Earlier this week, Sony took another step forward with its next generation plans by introducing fans to its latest PlayStation 5 controller called DualSense. While the controller features a number of classic elements from its predecessors like the placement of the left and right sticks, Sony has also taken the opportunity to push the technology forward as well. However, one such advancement has left some fans very concerned about the upcoming console.

Unlike the DualShock 4 controller, the DualSense no longer requires players to wear a headset when communicating with others thanks to a built in microphone. While the convenience of this feature likely appeals to some fans of the PlayStation 5, others have expressed their concern over what this could mean. Obviously, initial fears came from those worried that players would forget to mute themselves or perhaps have music or other media playing over team chat by accident.

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Others noted possible privacy concerns in a similar way to how other technology like most Smart Phones, Amazon's Alexa or Google Home are capable of listening in. Having the mic always on has left some fans worried that their private conversations being heard, recorded, and retained without their knowledge. Reports indicate that the DualSense will have some sort of advanced filtering technology to prevent background noise or conversations from being broadcast, only picking up the player's voice instead. Either way, it'll likely be up to the player to remember to disable this feature.

Developers are also going to have to be mindful of this new situation as some users have indicated the ultimate responsibility now falls on their shoulders to turn voice chat off by default. The reasoning is that most users won't realize the controller is going to be able to broadcast sounds, noises, and conversation which remains a privacy concern. Sure, worrying about a PS5 microphone may seem a bit paranoid to some, especially with so many other products out there capable of doing similar things, but it's an issue that Sony must have at least considered when developing this feature.

There's still a lot of information Sony has yet to share about the PS5 and the DualSense, so its possible more details on this is coming soon. Even with a few fans worrying, there remains a lot of excitement over the new look controller. Bethesda's Pete Hines Tweeted out that the new controller makes the current PS4 one forgettable. Naughty Dog Audio Lead Robert Krekel confirmed he also got some hands on time with the new pad and believes that by integrating audio with haptic feedback could lead so some very cool opportunities on next gen.

The PlayStation 5 is scheduled to launch this holiday season.

MORE: How Much Will the PS5 DualSense Controller Cost?

Source: ComicBook.com