Problems at launch are something that players have grown to expect. Every console has had its fair share of problems, after all. Xbox One players reported fault disc drives and critical problems with software updates. The Nintendo Switch ended up have problems with its dock which led to the system getting scratched or warped. It goes without saying that the modern console is going to launch with more than its fair share of issues.

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Problems like these have been expected for years, that's why some players are skeptical about the new consoles. Some players even refuse to buy new consoles until all the problems are ironed out. In an age where Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft have been upgrading their systems mid-gen, it's not so unreasonable. With all this in mind, it's more than likely the PlayStation 5 will experience problems at launch. For as hyped up as the PS5 is, Sony has had a bad track record with console launches ever since the PS2. Don't expect smooth sailings this Holiday season.

7 PS2 & PS4 – Overheating

Ps2 experienced overheating issues at launch

Some players may remember the launch of the PS2. Players rejoiced at the launch of the console, but one deadly problem ensued. Deadly for the console that is. Some players reported that the PS2 had major fan problems. They would shut down and cause the PS2 to overheat. Nobody knew what caused this problem, but Sony has since fixed it. That is until the PS4 Pro was met with the same issue. The console would end up overheating and shut down when launching a game. Hopefully, Sony gets the fans right this time.

6 PS3 – Cell Issues

Playstation 3 unboxing shows cell issues

Part of what Sony was hoping would make the PS3 great was its use of a Cell Microprocessor. This was supposed to make the PS3 more powerful, but it quickly came back to bite Sony in the rear. Game developers had problems optimizing games for the console. While this isn't a technical issue, it was still present at launch. Players wouldn't see the graphical improvements that they were looking for and it quickly turned into a problem for the PS3.

5 PS3 – Games Not Loading

PS3 experiencing problems loading games

Long ago, the PS3 had a major issue that infuriated players who experienced it. Some games just wouldn't load. While this didn't affect all of the games, placing some games in the disc tray would bring up an error page that stated the game could not be read.

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This would continue to happen even when using clean discs with no scratches. With the switch to digital only, not all players will have this issue to worry about, but players who purchase the disc enabled console may have an issue in their future.

4 PS4 – Defective Systems

Inside of a defective PS4

You just received your long-awaited console in the mail. You open it up, hook up all the cords, and press the on button. Nothing could ruin this moment except for the system failing to turn on. That's what some players experienced with the PS4 during its initial release. Other players ended up having their consoles break right after downloading the day-one software patch. This was a mandatory patch, so having your console break right after downloading it caused many players grief.

3 PS4 – TV Connection Issues

Playstation 4 experienced tv connectivity issues at launch

Another problem players brought up during the PS4's launch was broken hardware. Specifically, busted HDMI ports and HDMI cords. Players were in disbelief at the idea that the PS4 hardware had such issues when they received their consoles. Luckily, Sony was quick to react to this one. Consumers reported that they were able to fix the problem by shifting the pins in the HDMI port. It still wouldn't be ideal if the PS5 would up with this problem at launch though.

2 PS4 – Server Issues

PS4 server issues

Yest another PS4 issue that plagued its launch. Server issues are never fun, but they are even worse when you have nothing to play when the new console comes in. Some players who attempted to download games at launch were met with an error message.

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This left many players bored as they waited for the server issues to be resolved. A PS5 launch could bring server issues back and in the age where there can be digital-only consoles, that would end very poorly.

1 PS5 – Global Concerns

Problems the PS5 could experience at launch

One of the biggest issues the PS5 could face at launch has nothing to do from its past. The future of the console could be in jeopardy from the start. With the world being in its current state, players may experience shipping delays. Releasing the console in the midst of a global pandemic could also spell disaster for Sony with consumers facing financial problems. This has also led to the rise of PS4 sales which is great for Sony but could hurt them in the end if players cannot afford the new consoles.

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