It's amazing what a device is capable of when it uses an SSD. The PS5 is famously making use of one, and it's already making a clear difference. A lot of players and critics have been talking about the possible death of the loading screen as SSDs become the industry standard in consoles and gaming PCs. However, what's really exciting about SSDs is not what they take away from a developer's burdens, but what they make possible. When developers like Sony can end or bypass traditional obstacles like loading screens and data burdens on a console, there's an opening to create further technology capable of utilizing the console's new strength.

The PS5 has done that by adding something called PS5 Activities. As far as the PS5 goes, this hasn't been its feature getting the most publicity, but now that it's been introduced, it might be setting a standard that changes the way players play and the way designers design. Thanks to Activities, there's a level of convenience and accessibility offered by the PS5 that not only hasn't been seen before, but just wasn't possible before now. It's practically a love letter to casual players. Depending on how well received PS5 Activities is in the long run, it could change future consoles for the better.

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Gaming At Your Own Pace

ps5 top

The premise of PS5 Activities is that players can hop into specific sections of a game instantly from the PS5's home screen, rather than loading up the game and looking for a level or trekking to a section of the overworld. Bypassing all the traditional menus, the player can hop right into the action. With the help of Activity Cards, players can also see details about their progress toward completing a particular activity. That affords players the ability to set objectives for themselves without having to research what they haven't done yet in a game they love.

Just when everyone thought the SSD alone would save players huge amounts of time, Sony found a new way to expedite gaming. PS5 Activities is a really slick and efficient way for casual players who don't have a lot of time to do exactly what they want to do right when they want to do it. It's even easier than expected to fit a quick shot at a level or mission in between life's commitments. Activity Cards also help players gauge how much they have to do to finish a part of a game, helping them manage time and prioritize game objectives for their own convenience. Overall, it seems like a great time saver that other developers could take study to streamline their own game experiences.

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New Ways To Play

PlayStation Ps5 Feature

It's not just casual players that get something out of Activities. PS5 speedrunners and completionists can easily practice and explore whatever section of a game they like, whenever they like. However, the pace and convenience of the PS5 Activity system is still really great for those just playing for fun. The speed at which players can hop into a game is almost reminiscent of starting up an old arcade game. It's just a matter of booting up and jumping into the action, with minimal distractions and menus to navigate. If this feature takes off, developers might reimagine their concepts of game menus and the way consoles are organized to prioritize utmost convenience.

For a while now, the PS5 has been recognized as the console most using new technology in this new generation. For instance, the DualSense controller has gotten a lot of attention for its updates. PS5 Activities is another example of how Sony wanted to experiment and push boundaries with the PS5. It's a new and surprising feature that nobody necessarily expected, but might turn out to be really influential in the long run. Making games accessible to non-hardcore players is always a good thing. Every fan deserves the chance to enjoy a game their way, so if more game studios and companies decide to take casual-friendly routes like PS5 Activities, it'll make for a bigger, happier game community.

The PS5 is available now.

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