Now that both Sony and Microsoft have gotten their big PS5 and Xbox Series X showcase events out of the way, fans are wondering what's next. It's unclear when Microsoft may unveil more Xbox Series X games, but rumors are swirling that Sony plans on hosting its next big PS5 event at some point in August, where it may reveal a slew of upcoming PS5 games. One of these games is rumored to be a "revival" of a major PlayStation franchise, with PS5 architect Mark Cerny involved with its development.

This rumor comes from YouTube channel Moore's Law is Dead, who claims to have gotten this information from a source close to the situation. Apparently, Sony is going to announce another PS5 launch title at the rumored August event that is a revival of a "tentpole franchise" for the PlayStation brand. Moore's Law is Dead stops short of providing any other details about what this mysterious game may be, but Cerny's involvement may narrow it down quite a bit.

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Over the years, Cerny has shown a great interest in platformers, having worked on classics like Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, and more. Cerny was also involved in the development of the Jak and Daxter franchise with Naughty Dog, so right now one of the biggest theories is that the unannounced game is a Jak and Daxter reboot of some kind.

This isn't the first time that we've heard of a possible Jak and Daxter PS5 reboot, with one rumor claiming it will be a remaster of the original three games in the series. That rumor claimed that the project was in development at Bluepoint Games, but since we know now that Bluepoint is working on Demon's Souls for PS5, that seems unlikely. Whatever the case may be, if Moore's Law is Dead's sources are correct, more information should come to light next month.

Besides Jak and Daxter, a few other possibilities spring to mind. Maybe it's a new Ape Escape game, or maybe it's a sequel to some other big PlayStation games Cerny has worked on over the years, like Killzone or Resistance. There are a lot of possibilities, but all fans can do is speculate at this time.

While Sony has not officially confirmed that it will be hosting another PS5 event in August, rumors have indicated that the event will take place on August 6. Other rumored games for the event include the God of War PS5 sequel and Resident Evil 8, so if the rumors are true, it's set to be a major showcase for PlayStation.

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