibility than it did even a few weeks ago.

But if that rumored Sony event comes and goes with no PS5 release date, we can't imagine a release date announcement coming any later than E3 2020 in June. PS5 pre-orders will likely be unavailable until then as well, so those hoping to get their hands on a PS5 day one shouldn't stress about running to the store until Sony's E3 2020 press conference (assuming Sony doesn't skip the show next year like it did in 2019).

NEXT: PS5 Price: How Much Will Sony's Next-Generation Console Cost?