Last month some incredibly creepy and impressive photos and footage leaked from a game that was referred to as Project Beast. The game was supposedly a top-secret new-gen project from Dark Souls and Demon's Souls developer, From Software. Now that the Sony E3 2014 presentation has arrived, we have the official title of the game and a whole lot more of that terrifying, supernatural cinematic footage.

Project Beast is actually titled Bloodborne and is a PS4 exclusive slated to arrive in 2015. The dark trailer is full of monsters, disfigured or transformed creatures, and other unnerving sights. If the game is anything like Dark Souls, we imagine those beasts won't be very easy to slay either...

It's hard to follow exactly what is happening in the trailer, but it focuses on a Victorian-era cloaked figure as he slays a number of the monster dogs with an awesome looking bladed weapon. As the action rises our character comes across a downed villager that appears to be some kind of zombie (the undead were a recurring theme throughout Sony's E3 presentation) and then later a much larger supernatural creature.

Although the cinematic trailer is beautifully rendered and creepy as hell, unfortunately it leaves us knowing next to nothing about the actual gameplay of Bloodborne. It seems like a safe bet that there will be lots of melee-focused monster hunting battles, but we're still in the dark about the game's mechanics or gameplay aesthetic.

From Software released the following plot synopsis after the E3 presentation to shed a little more light on what the game is all about...

“Face your fears as you search for answers in the ancient city of Yharnam, now cursed with a strange endemic illness spreading through the streets like wildfire. Danger, death and madness lurk around every corner of this dark and horrific world, and you must discover its darkest secrets in order to survive.”

Bloodborne isn't due until 2015, so it seems like anxious horror fans may need to wait quite a while before we learn anything more concrete about the Hidetaka Miyazaki directed game.

What do you predict Bloodborne's gameplay will be like? Were you excited about the cinematic trailer or is too far removed from actual game information to get excited over? Let us know in the comments.

Game ZXC E3 2014 Live Coverage


Bloodborne will be available exclusively on the PS4 in 2015.

Follow Denny on Twitter @The_DFC.