
  • Project Rene is a new era of The Sims that will coexist with The Sims 4 and have a multiplayer mode.
  • The Sims 4 is still receiving new content in 2024, potentially making it hard for players to transition to Project Rene.
  • The success of Project Rene will depend on its ability to surpass The Sims 4's longevity and user base.

Maxis has announced that a new era of The Sims is coming in the form of Project Rene. Players have gotten a sneak peek of the game, which is still in early development. It'll be available on PC and mobile, and it will feature a multiplayer mode.

The upcoming The Sims game is still years away, but it is worth considering whether there will ever be a perfect time for it to be released. The Sims 4 is still receiving plenty of content, proving that the game is capable of having a ludicrously long lifespan. It is also questionable whether players and modders will make the transition from The Sims 4 to Project Rene.

The Sims 4: 9 Tips For Parenting

Parenting can be a difficult thing in The Sims 4. With these helpful tips, however, players are sure to do a great job.

The Sims 4 is Still Alive and Thriving

Despite having been released in 2014, The Sims 4 continues to receive new content. In 2024 alone, the game has received numerous Kits, including the Goth Galore Kit and the Urban Homage Kit. These releases have ensured The Sims 4 continues to have an active user base regardless of its age.

Maxis has emphasized that Project Rene will not replace The Sims 4 . Instead, the two games will exist alongside each other.

Project Rene will have to be spectacular to shift players' attention away from The Sims 4, which has an extraordinary amount of content. At this rate, it appears that The Sims 4 has a few more years left in it, and there's no telling when the game will ever be "complete." This complicates Project Rene's release date, as it is impossible to predict when the end of The Sims 4's lifespan will come.

How Much Content Does The Sims 4 Have?

The Sims 4 has over 70 pieces of DLC, which includes Kits, Expansion Packs, Game Packs, and Stuff Packs. New content continues to be released, and at times, some DLC is released for free. This occurred, for example, this year when Backyard Stuff was given away for $0 for a limited time.

Will The Sims 4 Fans Make the Leap to Project Rene?

After all the time and money that players have sunk into The Sims 4, it will take a lot for players to leap to Project Rene. This doesn't include just casual players, but also modders who will have to adapt to a new ecosystem, as leaks suggest that development is moving from the Frostbite engine to Unreal Engine 5. Where the modders go is likely where casual players will follow, as modders provide content that Maxis doesn't for free.

There is no telling when The Sims 4 fatigue will set in, opening a window for Project Rene to launch. To date, the game has gathered over 70 million players worldwide, and that number only continues to increase thanks to the fact that the base game is now available to download and play for free. There is a chance that when Project Rene is released, it will be stuck in The Sims 4's shadow.

The Leaks of Project Rene

Project Rene has suffered a few leaks, leading to mixed reactions from The Sims fans. The chance that Denuvo anti-tampering software will reportedly be used has alarmed some, while others are not fond of the cartoonish art style that leaks claim the game features. With none of the leaks confirmed or denied, players will have to wait until Maxis gives an official showcase of the upcoming game.

Project Rene has a lot of weight on its shoulders, and it will take a lot for it to escape from The Sims 4's shadow. There may never be a perfect time for the game to launch, as The Sims 4 just refuses to die out.