Project Zomboid, the indie zombie survival-sim from The Indie Stone, recently received one of its largest updates ever. The game has been in development for over a decade now, though numerous setbacks including a theft of the laptops which contained the game's code, have slowed its progress. Despite these troubles, Project Zomboid has grown into a deep and intricate zombie survival-sim, with a thousand strategies and threats for players to overcome.

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It goes without saying that the zombie apocalypse is a dangerous place, and survivors run the constant risk of injury. The health system in Project Zomboid is extremely granular, with areas as specific as feet, forearms, and groin all being individually tracked for damage. To make matters worse, any injury inflicted by zombies has the chance of infecting the player, which is a guaranteed death sentence. One of the more serious injuries that players can receive are lacerations, which will need to be carefully treated.

How to Treat Lacerations in Project Zomboid

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There are a plenty of different ways to be lacerated across the world of Project Zomboid, so most players are likely to see the injury at some point or another. The first indication of a new injury is a sound and a Moodle of a broken bone that will appear in the upper right corner of the screen. Players will then be able to check which kind it is by opening the health window, which is done by clicking on the heart icon in the upper left.

If the wound is a laceration, then that means it's an injury more serious than a scratch, but less so than a deep wound or fracture. A laceration will cause moderate health loss, as well as bleeding and pain. Immediate treatment of a laceration should be done with bandages, which can be made from tearing up clothes in an emergency. If players bandage quickly, and then change the bandages whenever they become dirty, then they should easily recover from a laceration. How long this will take depends on several factors. Being well-fed speeds up the process, while hunger, thirst, tiredness, or catching a cold will slow it.

How to Avoid Lacerations in Project Zomboid

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There are several ways that a Project Zomboid character might sustain a laceration, and only a few of them are caused by zombies. However, any laceration that was caused by a zombie has a 25% chance of causing an infection of the Knox virus, which will inevitably result in the player's death.

There are many dangers in the zombie apocalypse, and lacerations can also be inflicted by falling heavily, crashing a car, climbing through a window with broken glass in it, or by jumping fences with a high load or low endurance. Although these lacerations carry no risk of the zombie virus, they will still make the player slow, bleeding, and vulnerable, and can become dangerously infected if not treated properly. To avoid this kind of infection, players should apply disinfectant and use sterilized bandages on any laceration they receive.

Project Zomboid is out now for PC.

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