PS4 Launch Sales

On November 15th, Sony's PlayStation 4 was released across retail chains and online distributors in North America. It brought exclusives like Knack and Killzone: Shadow Fall, an emphasis on social media, and a brand new user interface to  Sony fans who were able to grab it on day one. Sony has now revealed that within North America, the PlayStation 4 has accumulated over 1 million sales from its first day on the market - a massive increase from the previous generation.

The PS4 boasts some impressive technical specifications, and Game ZXC's own Rob Keyes has the complete PS4 review for those considering buying the console. While it's still missing some important features and may not have the strongest lineup for console-exclusive games at the moment, fast sales are certain to make the console more appealing to developers worldwide. With exclusives like Uncharted, inFAMOUS: Second Son and The Order: 1886 coming to bolster the exclusive lineup (though maybe not as quickly as some would like), the future for Sony is looking pretty bright.

In comparison, the PlayStation 3 made its debut in Japan to an estimated 80,000-esque sales and garnered about 600,000 more over a two day period when the release went worldwide. The lower sales were likely due to a huge launch cost of $599, which the PlayStation 4 itself undercuts massively at $399. In fact, the PS4 has sold more in its first 24 hours than the consoles like the Wii managed in the first eight days, making it one of the most successful console launches in the history of gaming.

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The launch wasn't entirely smooth sailing, however, with plenty of gamers reporting hardware issues, lackluster software responses and reviewers simply calling the console 'promising'. Despite these setbacks, the console has evidently gone off to a flying start. How the North American launch fairs will no doubt have ramifications for the international launches coming in the next few weeks, and if these sales figures mean anything, it's that plenty of consumers have faith in Sony's work.

Outside of North America, European gamers can expect the next-generation console to arrive November 29th, a week after Microsoft's Xbox One will have entered the market on a global scale. As the holiday season approaches, both companies will face a tough two months ahead as they vie to dominate the holiday sales.

What do you think, Ranters? Are you among the gamers who have chosen Sony for your next generation entertainment, or are you waiting for the Xbox One?


You can follow John Jacques on Twitter @Makelevi.

Source: Sony