The original PlayStation set the stage for Sony to dominate the console market for the years to come, featuring a bevy of excellent and high-quality titles that have endured the test of time to still remain wildly memorable and infinitely enjoyable to this day.

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So, it's quite a shame that some of the greatest titles in the PlayStation's library have never really managed to get the continuation they rightfully deserved. This is especially true for the following games on this list, which would definitely break the internet if the sequels to these classics are finally announced after years of waiting.

10 Alundra 2

Alundra 2

While Alundra 2 is nowhere near as great as the first game in the series, there's no denying the fact that the series itself has a ton of potential, in no small part due to its intriguing lore and amazing stories.

Fans of the original title would obviously want this series to receive the continuation it deserves, although it would definitely be preferable if Alundra 3 has more in common with the first game as opposed to the second.

9 Vagrant Story

Vagrant Story cover art

One of the most underrated JRPGs on the original PlayStation, it's a shame that Vagrant Story was released near the tail end of the console's lifespan. After all, the quality of this game was so immense that it was bound to turn some heads had it released sooner.

The fact that this game is set in the Fabula Nova Crystallis mythos makes it somewhat of a respite to see that other games by Square Enix have carried forward this notion... although a direct sequel to Vagrant Story would still be appreciated regardless.

8 Chrono Cross

Chrono Cross Full Cast Of Characters Art

Most people would assume that the nail had already been embedded in the coffin of Chrono Cross after it was declared to be a sequel to the legendary Chrono Trigger. After all, is there any game that could live up to the hype of a title most people consider to be the greatest JRPG of all time?

RELATED: Chrono Cross: 10 Things Cut From The PS1 Game

That being said, people who stop comparing Chrono Cross to its legendary predecessor will find themselves enjoying one of the most beautiful and captivating JRPGs on the system. So, it's no wonder why most fans of this title have been pining for a sequel since time immemorial.

7 Xenogears

Two characters from Xenogears standing in front of armored suits

Easily one of the greatest games on the PS1, it's a shame that Xenogears never managed to reach its full potential, with the second half of the game turning into a rather trite visual novel of sorts with dungeons scattered all across this narration.

While the Xeno series has received some recognition in the form of the Xenosaga and Xenoblade series', it goes without saying that any fan of this brilliant title would definitely want a Xenogears 2 at some point in time.

At the very least, the original game could also be remastered so that people realize exactly what they've been missing out on.

6 The Legend Of Dragoon

The Legend Of Dragoon

While The Legend of Dragoon was written off as nothing more than an uninspired JRPG that was trying to ape the success of the Final Fantasy series on the original PlayStation, there's no denying the fact that the game itself is quite brilliant in its own right when people start overlooking the rather generic manner in which the story has been handled.

A sequel to this historied JRPG would please fans to no end... but the chances of this happening are close to none.

5 Einhander


A scrolling shoot-em-up that is as hectic as it is enjoyable, Einhander is easily one of the most polished and enjoyable games in this particular genre.

While most people might not even know about the existence of this title right now, there's no denying the fact that Einhander is still a great title regardless that deserves a sequel to ramp up the high-octane action present in the title.

4 Parasite Eve II

Parasite Eve 2

Parasite Eve is easily one of the best JRPGs of all time, with Squaresoft heading down an uncharacteristically dark route in this title as they released a game featuring copious amounts of gore and body horror in a short-yet-sweet package.

The sequel was fairly serviceable in its own right, but one can't deny that the inclusion of tank controls coupled with an uninteresting setting ultimately led to Parasite Eve II being way inferior to its predecessor. However, one can always dream of a third title that takes everything right with the first game and cranks it up all the way to the max.

And before it's brought up — no, the travesty that is The 3rd Birthday doesn't count here.

3 One

One for the PS1

Easily serving as one of the most underappreciated games on this console, One is a riveting 3D platform shooter, featuring excellent gameplay coupled with a story that will keep fans hooked all the way till the end.

An announcement of a sequel to this underrated gem will definitely please fans to no end, while simultaneously bringing a new set of gamers over to experience the brilliance of this simple yet highly enjoyable title firsthand.

2 Final Fantasy VIII

Final Fantasy 8 Balamb Garden Ballroom Squall Rinoa

While it might be cheating to place a title from one of the longest-running franchises on this list, fans of the Final Fantasy series are well aware of the fact that each title in the series is a standalone game.

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Final Fantasy VIII is one such title that received a mixed reception upon release due to what seemed like an inane story and complicated gameplay mechanics. However, over time, pretty much everyone has warmed up towards this game.

So, it's only a given that any fan of this game would want to witness a sequel that elaborates about Squall and the rest of the party's story even further.

1 Final Fantasy IX

Final Fantasy IX

However, when one has to choose from one of the three amazing Final Fantasy titles on the PlayStation in terms of sheer quality, Final Fantasy IX is definitely the cream of the crop in this regard.

The stories of Zidane, Dagger, Vivi, and the rest of the cast are nothing short of phenomenal, and a sequel to this beloved title would certainly be positively received by the Final Fantasy faithful.

NEXT: 10 PS1 Games That Got Remakes (& What They Were Released For)