Just a few days ago, Sony unveiled a ton of new information concerning the upcoming next-gen PS5 console. This included the official Holiday 2020 window, as well as the details on the PS5 controller. One big piece of information that came up is the fact that developer Bluepoint Games is working on a big project for PS5, which amounts to the first known-about and announced PS5 Game, even if we don't know what it is just yet.

Rumors quickly began to spiral around what Bluepoint Games was making, but for those who are unfamiliar with the studio, it's worth adding that it is often hailed as a master at remastering games. It has tackled the God of War Collection, The Metal Gear Solid HD Collection, The Uncharted Nathan Drake Collection, and most recently, Shadows of the Colossus. Understandably, the announcement of a new Bluepoint Games title for the PS5 is exciting, with many hanging onto various theories of what it will be.

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Demon Soul's

demon's souls remaster ps4

Perhaps the #1 leading theory as to what Bluepoint Games is remastering is Demon's Souls. Evidence that some sort of projected related to the game somewhere has been building for some time, from mentions that it was seemingly missing from Sony's State of Play 2019 to director Hidetaka Miyazaki saying a remake was a possibility with another developer. With that in mind, it's hard to imagine what other developer could take on this project, leading many to believe that all the signs are pointing toward Demon's Souls.

The Legend of Dragoon

legend of dragoon

This seems to be a long shot, but fans of the classic PS1-era Legend of Dragoon are hoping that this could prove to be Bluepoint Games' PS5 Project. It's not entirely without merit, either. Back in August 2019, Bluepoint Games technical director Peter Dalton was asked if he liked The Legend of Dragoon, to which he responded that he loved it and added that "perhaps it should be a project." Chances are, Dalton knew what project the company was currently working on, so this could have been a slight tease. It could also be completely innocuous and whimsical, so we wouldn't hold our breath.

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Ico has a special place in the memories of many PS2 owners, and prior to the recent PS5 reveal, Bluepoint Games mentioned working on a classic. Shadows of the Colossus is a spiritual successor to Ico, so it would make sense for Bluepoint Games to go there next. Plus, Bluepoint Games already brought the PS2 title to the PS3, so a complete overhaul for the PS5 would be plausible. In fact, the reveal itself could have hinted at this possibly being redone, given that they teased a "big" project. It doesn't get bigger than the Colossi of the aforementioned remake, and since Ico and it have always been spiritually connected, it makes sense. Of course, that's a bit of a stretch, but regardless, Ico is a big contender.

Metal Gear Solid

metal gear solid

Bluepoint Games previously worked on the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection, where it worked on Metal Gear Solid 2 and Metal Gear Solid 3. It makes sense then that the company could go back to the first game and bring it to the next-gen console, and it hits all the criteria the company has teased thus far. It's an undeniable classic and a remake of it would be huge, but of course, only time will tell.

Something Else?

playstation 5 ps5 logo blue background

It's a long shot, but it's possible that what Bluepoint Games isn't a remaster or remake. Yes, that's pretty much all the company has done for the past decade, but that's not how Bluepoint Games got its start. Its first game was called Blast Factor, which it developed in conjunction with Santa Monica Studios, and was one of the first available games of the PS3 era. That's been a while, so many will have since long forgotten it. However, it's not something that can be ruled out in its entirety.

Speaking of Santa Monica Studios, it's worth mentioning that several of its titles had some form of collaboration or assistance, with which Bluepoint Games has lent its expertise in the past. Case in point: The God of War Collection. In preparation for the next God of War, it could be that Bluepoint Games is working in conjunction with Santa Monica Studio to bring all the God of War games to the PS5 in some form. That would likely be big, build up hype for the next entry, and is right up Bluepoint's alley. That said, there's no way of knowing and some of this is indubitably wishful thinking, but for many classic PlayStation fans, almost any of these titles would be a welcome PS5 remake or remaster.

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