The newest trailer for pro wrestling RPG WrestleQuest introduces players to the game's combat with high-flying signature moves and plenty of wrestling-themed mechanics. Developer Mega Cat Studios revealed the game earlier this year as a turn-based RPG homage to professional wrestling. The game has already shown cameo appearances from a variety of old-school superstars including Macho Man Randy Savage and Andre the Giant among others. Now, Mega Cat is giving players an in-depth look at the chaotic wrestling action.

The one-minute-long trailer shows off a variety of options players will have for their attacks within WrestleQuest. Players will not only be able to attack with strikes but use items and weapons like folding chairs to defeat their opponents. The game will feature a "hype meter" that builds as players fight, allowing them to use special attacks and gimmicks with one character's gimmick featuring a Transformers-esque transformation into a car. Players can also use "tag team combos" to deal significant damage to enemies with different attacks based on the unique wrestling characters in the player's party.

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The trailer also introduces players to WrestleQuest's unique "pinning" mechanic for defeating enemies with players being required to successfully pin their opponents. Once an opponent is downed, players will have to time their inputs with a bar at the bottom of the screen in order to pin and defeat an enemy. Failing to pin an opponent will cause them to come back into the fight, regaining some of their lost HP as well as reducing the player's hype meter.

The final portion of the trailer teases some of the customizable elements in the wrestling game with the lead-up to its boss battles. WrestleQuest players will be able to cut their own pre-match promotional videos as well as customizing their party's walk-on animations before boss battles. WrestleQuest hints that a successful promo may increase the player's hype in boss battles. The trailer also teases some of the major bosses players will face throughout the game, showing off unique locations players will visit throughout WrestleQuest.

WrestleQuest looks to be a markedly different approach on a wrestling genre that is usually dominated by sports games. 2K Sports' WWE 2K serves as the main pro wrestling franchise in the modern gaming world with others like RetroMania Wrestling and RumbleVerse taking more casual-oriented approaches. Other franchises like All Elite Wrestling have looked to step into the gaming space to limited success with AEW Fight Forever in development with an unknown release date. WrestleQuest will bring a unique spin on the flashy, over-the-top action of pro wrestling when it releases.

WrestleQuest is in development for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S

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