For most Project Zomboid players, melee will be their primary method of choice for dispatching the dead. With dozens of tools and handheld weapons at the players' disposal, survivors can eliminate them without running the risk of making too much noise. There are some, however, who prefer a louder and more powerful alternative - guns.

Project Zomboid: 7 Most Downloaded Mods

For players who've scavenged through most of what vanilla Project Zomboid has to offer, these popular mods can help the game feel fresh again.

Guns are an incredibly effective way to dispose of hordes, and players who acquire them early on will be able to confidently clear areas without worrying about getting bit. Players should be warned, however, that while guns are extremely useful for clearing areas and keeping distance, they are also very loud, and will draw zombies in from a surrounding radius. For those wanting to use guns for most of their survival, there are dozens of great places to find them, many of which require a sledgehammer to get through their barricades.

Updated on May 21, 2024, by Abigail Angell: Occasionally, aging articles should be revisited to bring them in line with current publishing standards and check that they remain accurate. As is the case with this article, a number of missing features such as prompts, and game tags have been added to the article. In addition, it was deemed necessary to add each entry's location marked on the main map so that players could find them more easily.

10 Ready Prep - Army Surplus, Louisville

A Cache of Guns & Survival Gear

Ready Prep (coordinates 12219x1320) is an amazing spot for players looking to hit the jackpot with a depot of great weapons and ammunition. Being in the north-western part of Louisville, zombie populations in this area are a little on the heavy side, but that shouldn't dissuade players from attempting to clear the place of the dead.

For players looking to hit the firepower jackpot, the hard work required to clear the area is certainly rewarding. If survivors successfully manage to clear out the area and loot its contents, they can live comfortably knowing they have enough weaponry to put down any horde that comes for them.

9 Knox Prison, Rosewood

A Huge Complex With Supplies Of All Kinds

With an insane amount of zombies inside the Kentucky State Prison (coordinates 7718x11881), and roaming outside, players should head to the location with powerful weaponry already at their disposal. For those looking to head to the area for the first time and catch a lucky break, the prison could be the solution to the problem. While the prison itself has droves of undead prisoners locked inside that couldn't escape the infection, players looking to acquire an arsenal without too much hassle should seek out the guardhouse that sits beside the prison.

10 Best Locations To Build Your Base In Project Zomboid

Those looking to set up the perfect base location in Project Zomboid are in for a treat with these top-tier options.

The general populations surrounding the area are high, but around the guardhouse itself, it can vary. Using guns here would be ill-advised, as every zombie inside will be trying to claw their way through doors and windows to eat the player. Survivors who successfully manage to clear the guardhouse entrance can revel in the spoils of its armory and incredible arsenal. It is recommended to bring a car with a high carry weight to load the weaponry into, or a large trailer for those who love mods.

8 Jamieton Army Surplus, Doe Valley

A Gold Mine In An Under-rated Location

Doe Valley is a pretty underrated town overall. With a Military Surplus store (coordinates 5465x9512), Gun Store (coordinates 3806x8513), Doctor's Office, and Gas Station, it's got almost everything your average player needs. However, due to its location far away from most popular starting towns and desirable living locations, it doesn't get the traffic or appreciation it deserves.

Players willing to make the trek can easily find themselves entering with nothing and leaving with hundreds of pounds of deadly firearms strapped to their backs. For those looking to obtain a great deal of loot do some exploring, hop into a car, and head to Doe Valley.

7 Stars and Stripes Gun Shop, Louisville

High-Value Loot Located In a Mall

The Louisville Mall Gun Shop, Stars & Stripes (coordinates 13555x1273) is a great location for more seasoned players to investigate. With one of the most ridiculously high populations of dead inside and surrounding the mall, it may not seem worth clearing it for many players due to the high risk.

Project Zomboid: Best Vehicles, Ranked

Surviving Project Zomboid's urban wasteland requires the right vehicle.

For players looking for a quieter entrance and wanting to save their ammo for a more desperate situation, head to the north side of the mall on foot or in a good-condition vehicle with a sledgehammer. Survivors may need to dispatch a couple dozen or so zombies to have this area cleared, so bring something quiet to dispatch them or run the risk of alerting the entire zombie-infested mall. Once the player has calculated where the gun shop is and destroyed the wall, survivors can quietly pack away their newfound weaponry without fearing for their lives.

