Relaxing farming simulator games are dominating the gaming market, allowing players to peacefully escape the stresses of reality. Lemon Cake is a quaint indie life simulator game all about taking over the operations of an abandoned bakery (with the help of a friendly ghost).

Players build their bakery by purchasing kitchen upgrades, unlocking additional recipes, and even managing their garden for their own organic homegrown ingredients. Despite Lemon Cake's charming atmosphere, it requires time management and can become overwhelming. Here are some helpful tips to allow players to maximize their profits and manage their time effectively.

7 Preparation Is Key

Lemon Cake

Before opening the bakery to customers at the beginning of the day, players are given ample time to get the bakery ready for business. Players may not realize that this time is unlimited, so players shouldn't feel as though they need to rush. Use all the time necessary to fill up the countertops and prepare displays with baked goods to entice customers inside.

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Ensure the crops in the garden have been picked, use the minecart upgrade to transport ingredients to the kitchen. Additionally, make sure all the farm animals have been tended during this preparation period.

6 Remember The ABCs (Always Be Cooking)

Lemon Cake, gameplay screenshot

The lunch rush is the most stressful part of the day. This is the time moment when players will feel rushed off their feet, constantly sprinting around to deliver orders to waiting customers. This becomes increasingly difficult when players have unlocked the window displays, extra ovens, and the second table for customers.

Any spare time players have should be spent preparing pastries to put in the oven; no moment should be spent standing idly by. Easy pastries with fast cooking times, like the French Baguette or Marshmallow Twist, should be made to restock those ever-popular display shelves. Although these don't make much money, they fly off the shelves, so it is crucial to keep these stocked. Some more complex recipes may be worth extra money, but they take longer in the oven and are a hassle to make with many ingredients. Only make these if a customer has specifically ordered them.

5 Blue Is Perfect

Lemon Cake

While customers wait for their order, players may notice the colored bar underneath their requested pastry, going from blue to green to orange. This corresponds to their waiting time, as it slowly ticks down the longer it takes to get their food.

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Players will get a "Perfect Order" by serving a customer almost immediately after taking their order. They will tip more, as indicated by a blue smiley face. The best way to get consistent 'Perfect Orders' is to have a whole variety of the menu in the display window, ready to serve customers almost immediately.

4 Variety Is The Spice Of Life

Lemon Cake, gameplay screenshot

Having at least one of every pastry on the display rack will make the player's life much easier. They can swap out whatever dish they are holding with an order that a customer has requested, ready for any eventualities.

Players should always ensure they have a fast-baking option on their menu, like a Sweet Roll or French Baguette, to bake whenever they have spare downtime. This will keep display windows stocked up to maximize profits during the lunchtime rush.

3 Tips About Tips

Lemon Cake

Players may notice a tip percentage below their chosen pastries when changing the daily menu. This indicates the amount that customers will tip after their order has been completed. This tip percentage can be increased by several factors, like affordable prices, fast bake times, gluten-free and vegan options, and various available goods. Players will also get bonuses for including new recipes on their menu.

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Several negatives can deduct from the player's tip amount, like a lack of variety in their daily menu or if the selection is becoming repetitive. Players should keep an eye on this tooltip bar when choosing their daily menu, as this will indicate anything hindering their tip amount.

2 Bug Catching

Lemon Cake

Every few nights, after the bakery closes, players play the bug-catching minigame with a ghost, Inspector Mustache. They are given a net and tasked with catching as many insects as possible within a minute to earn some extra money.

Players may not realize that these colored beetles are worth different amounts. The green bugs commonly spawn and are worth 0.75. The blue bugs are worth 1.50, and the rarest yellow bugs are worth a whopping 3.00. Players should prioritize finding and catching the yellow bugs to make the most profit from this minigame.

1 Avoid Bedroom Upgrades

Lemon Cake

After completing each day, players can alter their daily menu and purchase upgrades with their earnings for the bakery, kitchen, and garden to improve their gameplay experience. Players may notice that on the right of this menu are bedroom upgrades. Bonbon warns players to not waste money on these upgrades, and she is absolutely right.

These bedroom upgrades are expensive and pointless, purely for cosmetic purposes only. They only offer aesthetic differences, like outfit changes, and should only be purchased towards the end-game if players want to complete every single upgrade in Lemon Cake.

Lemon Cake is available to play on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch.

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