After decades of promises, virtual reality has begun to come into its own. The technology has advanced such that it's no longer nauseating or counterintuitive to plug into games via a VR headset. The PSVR is one of these headsets, having produced several surprising titles.

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With the PSVR 2 coming in the near future, now is a great time to follow up some of the previous console gems. Maybe they had ideas which weren't fully realized, or perhaps they were already solid entries which can only get better. Either way, creating successors could lead to smoother gameplay. Above all, though, it may let more players lose themselves in the virtual experience.

7 Astro's Playroom

Astro in Astro's Playroom

The robotic mascot has a reliable track record of launch titles, with Astro Bot: Rescue Mission being one of the best games on the original PSVR (and Astro's Playroom welcoming players to the PS5). It's a creative platforming adventure which uses the technology effectively without relying on intrusive gimmicks. Specifically, it plays with the traditional third-person perspective. Players tilt their heads to see around corners and get a better angle for Astro. This way, they can admire the vibrant environments amid tried-and-true gameplay.

That formula could similarly draw people to the PSVR 2. The developers have proven they know how to use the hardware, bringing players closer to a third-person platformer than they ever thought possible. Such a concept could be even more well-realized on the VR 2.

6 Moss: Book 2

Moss: Book 2

This brave mouse has been lucky enough to get two acclaimed titles, both being among the better VR entries. He achieves this through a deeper version of Astro's gameplay. In addition to adjusting the view to navigate Quill through obstacles, the Moss games come with puzzles. Players must also shift perspective to solve them. Such meaningful progression combines with the storybook framework to add another level of interactivity to the third-person journey.

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There's no reason that approach can't work again with the next piece of hardware. The developers could continue to evolving the platform and puzzle mechanics without having to compromise for the sake of performance. In short, they would have the best of both worlds with more powerful hardware.

5 Star Wars: Squadrons

A Star Destroyer in Star Wars: Squadrons

The Star Wars saga has had several titles involving space combat, but Squadrons is the first in the VR format. This lets fans finally step into the cockpit without sacrificing playability. The game comes with a variety of ships--each with its own strengths and weaknesses--which are still intuitive to control. Sadly, Squadrons squanders that concept on an uninspired story with repetitive missions in a well-worn era.

A follow-up could take that solid foundation and apply it across the wider galaxy. In addition to the Imperial period, would-be pilots may want to fight battles in the Clone Wars. This era would come with a fresh host of vessels and scenarios to play with. More importantly, it would let multiple generations of fans live out their starfighter fantasies.

4 Star Trek: Bridge Crew

A Starfleet Captain in Star Trek: Bridge Crew

The same way Star Wars: Squadrons captures the feeling of flying a starfighter, Bridge Crew lets fans captain their own Star Trek vessel. Here, players command fellow officers to fulfill various functions as they explore the Final Frontier and encounter enemy ships. The VR perspective from the captain's chair strengthens the scenario.

Also like Squadrons, though, the offering is too small. The story is mid-tier as far as Star Trek goes, and it limits the available ships solely to the USS Enterprise. True, Trekkies can swap the palette to resemble the original TV series or The Next Generation, but it's still a missed opportunity. The franchise has several eras and ships across its history, each with a vast universe of conflicts to tackle. For example, fans could command the Defiant during the Dominion War or the Voyager with its incompatible crewmembers. A sequel should capitalize on these scenarios to create the ultimate Star Trek sim.

3 VR Karts

Race in VR Karts: Sprint

One would think a first-person racing game would be on track to motion sickness. Thankfully, VR Karts avoids that trap by going slowly enough to not disorient while remaining fast enough to excite. It combines this with responsive controls and an unexpectedly effective use of the headset in targeting. Of course, players don't really need such advantages.

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The overall package is simple and bare-boned. On top of the low difficulty, the game's admittedly appealing racetracks and soundtracks don't have much personality. That's ironic given the wealth of cart customization.

A sequel could extend that creativity to all aspects. It would sport more dynamic tracks while deepening the cart-tuning tools already in place. Players might even craft their own courses, thereby making the game more enticing for online and local co-op. Considering the competitive cart racing scene, it's only logical for VR Karts to fulfill that need in virtual reality.

2 Tetris Effect

Tetris Effect

Few titles are as timeless as Tetris, but Tetris Effect doesn't stop with just a simple emulation. It adds a host of gameplay quirks to make the puzzles more complex, testing players' ability to think on the fly. In addition, it surrounds the game with stunning, psychedelic visuals and a unique musical style which is somehow both relaxing and exhilarating. When paired with VR, these aspects provide a veritable feast for the senses.

Players would be more than willing to experience that again. A sequel would strengthen the systems in place, possibly utilizing motion controls to shift the blocks or interact with the environment. This would craft the most thrilling game of Tetris ever conceived. Plus, it's a chance to hear more of the catchy music.

1 Blood & Truth

A Shootout in Blood & Truth

This tosses players right into a high-octane crime flick. Not only are the sharp writing and strong acting accomplished in themselves, but VR lets fans live through them as a key character. This paves the way for heart-stopping set pieces once the gunplay starts. Sadly, that's also where the cracks begin to show.

Blood & Truth has a few kinks which undermine its immersion. The imperfect motion controls could be tightened, for instance. It would also be fitting to give players some input in what the protagonist says and does. That way, they're not just passengers in their own bodies. A sequel should take note of these flaws. Doing so will make this gangster saga all the more engrossing.

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