6 Police Stations

A Place To Go Near Any Starting Location

The zombie population is very high around most Police Stations, and players will occasionally meet zombies in armor. As such, clearing out the Police Station is no simple task for any player new to the game. It is imperative to clear the parking lot and surrounding area before going inside, otherwise, you are likely to get cornered. Police Stations currently on the Project Zomboid map include:

  • Riverside Police Station (coordinates 6081x5261)
  • Fallas Lake Police Station (coordinates 7252x8378)
  • Rosewood Police Station (coordinates 8063x11737)
  • West Point Police Station (coordinates 11902x6945)
  • Dixie Police Station (coordinates 10636x10408)
  • Louisville Police Station (coordinates 13221x3086)
  • The Louisville Police Department and Detention Services (coordinates 12496x1615)
  • Louisville Mounted Police Training Complex (coordinates 13031x2825)

That being said, the loot in a Police Station is worth it. Not only are there riot gear and melee weapons like batons, but each location features an armory. For those looking to loot the Police Station, consider using sirens from nearby police cars to lead zombies away, or simply set off on foot and let them follow in pursuit. Once it's clear, players can safely loot the armory without looking over their shoulders.

5 The Military Research Facility

Powerful Weapons & Massive Backpacks

For many, the Military Research Facility's (coordinates 5687x12472) isolation can dissuade players from ever heading there, along with the heavily armored zombies in the area. However, the loot at this location is second to none if you need firepower. For those willing enough to make the journey, by walking or by traversing through the mud track in a car, they'll be able to acquire some of the game's best guns, along with a massive backpack.

As the zombie population can sometimes be overwhelming, it is suggested to come prepared. You will want to kill the zombies here instead of just luring them away because while there is a military locker in the back corner of the building with guns, much of the area's best loot will be on the zombies themselves.

4 Military Checkpoints, Louisville

An Open Area With Military Grade Loot

The military checkpoints are situated just south of Louisville (coordinates 12536x4224), and players will ideally want to bring their sledgehammer to break inside. For a relatively small location, the checkpoints boast an impressive amount of firepower and ammunition.

Players won't need to be too worried about being overridden with zombies in this location as its spawn rates are quite generous even on the Insane population setting, which makes it an ideal place for those looking to acquire a decent loadout. This also ensures players have a solid offensive repertoire at their disposal, and provides a much higher chance of survival for those looking to head north to the loot-filled, zombie-infested Louisville.

3 Shooting Range, Valley Station

A Straightforward Way To Get Your First Guns

Situated south of Louisville with a nearby Hunting Lodge, the shooting range (coordinates 13272x5443) is ideal for players looking to acquire a lot of firepower while remaining in secluded areas. Because the Shooting Range lies in the smaller town of Valley Station, it is ideal for players looking to make a big score, and only have to deal with a few zombies in order to do so.

Project Zomboid: 7 Best Skills To Level Up

Picking the right skills to level up first is crucial to surviving in Project Zomboid, and these are some of the best ones to start with

With four military containers, players can expect to find an array of guns and ammunition. For survivors looking to further increase their loot efforts, consider bringing a vehicle with a large storage space, which will enable quick access to the Military Checkpoints to the north, and the Hunting Lodge a short drive west.

2 Gun Store, Louisville

An Excellent Place To Restock In Louisville

The Louisville Gun Store (coordinates 12356x1719) is a very zombie-heavy location right in the heart of central Louisville. Players will be expected to deal with hordes of undead to safely loot the crates and military containers inside, which is certainly worth doing.

If players approach the gun store from the south, they'll be able to get in through the back door, which is the easier, more quiet side to enter from. Like most gun stores, there is a metal barricade that will need to be destroyed with a sledgehammer to get inside, but once survivors manage to get in there, they won't need to worry about guns and ammunition for a while.

1 A.A.Ron Hunting Supply, Louisville

Less Populated, But Requires A Sledgehammer

The A.A.Ron Hunting Supply store (coordinates 13951x3229) sits on a busy strip on the outskirts of southern Louisville. The Hunting Supply boasts a lot of weaponry but requires dedication to acquire it. Players looking to get their hands on the stores of valuables must bring a sledgehammer to destroy its barricades.

Those looking to take the arsenal must be prepared to eliminate every zombie along the strip if necessary, as the central location of the supply on the strip will attract dozens of zombies to the player's location, and it is impossible to remain silent in Project Zomboid while busting down the building's iron bars. However, dispatching the dead in this area frees up the other shops for looting, some of which can have notable resources, such as the E.P. Hardware Store.

Project Zomboid

November 8, 2013
The Indie Stone
Survival Horror