Wild Hearts immerses players in the Azuma world, a place inhabited by Kemono monsters. As a player of this hunting game, players are expected to chase the monsters that wreak havoc. In addition to Kemono, there are several other beasts that a player should deal with. They are not only aggressive, but also leave no room for a slight error. The game may be therefore difficult for both newcomers and veterans alike.

To successfully play Wild Hearts, there are a number of tips to take into consideration that can make the learning curve easier. These include tips for understanding the working of the game combat and ways of avoiding many deaths. A player needs to know how to utilize gadgets as they navigate too. Here's what new hunters should keep in mind.

10 Always Eat Before The Fight

Part of the game’s core system involves eating food for buffs. Along the journey one is likely to find berries, fish, and meat. All these should be eaten before meeting Kemono. Once the player has entered a fight, the game does not allow them to chew even a banana until the Kemono dies or flies to another area.

It is also crucial to know the type of monster one will face, as this determines the type of food the player should consume. At the initial stages of the game, players will solely depend on raw food. However, as they progress, they will gain access to better meals.

9 Utilize Karakuri


Karakuri are tools and abilities that are very helpful in hunts. With them, a player can develop several helpful tools. These tools include crates for making walls, healing mist, and jumping platforms. As the game advances, players will combine Karakuri in order to develop more items that they can use to down the monsters. A player should ensure that they strike at the exact time with these tools, as this will deal a blow to the angered Kemono.

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In addition to hunting, Karakuri can be used to activate Dragon Pits. This will enable players to collect more energy and resources, eventually creating more permanent structures such as camps that can be used during the escape.

8 Map The Surroundings

Mapping around one's surroundings is vital when strategizing fights in Wild Hearts. If a player can explore the map, then they can easily create a travel network. This can be done by unblocking the Dragons Pits, which are a source of energy to trick Karakuri. With many pits, players are guaranteed access to more bases and several gadgets that can be used in food production.

Every pit gives a unique amount of energy, though they can be upgraded and unblocked by use of crystals. Crystals are available in the world, though one should focus on crystal motherlodes. After unblocking a dragon pit, it can subsequently be upgraded from the map without needing to go back.

7 Upgrade & Maintain Tsukomo

Tsukomo is a valuable companion robot. They are all over Azuma, and the more the player has, the more they can tailor their playstyle. Since they move every place the player moves, they are incredibly useful if properly maintained. Tsukumo can distract monsters and provide healing mist to an injured player. Also, they offer different support functions.

Those who create a campfires can upgrade Tsukumo by the use of Old Cogs. They can also be enhanced by specializing each one in a specific function: defending, attacking, assisting, or threading. All these will eventually lead one to upgrade every stat with time.

6 Consistently Upgrade

As players battle new Kemono throughout Wild Hearts, they access new armor sets. As they progress, this armor becomes stronger, increasing in defense stats. Thus, it is crucial to craft new armor sets whenever possible since later Kemono in the game get stronger.

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Likewise, to successfully hunt Kemono, weapons should be upgraded. There are various paths to upgrade the eight weapons. These paths have different elemental stats and bonuses.

5 Always Utilize Hunter Vision

Hunter Vision enables a player to see resources around by showing them on the screen. This is important particularly when a player is on a mission of creating more Karakuri. Primarily, Hunter Vision is used in showing the path which an injured Kemono followed.

Monsters have higher speeds than players. Since they can maneuver through obstacles more easily than any smaller character, catching up with them is challenging. This is where Hunter Vision comes in. It will direct a player to the point on the map these monsters are.

4 A Dying Kemono Is the Most Dangerous

Wild Hearts borrows much from Monster Hunter. Anyone who has played it will find this game to be easy, as similar strategies can be applied in both games. In both, as a monster nears its death, it becomes more aggressive and attacks violently. What makes monsters of tWild Hearts different from those of Monster Hunter is that the Kemono tend to stay longer in such a state. This means that they are likely to pose more danger.

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A Kemono's last five minutes are the riskiest, particularly in co-op. A player shouldn't rely on Karakuri at this time, since Kemono turns out to be resistant.

3 Building Hunting Towers

Building Hunting Towers may appear a minor tip, but it is essential to gameplay. Wild Hearts introduces players to the Karakuri hunting tower, a place to locate the giant Kemono. Hunting towers act more like this tower. Having one will help the player in locating monsters within. One should therefore spread these structures to cover a wide area.

Hunting Towers are easy to make. With just 15 water, a player will no longer wander in search of Kemono. The beauty of these structures is that they’ll always be permanent. If they are smashed by the monsters, they rebuild themselves.

2 Know The Hunter's Arm

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It will be a nightmare if a player runs out of Celestial Thread when fighting Kemono. Though new healthy ones can be developed from certain objects around, doing it in a battle isn’t easy. Hunter’s Arm becomes the best option.

This is a strategy of attacking a damaged Kemono, particularly the one with open wounds. Players need to concentrate on the glowing blue spots on the body of the monster. They should climb the monster and use the Hunter's Arm to draw Karakuri Thread from it. This is also the best technique to get Talismans.

1 Multiplayer Eases The Struggle

One of the most efficient ways of bringing down Kemono is by letting in other players to help. Wild Hearts provides several ways of doing this. As the player rests in campfires, there is a menu to look for and other players and join them. Alternatively, a player can either start their own multiplayer session or quest from the map. This will give room for requesting help.

If there are other players online, they can choose to join the battle. A player can also be dropped in other hunts. The co-op is available on all platforms.

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