It's been nearly a month since the PlayStation 5 launched, with plenty of high-quality games releasing alongside the next-generation console. And now Sony has released a new hype trailer that showcases the PS5's biggest games that are currently available, as well as highlights some of the PS5 games that are in development. The trailer also reveals how long some PS5 console exclusive games will be exclusive to the console.

The PS5 New and Upcoming Games trailer highlights a variety of games, including Spider-Man: Miles Morales and Demon's Souls. As far as new games go, it touches on 2021 titles like Horizon Forbidden West, Gran Turismo 7, and Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart. It also spends some time on PS5 console exclusive games Deathloop, Ghostwire: Tokyo, Godfall, and Project Athia, revealing exactly how long the games will be PS5 exclusives.

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According to the trailer, Deathloop and Ghostwire: Tokyo, two games coming from the Bethesda studios, will be PS5 console exclusives for 12 months. Once that 12 month exclusivity window is up, both Deathloop and Ghostwire: Tokyo will be eligible to release on other consoles. And since Microsoft has acquired Bethesda and its parent company ZeniMax Media, it's highly likely that both games will end up on Xbox Series X at that point.

Meanwhile, it seems that Project Athia, a new game from Square Enix and more specifically the Final Fantasy 15 studio Luminous Productions, will be PS5 exclusive for quite a bit longer than Deathloop and Ghostwire: Tokyo. Anyone interested in Project Athia will definitely want to consider getting a PS5, as that game will not be available for other consoles until a whopping 24 months after its initial release date. Final Fantasy 16 is also PS5 console-exclusive, though it was nowhere to be seen in this video.

And finally, Godfall may come to other consoles after its PS5 exclusivity window ends on May 12, 2021. Fans have known for some time when Godfall's PS5 exclusivity is up, but this trailer reaffirms it. Godfall reviews haven't been terribly positive, though, and so it remains to be seen if Xbox fans will flock to it if it does come to the Series X.

Needless to say, Sony has set the PS5 up for a huge 2021, with a slew of exclusive and console exclusive games on the way for the next-generation console. Between these games and the various multiplatform games that will be releasing over the course of the next year, PS5 owners should have no shortage of new games to play.

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